Public information session

Please be advised that the City of Waterloo and its engineering consultant for this project, GM Blueplan Engineering, will be holding a Public Information Centre (PIC) meeting to provide information to local residents about the planned reconstruction of Hillcrest Avenue in 2024. Details regarding the date and location of the PIC are as follows:

Date: Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Time: 5 - 7 p.m.

Place: Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School – Gymnasium (enter school from main doors off Roslin Ave.)

55 Roslin Avenue South, Waterloo

The PIC provides interested residents with an informal forum to review the preliminary design plans, ask questions of City and engineering consultant staff, and learn more about the overall project scope and schedule. Subject to receipt of all technical and financial approvals, construction of this project is tentatively scheduled to occur from mid-April 2024 to Fall 2024.

The City encourages all interested residents to attend the PIC to learn about the scope and timing of the improvements, how access will be provided during construction, how mail delivery and waste collection service will be maintained, and how they will receive further information about the project prior to construction.

Residents should be aware that vehicular access to both the roadway and private properties is often restricted during construction activities. Construction will be completed under “road closed – local access only” conditions and primarily between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Residents with special needs including mobility issues, those who require frequent deliveries or frequent access to their property, or similar requirements are encouraged to attend to begin discussions regarding accommodation. If attendance is not possible, please contact the City’s Project Manager (contact information below) at your earliest opportunity. The Contractor and site inspectors will attempt to accommodate residents to the best of their ability while not compromising the safety of the construction zone. However, certain circumstances may require additional discussion and planning; advanced notification allows for alternative arrangements to be made.

Topics of interest to residents and frequently discussed at PICs include:

  • identifying trees that may be removed;
  • alternative parking locations when access to the road and/or private driveways is restricted;
  • City standards for replacing sanitary and water service;
  • measures to be implemented to mitigate impacts to landscaped features on private property;
  • waste collection procedures during construction;
  • City standards for replacement of driveway accesses within the municipal right-of-way and measures to be implemented to mitigate impacts to private driveways;
  • potential requirements for access to private property in order to replace water and sanitary service laterals and associated disturbances; and;
  • City policy regarding restoration of boulevard areas that contain landscaping completed by residents.

    *Note: The boulevard is defined as the space between the edge of a roadway and the property line. Along Hillcrest Avenue, the property line is located approximately 2.70 metres behind the back edge of the existing sidewalk.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this project and cannot attend the PIC, please contact the City’s Project Manager.

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