Mill Race Park Pedestrian Bridges

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Your input is needed to help determine the future of two pedestrian bridges in Mill Race Park that were closed in 2022.

The bridges were closed following a structural engineering review that found them to be unsafe. It was determined through this review that the bridges should either be replaced or removed.

The following three options are being considered for bridges 2 and 3, along with the approximate high level cost estimates, subject to change based on final design.

Take the survey below and tell us which option you prefer. The survey is open until December 8, 2023


Cost Estimate

1: Permanently close and remove both bridges


2: Rebuild both bridges


3: Rebuild bridge 3 only, and permanently close and remove bridge 2*


*Rebuilding only bridge 2 is not an option, as it would not meet accessibility requirements since the incline of bridge 2 is too steep.

The images below shows the two closed bridges (bridges 2 and 3) as well as a pedestrian bridge that was replaced in the park in 2019 (bridge 1). Bridge 1 is not part of this engagement.

Bridge 1
Bridge 2
Bridge 3
Replaced in 2019



Consultation with the City's Heritage Planner and the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee (MHAC) was done and a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) was completed. The recommendations of the HIA will be incorporated into the design and planning once a preferred option is determined. The recommendations included additional documentation of the bridges and site plan controls from a qualified person to determine acceptable levels of vibration during construction to limit disturbance to the stone walls.

Should reconstruction of one or more of the bridges be determined, any new bridge would follow the design of bridge 1. The design elements include galvanized steel girder, galvanized steel railing system powder coated black and pressure treated wood decking.


Survey Summary

Thank you all that participated in the engagement/survey. There was a fantastic amount of feedback received with over 450 survey responses. The option that received the most votes as the preferred option was replace Bridge 3 and permanently close and remove Bridge 2. In addition we received more than 240 comments sharing your insights regarding the pedestrian bridges with cost and heritage aspects of the area being a factor in your decision. Now that public feedback has been compiled the next steps include additional consultations with stakeholders and presenting all of the findings to Council, planned for spring 2024.

Your input is needed to help determine the future of two pedestrian bridges in Mill Race Park that were closed in 2022.

The bridges were closed following a structural engineering review that found them to be unsafe. It was determined through this review that the bridges should either be replaced or removed.

The following three options are being considered for bridges 2 and 3, along with the approximate high level cost estimates, subject to change based on final design.

Take the survey below and tell us which option you prefer. The survey is open until December 8, 2023


Cost Estimate

1: Permanently close and remove both bridges


2: Rebuild both bridges


3: Rebuild bridge 3 only, and permanently close and remove bridge 2*


*Rebuilding only bridge 2 is not an option, as it would not meet accessibility requirements since the incline of bridge 2 is too steep.

The images below shows the two closed bridges (bridges 2 and 3) as well as a pedestrian bridge that was replaced in the park in 2019 (bridge 1). Bridge 1 is not part of this engagement.

Bridge 1
Bridge 2
Bridge 3
Replaced in 2019



Consultation with the City's Heritage Planner and the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee (MHAC) was done and a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) was completed. The recommendations of the HIA will be incorporated into the design and planning once a preferred option is determined. The recommendations included additional documentation of the bridges and site plan controls from a qualified person to determine acceptable levels of vibration during construction to limit disturbance to the stone walls.

Should reconstruction of one or more of the bridges be determined, any new bridge would follow the design of bridge 1. The design elements include galvanized steel girder, galvanized steel railing system powder coated black and pressure treated wood decking.


Survey Summary

Thank you all that participated in the engagement/survey. There was a fantastic amount of feedback received with over 450 survey responses. The option that received the most votes as the preferred option was replace Bridge 3 and permanently close and remove Bridge 2. In addition we received more than 240 comments sharing your insights regarding the pedestrian bridges with cost and heritage aspects of the area being a factor in your decision. Now that public feedback has been compiled the next steps include additional consultations with stakeholders and presenting all of the findings to Council, planned for spring 2024.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Your input is needed to help determine the future of two pedestrian bridges in Mill Race Park that were closed in 2022. 

    Take Survey
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Page last updated: 21 Dec 2023, 11:38 AM