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Application to amend zoning for 28 Westhill Dr
Changes to the Zoning Bylaw for this location are required before a permit can be issued. This means that they submit an application that is reviewed by city planners and other agencies plus city council before anything can be built.
West Heaven Limited is proposing a subdivision which will include the completion of Westhaven Street, connecting the north and south sections with a total of 19 single detached dwellings fronting onto the street. The plan also proposes a multi-unit residential block fronting Westhill Drive which is planned to be an apartment building with 87 units with 117 bedrooms. A portion of the lands will be added to the existing storm water management pond (east of Westhaven Street) and a new walkway providing a pedestrian connection to Westhill Drive.
Zoning bylaw changes requested include:
rezoning the property from future determination (FD) to residential R4 and residential R9 with site specific specifications
allowing conservation (OS3) zoning
allowing an increase to the apartment building height to 13 m from 12 m, while still limiting the building to 4 storeys
View the documents submitted by the development company under supporting documents on this page for more details and drawings.
Building height, units, housing types
Tallest tower: 4 storeys
Number of units: 87 (117 bedrooms)
Housing types: apartments
Parking: 93 spaces with 4 accessible and 8 visitor spaces
Bicycle parking: 46
You can provide feedback to the planning department, and it will be shared with the council, or ask a question to learn more about this application.
Images are provided by the applicant and may not reflect the final design approved by the planning division.
Application to amend zoning for 28 Westhill Dr
Changes to the Zoning Bylaw for this location are required before a permit can be issued. This means that they submit an application that is reviewed by city planners and other agencies plus city council before anything can be built.
West Heaven Limited is proposing a subdivision which will include the completion of Westhaven Street, connecting the north and south sections with a total of 19 single detached dwellings fronting onto the street. The plan also proposes a multi-unit residential block fronting Westhill Drive which is planned to be an apartment building with 87 units with 117 bedrooms. A portion of the lands will be added to the existing storm water management pond (east of Westhaven Street) and a new walkway providing a pedestrian connection to Westhill Drive.
Zoning bylaw changes requested include:
rezoning the property from future determination (FD) to residential R4 and residential R9 with site specific specifications
allowing conservation (OS3) zoning
allowing an increase to the apartment building height to 13 m from 12 m, while still limiting the building to 4 storeys
View the documents submitted by the development company under supporting documents on this page for more details and drawings.
Building height, units, housing types
Tallest tower: 4 storeys
Number of units: 87 (117 bedrooms)
Housing types: apartments
Parking: 93 spaces with 4 accessible and 8 visitor spaces
Bicycle parking: 46
You can provide feedback to the planning department, and it will be shared with the council, or ask a question to learn more about this application.
Images are provided by the applicant and may not reflect the final design approved by the planning division.
Now that you've reviewed the application, it's time to submit your feedback. What are your initial thoughts on the proposal?
You may want to consider:
how the proposal affects the immediate surroundings
the proposal’s fit with the city’s goals and priorities
any changes you feel are needed to address your concerns
Comments submitted here will not be posted publicly, but will be summarized in a staff report for council. Council will see the personal information you provide such as your name and address. View the privacy policy.
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Page last updated: 20 Jan 2025, 11:02 AM
Application status
New application
28 Westhill Dr (Z-20-02, 30T-20401) has finished this stage
An application has been submitted to the city's Planning staff and has been deemed complete.
Under Review
28 Westhill Dr (Z-20-02, 30T-20401) has finished this stage
City staff, including from Planning, Engineering and Transportation departments (among others), and external agencies are reviewing the application. The public is invited to provide feedback before the formal public meeting.
Staff report complete and posted
28 Westhill Dr (Z-20-02, 30T-20401) has finished this stage
City Planning staff has completed their report that includes recommendations to council on the application. View the report under Supporting documents.
Council decision complete
28 Westhill Dr (Z-20-02, 30T-20401) has finished this stage
The council has received feedback, reviewed the application and a decision is made.
Application complete
28 Westhill Dr (Z-20-02, 30T-20401) is currently at this stage
This final decision has been made and the zoning bylaw change has been passed. View the council meeting minutes for the application decision.