Amendment to allow up to four dwelling units

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Zoning amendments to allow for up to four dwelling units per property (Z-24-05)

Changes to the Zoning Bylaw are being explored that would allow up to four dwelling units to be constructed on properties zoned for low density residential development. The proposed changes build on previous amendments to the Zoning By-law that permitted three residential units per property in alignment with the Province’s “Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022”.

In addition to permitting four-unit housing, Staff are reviewing Additional Dwelling Unit and Coach House requirements, including zoning regulations relating to built form (height, setbacks, floor area, entrance locations) and parking requirements.

This project is in its preliminary stages. Draft amendments will be made available for comment and review at a later date. Comments from the public or interested parties are welcome throughout the process.

You can provide feedback to the planning department, and it will be shared with the council, or ask a question to learn more about this application.

Zoning amendments to allow for up to four dwelling units per property (Z-24-05)

Changes to the Zoning Bylaw are being explored that would allow up to four dwelling units to be constructed on properties zoned for low density residential development. The proposed changes build on previous amendments to the Zoning By-law that permitted three residential units per property in alignment with the Province’s “Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022”.

In addition to permitting four-unit housing, Staff are reviewing Additional Dwelling Unit and Coach House requirements, including zoning regulations relating to built form (height, setbacks, floor area, entrance locations) and parking requirements.

This project is in its preliminary stages. Draft amendments will be made available for comment and review at a later date. Comments from the public or interested parties are welcome throughout the process.

You can provide feedback to the planning department, and it will be shared with the council, or ask a question to learn more about this application.

  • Now that you've reviewed the application, it's time to submit your feedback. What are your initial thoughts on the proposal? 

    You may want to consider:

    • how the proposal affects the immediate surroundings
    • the proposal’s fit with the city’s goals and priorities
    • any changes you feel are needed to address your concerns

    Comments submitted here will not be posted publicly, but will be summarized in a staff report for council. Council will see the personal information you provide such as your name and address. View the privacy policy.

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Page last updated: 30 May 2024, 01:46 PM