Growing Together East

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The City of Kitchener is growing, and a lot of that growth is happening in the areas around the ION LRT system.

On March 18, 2024, Kitchener City Council approved the first phase, Growing Together West. This included Official Plan Amendments and Zoning By-law amendments to introduce new Strategic Growth Area (SGA) land uses and zones and apply them within seven of Kitchener’s 10 Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs).

The final phase, Growing Together East, will update the planning framework for the remaining three MTSAs: Block Line, Fairway, and Sportsworld.

This project will enable and encourage responsible growth for many years to come. By participating, you will gain a greater understanding of the factors influencing growth and change in our city and Kitchener’s obligations to plan for this growth.

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The City of Kitchener is growing, and a lot of that growth is happening in the areas around the ION LRT system.

On March 18, 2024, Kitchener City Council approved the first phase, Growing Together West. This included Official Plan Amendments and Zoning By-law amendments to introduce new Strategic Growth Area (SGA) land uses and zones and apply them within seven of Kitchener’s 10 Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs).

The final phase, Growing Together East, will update the planning framework for the remaining three MTSAs: Block Line, Fairway, and Sportsworld.

This project will enable and encourage responsible growth for many years to come. By participating, you will gain a greater understanding of the factors influencing growth and change in our city and Kitchener’s obligations to plan for this growth.

Stay informed

If you would like to get email updates about this project, add your email to the Stay Informed section and click ‘Subscribe’.

  • New draft materials, public open house and staff office hours

    Share New draft materials, public open house and staff office hours on Facebook Share New draft materials, public open house and staff office hours on Twitter Share New draft materials, public open house and staff office hours on Linkedin Email New draft materials, public open house and staff office hours link

    A photo from the Growing Together East workshop at the Fairway ION Station

    What we heard

    We held a series of community engagement events in summer and early fall 2024. Overall, we heard there is broad support for growth and intensification within these station areas. Residents also said it’s critical the City builds parks and open spaces, local retail and grocery, walkable streets, and community spaces to support that growth. A summary report, including the results from each event, is now available.

    Read the report

    Public open house

    Planning staff will be hosting a public open house in the Conestoga Room located on the first floor of City Hall on February 26th, from 4:00pm - 7:00pm. Staff from the Growing Together East team will be available to take your questions and receive your comments.

    Come and talk to us one-on-one about your property or give us your feedback on the things that matter to you!

    This public open house also provides an opportunity for you to learn more about the proposed planning framework that will guide growth and change within Kitchener's Block Line, Fairway and Sportsworld Protected Major Transit Station Areas (PMTSAs).

    Where: Conestoga Room, 1st Floor, Kitchener City Hall, 200 King St. W.

    When: Wednesday, February 26th between 4:00pm and 7:00pm

    You can also provide your questions and comments to us via email at by February 28, 2025.

    Draft materials

    New draft materials are now available. This includes a Land Use and Zoning Brief with draft Official Plan Policies and Zoning By-law Regulations.

    These policies and regulations are specific to the Block Line, Fairway and/or Sportsworld PMTSAs. They are in addition to those approved through the Official Plan Policies (primarily Section 15.D.2) and Zoning By-law Regulations that were part of Growing Together West.

    The Land Use and Zoning Brief contains critical information for landowners, developers and consultants. Please review it in detail.

    Read the Land Use and Zoning Brief

    Other materials in this update include:

    Staff Office Hours

    Staff are available to meet with landowners to discuss property-specific requests. Interested landowners may book a 30-minute appointment on:

    • Tuesday, Feb. 11 between 1 and 4 p.m.
    • Thursday, Feb 13 between 1 and 4 p.m.
    • Tuesday, Feb. 18 between 1 and 4 p.m.
    • Thursday, Feb. 20 between 1 and 4 p.m.

    To book, email us with your preferred dates and times at

    Interested in making a submission on a property you own? Please read the instructions below.

    Landowner submission requirements

    Landowners within the Study Area can provide written submissions about specific properties. We can accept submissions until February 28, 2025.

    Requests for site-specific changes must include materials that meet the following criteria:

    • Proof of lot ownership
    • A conceptual design that:
    • A scoped planning justification addressing Official Plan Policy 15.D.2.5 which requires:
      • a demonstration of compatibility with the planned function of the lands and adjacent lands
      • suitability of the lot for the proposed use or built form
      • lot consolidation
      • compliance with Kitchener’s Urban Design Manual and Official Plan urban design policies
      • consideration of cultural heritage resources

    Please note

    These draft materials are not final. Continued dialogue with residents and industry and agency collaborators may result in changes. For example, this could include updates such as:

    • applying holding provisions to individual properties where a record of site condition or a noise study is required
    • changes based on the landowner submissions process
    • new building height requirements in response to comments from the Region of Waterloo on behalf of the Region of Waterloo International Airport

    Staff will consider all comments and submissions as part of our report to City Council in spring 2025.

  • Draft land use and zoning maps now available

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    Since May, staff have been working to develop the Draft Land Use and Zoning Maps for the Block Line, Fairway, and Sportsworld Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs). The draft approach to growth and change combines public and collaborator feedback.

    It also aligns with key City objectives to:

    • Address the housing crisis by improving housing choice and affordability in Kitchener’s MTSAs
    • Address the climate emergency by creating transit-supportive communities. This includes maximizing the use of existing infrastructure and leveraging new infrastructure.
    • Encourage a shift towards active transportation and transit within complete communities that provide for daily needs
    • Help bring more people, activity, life and diversity to Kitchener’s MTSAs

    The draft land use and zoning maps recommend carrying forward the Strategic Growth Area land uses and zones approved by City Council for Kitchener’s seven other MTSAs. Strategic Growth Areas allow a wide variety of housing types and mix of uses within Major Transit Station Areas.

    Draft materials now available

    Please view the Draft Land Use Map and Draft Zoning Map for a full description of the proposed changes. These draft materials are not final. Changes may be made based on continued dialogue with residents, industry collaborators, and agencies.

    The Official Plan policies for Strategic Growth Area land uses can be found in Section 15.D.2 of the Official Plan beginning on page 171.

    You can also view the Draft Zoning Bylaw for Strategic Growth Area zones. This Bylaw is currently under appeal.

    Staff are happy to answer questions about these materials. Please contact us at

    Next steps

    A complete set of draft materials will be published on this page by February 2025. This will include an:

    • Official Plan Amendment
    • Zoning Bylaw Amendment
    • Engagement Summary
    • Any additional policies, regulations or holding provisions that may apply

    Beginning February 2025, staff will offer one-on-one meetings to discuss site-specific opportunities and review landowner submissions. See below for submission requirements.

    We will then consider all comments and submissions as part of our final report to City Council in Q2 2025. Comments, questions and submissions can be emailed to

    Landowner submission requirements

    Landowners within the Study Area can provide written submissions about specific properties. If a request is made for a site-specific change, landowners must submit materials that meet the following criteria:

    • Proof of lot ownership
    • A conceptual design that demonstrates compliance with the desired zone and refers to the zone standards approved through Growing Together West
    • A scoped planning justification addressing Official Plan Policy 15.D.2.5, which requires:
      • a demonstration of compatibility with the planned function of the lands and adjacent lands
      • suitability of the lot for the proposed use or built form
      • lot consolidation
      • compliance with Kitchener’s Urban Design Manual and Official Plan urban design policies
      • consideration of cultural heritage resources

    Submit questions, comments and landowner submissions at any time to

    Still to come

    The City is undertaking a Market Analysis Study and Transportation and Noise Study. This will inform any other policies or regulations that may be required within the Study Area. For example, holding provisions may be required for individual properties where a noise study is required or to address future traffic considerations.

  • Visit us at a drop-in session this summer

    Share Visit us at a drop-in session this summer on Facebook Share Visit us at a drop-in session this summer on Twitter Share Visit us at a drop-in session this summer on Linkedin Email Visit us at a drop-in session this summer link

    We’re hosting a series of drop-in sessions that explore, through a hands-on activity, how the Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs) at Block Line, Fairway and Sportsworld could grow and change.

    During the drop-in sessions, City staff will be sharing information about the amount of growth we’ll need to accommodate within the next ten years. Please feel free to drop-in any time during the above sessions and stay as briefly or as long as you like.

    • Saturday June 22, 2024, 12 to 8 p.m. at the Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Festival (Victoria Park)
    • Tuesday July 9, 2024, 3 p.m to 7 p.m. at Fairway LRT Station (next to LRT platform)
    • Saturday July 13, 2024, 7 a.m to 2 p.m. at Kitchener Market (300 King Street East)

    Other engagement dates and times will be added as they are scheduled. To be notified when those dates are announced, subscribe for updates. Add your email to the Stay Informed box and click 'Subscribe'.

Page last updated: 07 Feb 2025, 11:38 AM