What is the integrated Municipal Class EA and Planning Act process?

    The integrated approach provides an opportunity to reduce duplication by simultaneously complying with the Planning Act and Class EA processes, including public/stakeholder notification and consultation requirements, technical reports and analyses, and land use planning and environmental protection decisions.

    What is a Secondary Plan?

    Secondary Plans can be considered a second layer of the City-wide Official Plan. They include a land use plan with implementing policies that are adopted into the Official Plan to ensure that their intent is legally binding.

    What does a Secondary Plan do?

    • Helps understand opportunities and address issues related to land use in certain defined geographic areas.
    • Provide specific policies for those areas of the City where more detailed direction is needed for matters beyond the general framework provided by the Official Plan.
    • Provide an opportunity to promote consistency in new/developing areas and compatibility within existing areas that require revitalization.

    What is the role of Planning?

    • Introduce the study to the community to get an understanding of how the residents see this area changing and growing.
    • Balance the needs and wants of the community against the planning policy guiding growth or redevelopment in the City and the Province.
    • To learn more about how our community grows through planning and development please watch these informative videos

    What is a Complete Community?

    A complete community creates and provides access to a mix of land uses including, a full range and mix of housing, including affordable housing, recreation, commerce, community and cultural facilities, health care facilities, employment, parks and open spaces distributed and connected in a coherent and efficient manner. A complete community also supports the use of public transit and active transportation, enabling residents to meet most of their daily needs within a short distance of their homes.

    What is a Healthy Community?

    A healthy community provides access to clean air and water, nutritious food, a variety of employment opportunities, and safe and socially vibrant neighbourhoods. A healthy community also promotes human health and active lifestyles by providing access to community infrastructure, active transportation, parks and open space.