Why is the City undertaking the Belmont Avenue Urban Corridor Study?

    City staff are undertaking this study to evaluate existing planning policies and guidelines, refine policy directions, and include a comprehensive engagement plan for residents, businesses, and the community at large.

    What is an "Urban Corridor"

    The City's Official Plan states that Urban Corridors are generally linear in form and are located along existing or planned transit corridors. They are intended to have strong pedestrian linkages and be integrated with neighbouring residential and employment uses.

    What is the purpose of an "Urban Corridor"?

    The City's Official Plan identifies the purpose of Urban Corridors as providing for a range of retail and commercial uses and intensification opportunities that should be transit-supportive.

    Urban Corridors function as the spine of a community as well as a destination for surrounding neighbourhoods. Strengthening linkages and establishing compatible interfaces between the Urban Corridors and surrounding Community Areas and Industrial Employment areas are priorities for development in these areas.

    How can I participate in the study?

    You can participate in the study by sharing your ideas on the "Ideas Board" as well as using the "Subscribe" button to subscribe to email updates for the study.

    What is the vision for the Belmont Avenue corridor?

    The Corridor Vision, as identified in the 2012 City of Kitchener Urban Design Manual, is “an urban village that provides a diverse range of shops, offices, services and housing, and has strong pedestrian linkages to surrounding neighbourhoods and the open space system.”

    Is there an opportunity to expand the study area boundary?

    The Project Team will explore opportunities to expand the study area boundary on a parcel by parcel basis.

    Where can I find more information about the City’s "Urban Corridors"?

    Information on the City’s Urban Corridors can be found in the City of Kitchener Official Plan (Link: https://www.kitchener.ca/en/resourcesGeneral/Documents/DSD_PLAN_City_of_Kitchener_Official_Plan_2014.pdf)

    What are the existing zoning permissions for properties along the Belmont Avenue corridor?

    The Belmont Avenue corridor is predominantly zoned “Mixed Use Zone (MIX-2)”, with each property also containing Site Specific Provisions. More information on the Mixed Use Zones can be found here: https://app2.kitchener.ca/appdocs/zonebylaw2019/PublishedCurrentText/SECTION%208%20-%20Mixed%20Use%20(MIX)%20Zones/Section%208.pdf