Affordable Housing Strategy Discussion Paper
Read the Discussion Paper that describes a range of possible actions that could be included in the Affordable Housing Strategy and let us know what you think! The discussion paper was presented to council on April 4 2022.
The Affordable Housing Strategy Discussion Paper identifies 30 possible actions that the city could take to help improve housing affordability in the City. As you are reviewing the Discussion Paper, please consider:
1) Which actions do you think are the most important? The least important? Why?
2) If you have other ideas or actions that the City should explore that weren’t already mentioned?
Please share your comments on the discussion paper with our project team!
This critical phase of the work identifies key drivers of declining affordability and incudes six goals and 30 actions that the city could undertake to address those drivers. The strategy that is ultimately developed will align and support broader provincial and regional planning and funding frameworks and focus on the areas within the city’s scope of influence. Following consultation, staff will bring an Affordable Housing Strategy to Council for consideration later this year.
The six sections of the discussion paper are:
- Defining affordable housing
- Strategy purpose and scope
- Causes of declining housing affordability
- Principles, goals and targets
- Tools and approaches
- Conclusions & Recommendations