720 Erbsville Rd (OPA-45, Z-22-15)

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Application to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law for 720 Erbsville Rd

Changes to the Official Plan and the Zoning Bylaw for this location are required before a permit can be issued. This means that an application was submitted that is reviewed by city planners, other agencies and city council before anything can be built.

Sunvest Group of Companies is proposing the construction of 169 new residential units consisting of 59 townhouse units, 120 stacked townhouse units and 243 parking spaces.

Official Plan changes requested include:

  • allowing stacked townhouses that are 4 units wide and 4 units vertical with a total of 16 units, whereas the Erbsville South Block Plan limits stacked townhouses to 4 units in width and 2 units vertical for a total of 8 units
  • allowing a maximum building height of 12 metres for the proposed stacked townhouses, whereas the maximum building height is 10 metres

Zoning By-law changes requested include:

  • rezoning the lands from Future Determination (FD) to Residential Eight (R8) and Conservation (OS3)
  • a minimum interior lot line setback abutting the OS1 and OS3 zone of 3.2 metres, whereas the R8 zone requires an interior lot line setback of 7.5 metres
  • a minimum side yard setback of 1.5 metres, whereas the R8 zone requires a side yard setback of 1.8 metres
  • a maximum building height of 12 metres for a stacked townhouse building, whereas the R8 zone limits the maximum building height to 10 metres
  • Notwithstanding section 3.D.2.6 of the By-law, prohibit decks within 2.0 metres of the rear lot line, whereas the By-law prohibits decks within 4.0 metres of the rear lot line.

View the documents submitted by the development company under Supporting Documents on this page for more details and drawings.

Building height, units, housing types

Tallest building: 12 metres

Number of units: 169

Unit sizes: mix of one, two and three bedrooms

Housing types: condominium units


Parking: 243 parking spaces (1 per residential unit + 74 visitor spaces)

You can provide feedback to the planning department, and it will be shared with the council, or ask a question to learn more about this application.

Images are provided by the applicant and may not reflect the final design approved by the Planning Department.

Application to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law for 720 Erbsville Rd

Changes to the Official Plan and the Zoning Bylaw for this location are required before a permit can be issued. This means that an application was submitted that is reviewed by city planners, other agencies and city council before anything can be built.

Sunvest Group of Companies is proposing the construction of 169 new residential units consisting of 59 townhouse units, 120 stacked townhouse units and 243 parking spaces.

Official Plan changes requested include:

  • allowing stacked townhouses that are 4 units wide and 4 units vertical with a total of 16 units, whereas the Erbsville South Block Plan limits stacked townhouses to 4 units in width and 2 units vertical for a total of 8 units
  • allowing a maximum building height of 12 metres for the proposed stacked townhouses, whereas the maximum building height is 10 metres

Zoning By-law changes requested include:

  • rezoning the lands from Future Determination (FD) to Residential Eight (R8) and Conservation (OS3)
  • a minimum interior lot line setback abutting the OS1 and OS3 zone of 3.2 metres, whereas the R8 zone requires an interior lot line setback of 7.5 metres
  • a minimum side yard setback of 1.5 metres, whereas the R8 zone requires a side yard setback of 1.8 metres
  • a maximum building height of 12 metres for a stacked townhouse building, whereas the R8 zone limits the maximum building height to 10 metres
  • Notwithstanding section 3.D.2.6 of the By-law, prohibit decks within 2.0 metres of the rear lot line, whereas the By-law prohibits decks within 4.0 metres of the rear lot line.

View the documents submitted by the development company under Supporting Documents on this page for more details and drawings.

Building height, units, housing types

Tallest building: 12 metres

Number of units: 169

Unit sizes: mix of one, two and three bedrooms

Housing types: condominium units


Parking: 243 parking spaces (1 per residential unit + 74 visitor spaces)

You can provide feedback to the planning department, and it will be shared with the council, or ask a question to learn more about this application.

Images are provided by the applicant and may not reflect the final design approved by the Planning Department.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Now that you've reviewed the application, it's time to submit your feedback. What are your initial thoughts on the proposal? 

    You may want to consider:

    • How the proposal affects the immediate surroundings
    • The proposal’s fit with the City’s goals and priorities
    • Any changes you feel are needed to address your concerns

    Comments submitted here will not be posted publicly, but will be summarized in a staff report for Council. Council will see the personal information you provide such as your name and address. View the privacy policy.

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Page last updated: 20 Jan 2025, 11:11 AM