Take part in online activities, help plan your community
As Kitchener grows and evolves, your input is crucial in shaping the Kitchener of 2051. We invite you to take part by engaging in a variety of online activities to gather your ideas and feedback. Whether you prefer to complete a survey, map out where and how you think the city should grow, make a climate pledge, or share your vision for Kitchener – there’s a way for everyone to get involved!
How you can take part:
Share your ideas and aspirations for Kitchener 2051 through one or all of these online activities! Activities close Thursday Oct. 31, 2024.
Answer the survey: Share your thoughts on the what’s most important for Kitchener 2051.
Add to the map: Show us where and how you think Kitchener should grow and develop.
Speakers Corner: Tell us your story or vision for what a connected, green, thriving, and caring Kitchener looks like in 2051.
Make a climate pledge: What is one thing you will do to help combat climate change? Add your commitment.