Admiral Road / Marlborough Avenue / Roxborough Avenue

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Map of project limits

As part of the City of Kitchener’s ongoing efforts to provide consistent and reliable service, we have scheduled road and sewer improvements in your neighbourhood on the street(s) listed above.

These improvements are scheduled to begin, around, April 15, 2024, with an estimated completion date on or around November 14, 2025. You will be notified closer to the date construction is scheduled to start on your section of the street, as well as how long access to your driveway will be affected.

The specific improvements scheduled for this street are:

Upgrade the existing storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water mains, including additional hydrants as required.

  • Replace existing sanitary and water services from the new mains to the property line.
  • Curb and gutter, and sidewalks will be installed.
  • Approximately 40 metres of new sidewalk will be installed on Roxborough Avenue across the side lot of 76 Marlborough Avenue.
  • Upgrade the asphalt roadway.
  • Replace all driveway ramp entrances in concrete.
  • Install and/or replace retaining walls.

These improvements will upgrade the existing, deteriorated underground services and above-ground surface features, in order to prevent future system failure. The project will be funded through utility user fees and will not result in a direct charge to the homeowner.

How you may be affected

In order to carry out these improvements, it will be necessary to close this street to through traffic. Prior to any road closure, signs will be posted on the approaching streets advising motorists of the date and the duration of the closure.

Pedestrian access will be maintained to all properties at all times and vehicular access to all properties within the construction area will be maintained for as long as possible. On-street parking permits, which will allow parking on adjacent side streets, will be hand-delivered to affected homes before vehicular access is cut off.

Before construction starts, an inspection of homes and businesses will be undertaken to determine the condition of buildings in the construction area. The selected consulting firm will contact you directly to arrange for a voluntary inspection of the exterior and interior of your building. This inspection is done to protect the property owner.

More information

Please read the Information Package for more details about how this construction may affect you. All residents are also invited to review the project information boards for more information.

Progress and major milestones will be posted on this project page, subscribe to get email notification of project updates by using the Stay Informed 'Subscribe' button.

As part of the City of Kitchener’s ongoing efforts to provide consistent and reliable service, we have scheduled road and sewer improvements in your neighbourhood on the street(s) listed above.

These improvements are scheduled to begin, around, April 15, 2024, with an estimated completion date on or around November 14, 2025. You will be notified closer to the date construction is scheduled to start on your section of the street, as well as how long access to your driveway will be affected.

The specific improvements scheduled for this street are:

Upgrade the existing storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water mains, including additional hydrants as required.

  • Replace existing sanitary and water services from the new mains to the property line.
  • Curb and gutter, and sidewalks will be installed.
  • Approximately 40 metres of new sidewalk will be installed on Roxborough Avenue across the side lot of 76 Marlborough Avenue.
  • Upgrade the asphalt roadway.
  • Replace all driveway ramp entrances in concrete.
  • Install and/or replace retaining walls.

These improvements will upgrade the existing, deteriorated underground services and above-ground surface features, in order to prevent future system failure. The project will be funded through utility user fees and will not result in a direct charge to the homeowner.

How you may be affected

In order to carry out these improvements, it will be necessary to close this street to through traffic. Prior to any road closure, signs will be posted on the approaching streets advising motorists of the date and the duration of the closure.

Pedestrian access will be maintained to all properties at all times and vehicular access to all properties within the construction area will be maintained for as long as possible. On-street parking permits, which will allow parking on adjacent side streets, will be hand-delivered to affected homes before vehicular access is cut off.

Before construction starts, an inspection of homes and businesses will be undertaken to determine the condition of buildings in the construction area. The selected consulting firm will contact you directly to arrange for a voluntary inspection of the exterior and interior of your building. This inspection is done to protect the property owner.

More information

Please read the Information Package for more details about how this construction may affect you. All residents are also invited to review the project information boards for more information.

Progress and major milestones will be posted on this project page, subscribe to get email notification of project updates by using the Stay Informed 'Subscribe' button.

  • Construction begins April 2024

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    Updated: April 22, 2024

    The City of Kitchener will reconstruct the road on Admiral Road, Marlborough Ave and Roxborough over two years. Year one will consist of Roxborough Avenue and a portion of Marlborough Avenue.

    Year one will consist of:

    • Stage 1A - Roxborough Ave. from Highland Rd. W. to North of Farnham Ave. (keeping access on Farnham open), and Marlborough Ave. from Roxborough Ave. to Belmont Ave. W. (Note: Starting location for the reconstruction is on Roxborough near Highland)
    • Stage 1B - Roxborough from Farnham Ave. to Stage 1 limit (access path on Admiral) and Marlborough from Belmont Ave. W. to North Dr.
    • Roxborough from Farnham to Stage 1 limit (access path on Admiral) and Marlborough from Belmont to North

    This work is part of the Council-approved 2024 Capital Works Program to renew aging city roads, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, watermains, and sidewalk for current and future needs. Please see a map of the work area below. Impacts on properties are expected, including planned water shut-offs, excavation pits and limited parking. For the duration of the construction, affected properties will receive water via a temporary water supply system.

    If you would like to receive updates for this project, please subscribe and you will be added to the email list. Add your email to the Stay Informed box on this page and click 'Subscribe'.

    Map of work area

    What to expect during construction

    Work Hours

    Work will take place from 7 7 p.m., Monday to Friday; work on weekends may also be required from time to time, but is unlikely, and is pre-approved Saturday and Sundays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m..

    Construction noise

    You may experience intermittent noise and vibration during construction (from vacuum trucks, excavators, dump trucks, power generators, air compressors, paving equipment, concrete equipment, etc.).

    Pre-Condition Inspection of Structures

    On heavy construction projects, it is the City of Kitchener’s standard practice to offer to inspect any buildings that might be affected by construction activities before construction starts. If during or after construction residents/tenants experience any concerns with their property, the information from the pre-construction inspection will prove very helpful in quickly and accurately resolving any claims, should they arise. We do recommend that you remove light, fragile or delicate objects from shelves when construction activity is taking place adjacent to your property.

    The City-hired contractor may need access to your house/building to complete a pre-condition inspection survey. The contractor (Oza Inspections) will deliver a pre-construction survey request to schedule a time to complete the survey.

    The contractor will not show up asking for entry without prior notice. If you have questions or concerns regarding the identity of the contractor or contractor worker, please contact the person by the contact information at the bottom of this notice.

    On-Site Communication

    There are times when contractors need to communicate with homeowners about what is happening on-site. This could be about driveway access, water shut-offs, pre-construction inspections, and site restoration work (landscaping, installing pavers etc.). Contractor's staff will be identifiable by their high-visibility company branded clothing. If you need to speak with staff on the construction site, please ask for the Site Inspector.

    Accessible Accommodation

    The City's contractor must ensure safe and accessible walkways and entryways are maintained for everyone during construction. Any temporary access disruptions will be communicated as soon as possible. If you experience a disruption, have a specific access need or related accommodation request, contact the person listed below.

    Residents who require accommodation (level entry, longer notice, etc.) must contact the Project Manager to arrange for access during the construction period.

    Water service disruptions

    The water to your property will need to be shut off to allow for connection and disconnection to the temporary water supply. The contractor will provide at least 48-hour advance notice for all planned shut-offs.

    Automatic lawn sprinkler systems may also be affected; therefore, you may need to water manually. If you did not receive advance notice and your water was turned off, an emergency water shut-off may have been necessary to complete the work.

    Telephone and Internet Services

    This work may affect phone and internet cables for individual properties that aren't buried deep below the sidewalk. The contractor will coordinate with utility companies to minimize disruption. Residents who find their service has been disrupted should notify their phone or internet service provider immediately to start the repair process.

    Important information for owners of sprinkler systems / heated driveways and private landscaping features

    Property owners should remove items located within City property limits (boulevard) to avoid damage. This includes items such as landscaping (plants and pavers), decorative objects, sprinkler systems or heated driveways. If you have a sprinkler system or heated driveway, please contact the Project Manager listed below.

    Road and Sidewalk Access

    To complete the work in a safe manner, there will be road and sidewalk restrictions within the work zone. Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times.

    Driveway Access

    The contractor will notify you of any temporary restrictions to your driveway access. There will be times where driveway access is not possible due to the nature of the work.

    During reconstruction, temporary parking permits will be issued to displaced residents to allow on-street parking when needed. The permits will list streets for parking options as you will be permitted to park longer than 3 hours and overnight. Permits are to be displayed on the dash of your vehicle. Ensure that your vehicle is parked in permitted areas only and that you do not interfere with any construction operations. We communicate with the Bylaw Enforcement team to ensure residents displaced by construction are noted, although illegal parking and/or safety related issues will continue to be enforced.


    This project will affect on-street parking. Parking in the active work zone is not permitted as space is needed for construction equipment and materials. If your parked vehicle affects construction work, it will be relocated with no charge to the owner.

    If you require parking enforcement, please contact 519-741-2345.

    Traffic Management

    Efforts have been made to manage traffic in the area for the safety of workers, road users and residents. Road users should expect delays and increased traffic on nearby main and side streets.

    GRT Service

    Travel times may be affected. Visit for accurate schedule information.

    Access to Trails

    Access to trail heads in nearby locations will be permitted during construction. Signs will be posted to alert trail users of this disruption.

    Moving in/out and Deliveries

    Efforts will be made to accommodate properties that have scheduled move-ins / move-outs and deliveries. Please contact the site inspector in advance to advise of any delivery access.

    Garbage and Recycling

    Please have materials placed at curbside before 7 a.m. on your collection day. If required, the contractor will move bins to an appropriate location and return them in reasonable amount of time. Please ensure that you label your bins with your address.


    The construction work area will be restored with sod, concrete and/or asphalt where required. Interlocking bricks, flagstone on a granular base, or other similar features that are removed from public and private property during construction will be replaced. Further information notice regarding sod will follow once the sod is placed.

    Site Inspector

    Daniel Nielsen (WatlerFedy)


    If you have construction questions or an issue onsite, we ask that you be directed to the site inspector who represents the city onsite. The site inspector is onsite daily and can be identified by the white hardhat they wear with consultant (Walterfedy) company branded logo on it.

    If the site inspector is unavailable, please contact the Project Manager listed at the end of this notice.

    Need more information?

    If you have questions about the upcoming work, please contact us.

    City Project Manager

    Jeff Riedl

    519-497-5917 (TTY:1-866-969-9994)

    Engineering General inquiries


    Thank you for your continued patience.

  • Tree management plan

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    During the design phase of this project, we assessed the existing city trees based on:

    • health
    • risk
    • potential long-term contribution to the urban forest

    We identified which trees to preserve and which to remove. Tree planting opportunities were also identified.

    These projects provide an opportunity to make decisions based on a long-term view to develop a sustainable urban forest.

    Measures used to protect trees during construction include:

    • protective fencing
    • special construction practices (example: tunneling under trees)
    • minimizing the area of disturbance around trees

    A map and list of tree removals and new plantings are now available. The contractor will remove the trees marked for removal shortly after the project begins. They may also perform routine and special tree maintenance work. This work includes removing branches lower than 14’ (4.3 m) over the road and 8’ (2.4 m) over the sidewalk. They may also need to prune low branches on private trees that overhang the sidewalk and roadway.

    The City will provide each new tree with a watering bag. This will be regularly filled by City staff during the growing season (May to October) for the first two years. This is the most important step in establishing healthy trees. We encourage adjacent residents to give supplemental water during drought periods. Also, to water the area around mulch piles. This promotes root growth into the boulevard during the tree’s establishment stage.

    If you have any questions, please contact Scott Van Raay at or 519-741-2345 (TTY:1-866-696-9994).

  • Project information and new resident surveys

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    More information is now available about about the Admiral Road / Marlborough Avenue / Roxborough Avenue road reconstruction.

    Please read the Information Package for more details about this project and how construction may affect you. You also invited to review the project information boards for more information.

    We want to hear from you

    In planning for the upcoming road reconstruction, we would like to hear from you about:

    • Any issues you had in the past with sewer backups, flooding, or water pressure
    • What we might need know about you before we begin construction
    • Your interest in having a private storm drain connection installed

    Help us take your needs into consideration when planning the road reconstruction. Please take a few minutes to answer our Resident/Owner Questionnaire.

    During construction, we may be able to install a private storm drain connection to your property for a minimal fee. This connection would accept sump pump discharge and/or localized surface drainage from your property. To learn more and express your interest, answer the Storm Service Survey.

  • Field survey

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    During the next few weeks, you may observe surveyors undertaking a detailed field survey in your neighbourhood. The survey is being completed in preparation for the reconstruction of the street(s).

    As is common with many city reconstruction projects, the service of a consulting engineering firm has been arranged to work with City of Kitchener staff. The firm of Walter Fedy has been selected for this project.

    To gather the required details, the survey will include the frontage of your property as well as the street. The purpose of this survey is to locate all existing features (trees, gardens, steps and walkways, etc.) on the plans for preliminary study and final design.

    The surveyors should not interfere with your regular activities but will identify themselves if you have any questions.

Page last updated: 12 Jun 2024, 03:26 PM