Mill Courtland Community Centre Expansion Idea Boards
On Saturday, Sept 10 Jay Pitter Placemaking held a community engagement open house at the Mill Courtland Community Centre to seek feedback on a set of design idea boards as part of the business case and hybrid master plan process. Feedback will be continue to be collected on these boards at the MCCC itself where they will remain on display until Sept 30, 2022 and through the Engage Kitchener page.
You can view the boards by downloading them here and are able to leave your feedback as a comment to this newsfeed post.
It's important to note that not all the ideas presented on the boards will be included in the final business case and represent a menu of options that have resulted from Jay Pitter's equitable placemaking and design approaches, research that University of Waterloo urban planning students have done, and community contributions.
While all ideas will be considered, final decisions will be made on expressed community priorities, available budget, and existing municipal policies. Also, images displayed are for visualization purposes only and do not represent final designs.
We are asking the community to respond to three questions on each boards:
- Which equitable placemaking and design concepts resonate with you?
- Which equitable placemaking and design concepts concern you?
- Which equitable placemaking and design concepts would you like to add?