Breslau Library FAQ

    Where is the proposed location?

    The Breslau Community Centre opened to the public in 2009 and is well used community asset with available space at the ready. Using a strategic, iterative approach of expansion – this unique lower level library would build upon the existing pop-up library programs currently at the CentreWith Township partnership there are opportunities to provide unique library programming by leveraging existing assets including kitchen areas, a variety of recreational, program and meeting room spaces, ample parking and close proximity to public transportation.   

    Who would operate this library?

    This library proposal is a collaborative effort between the Township of Woolwich and the Region of Waterloo. A new Breslau Library Branch would be operated by the Region of Library with strategic direction and facilities support from the Township 

    How will it be funded?

    Region of Waterloo Libraries are funded through municipal and regional tax levy 

    What is the aim of community engagement for this project?

    Community engagement seeks to gather input to determine if Breslau residents would be in support of a new library branch in an existing, underused space inside the Breslau Community Centre.  

    What does this mean for a future library building?

    Building off this measured expansion, the next iteration could be a full-scale librardetermined by future capital planning discussions.