Fall 2023 update

The outdoor Market season is coming to a close – and what fun we’ve had! Through a combination of programming, strategic investments and community partnerships, we’ve seen the streets come alive in the past two years. Mid-week markets and concerts. Community powered urban agriculture. Fun games and cool places to sit. Thanks to your ideas and continued presence, we’ve seen the streets around the Kitchener Market fill with people and vibrancy.

We have a couple more initiatives to add to the pedestrian-first strategy that has been unfolding in the past two years, including another signature art piece and pedestrian-scale wayfinding. As these final pieces wrap up in the coming months, we’ll share a final report on the vision and strategy towards enhancing the pedestrian experience in the Market District. Stay tuned!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the project team.

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This project is now complete. The long-term vision and highlights from the project can be found in the final report.

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