Arts and Culture Master Plan

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Consultation has concluded

We are creating a new Arts and Culture Master Plan that will outline strategic priorities for the Recreation and Culture division to develop and enhance culture services, facilities, public art, programming and events in Cambridge over the next ten years.

We are calling on all those who live, work and play in Cambridge!

Please take part in the brief survey below before February 13, 2023.

This survey will gather your experience and thoughts on art and culture in Cambridge before it is then used to inform the development of the master plan.

Nordicity, a consulting firm with expertise in strategy and policy for the arts and culture sector, has been engaged to analyze the results of this survey as a neutral, independent third party.

Your input is valued and will help shape the future of Arts and Culture in Cambridge!

For updates on this master plan project and more on arts and culture in Cambridge please visit

We are creating a new Arts and Culture Master Plan that will outline strategic priorities for the Recreation and Culture division to develop and enhance culture services, facilities, public art, programming and events in Cambridge over the next ten years.

We are calling on all those who live, work and play in Cambridge!

Please take part in the brief survey below before February 13, 2023.

This survey will gather your experience and thoughts on art and culture in Cambridge before it is then used to inform the development of the master plan.

Nordicity, a consulting firm with expertise in strategy and policy for the arts and culture sector, has been engaged to analyze the results of this survey as a neutral, independent third party.

Your input is valued and will help shape the future of Arts and Culture in Cambridge!

For updates on this master plan project and more on arts and culture in Cambridge please visit

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for taking part in our survey!

    Please be assured that your responses will remain confidential and only be released in aggregate (i.e., never on an individual basis).

    Consultation has concluded
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