RBJ Schlegel Park Outdoor Facilities

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This project is now complete and the outdoor facilities at RBJ Schlegel Park are now open and operational. Thank you to those who contributed their feedback and ideas. We hope you see your feedback reflected. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Parks and Cemeteries Division at 519-741-2345 (TTY:1-866-969-9994)

Rendering of the proposed washroom and changeroom facility at RBJ Schlegel Park

The next development at Schlegel Park is happening.

With the first phase of RBJ Schlegel Park complete and open to the public, the City is gearing up for the next phase of work. This includes: a new washroom and changeroom at the splashpad, outdoor court spaces, a staff and maintenance building, and improved trail connections.

The next development at Schlegel Park is happening.

With the first phase of RBJ Schlegel Park complete and open to the public, the City is gearing up for the next phase of work. This includes: a new washroom and changeroom at the splashpad, outdoor court spaces, a staff and maintenance building, and improved trail connections.

This project is now complete and the outdoor facilities at RBJ Schlegel Park are now open and operational. Thank you to those who contributed their feedback and ideas. We hope you see your feedback reflected. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Parks and Cemeteries Division at 519-741-2345 (TTY:1-866-969-9994)

  • Construction complete, washrooms and courts fully open

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    We are pleased to announce that the coating on the courts is complete and the washroom is now open as of last week. This drone photo shows the final state of the facilities.

  • Courts now open

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    In case you missed it, the courts at RBJ Schlegel Park have been re-opened for the remainder of the fall and winter season. The tennis court has been completed. The basketball and pickleball courts have been prepared but final coating was not able to be installed. This will be scheduled for early spring as soon as temperatures allow. Here is a drone shot we took when they were first completed and painted in the summer.

    The washrooms are still under construction and we expect these to be fully built and ready for public use by summer 2024. Temporary portable units are available in the meantime.

  • What We Heard

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    Thank you to everyone who took part in our consultation last year! Here is a summary of what we heard from you and what's next for RBJ Schlegel. You can also view this report as a PDF.


    By the far the most common response. We were overwhelmed by the suggestions, references and examples of other facilities around the Province. Clearly there is demand and a strong voice behind it. That said, we’d like to start the city’s first dedicated Pickleball courts slowly and develop with the Pickleball community.

    We’ll start by increasing the number of courts from 3 to 4, and painting pickleball lines within the tennis facility for 6 immediate courts available. We’ll also make sure that the courts are able to expanded on in the future – an additional 4 mirrored to the proposed courts.

    On the detail side - proper fencing, lighting, adequate benches/seating and windbreaks were common suggestions which are all included in the facility design. Along with pickleball courts, all courts and exercise area will be lit, including walkways to-and-from the parking facility.

    The Washroom

    With the heritage building already in place there isn’t a great deal of flexibility with this design. It was apparent we’re on the right track for changeroom/washroom supply, and can address some of the common questions/concerns.

    • Benches will be added to the Splashpad side of the building to wait for people changing
    • Interior signage will be posted to help guide people to the right room for them
    • Changerooms are sized for at least 1 adult and 2 children with room to spare
    • “Koala” style toddler seats will be in every change room

    The most common concern was timing. Construction will take time over the summer and winter seasons, and in the interim the city has brought in temporary washroom facilities for the duration of construction.

    Existing and Proposed Park Spaces

    We asked what can we improve on now?

    Lack of washrooms was the most common issue which was talked about earlier. Lack of, or poor pedestrian access from Fischer Hallman and Huron Road, and more garbage cans throughout were most concerning to survey takers.

    Better waste facilities will be arranged, particularly as we saw where the highest demand areas were in the park’s brief opening.

    Pedestrian access from both road frontages is a longer term action. Crossing Fischer Hallman will come in the form of a new roundabout at Wallaceton Way, scheduled for construction in 2022. Until then all pedestrians must cross at the existing Huron Rd. roundabout.

    Crossing Huron Road is currently an uncontrolled midblock crossing with a refuge island. We’re re-evaluating the various reports completed in studies prior to the ground breaking in 2017, and will study this intersection as the park develops to monitor demand. We cannot say what this will look like in the future. Updates from the City will follow.

    We also asked what are we missing in the second phase of development?

    Winter rinks. The city only operates one winter rink at Victoria Park. Every other rink in the city is provided by the City but run by volunteer groups. We’ve setup Schlegel Park to do the same with a water source available for any interested community group in the future

    A dog park. For a large park like Schlegel there is very little space that is unplanned. What looks like open space now is likely held for a future use – indoor facilities, parking, roadway, and so on. That said a large portion of the site is dedicated to an indoor recreation facility and parking expansion necessary for it. By April 2022 we’ll have direction on what these facilities are as the initial planning of the indoor facility is completed. This may open up opportunities like dedicated dog runs. We can’t commit to anything yet, and more to come on this following the study’s completion.

    A pavilion. We’ve changed the proposed trellis into a traditional shade structure for gatherings (when permitted) and general shelter. The structure will be lit and electrical outlets available.

    The most common response though was related to a pool, arena or community centre, which leads right into the next section…

    Beyond the Second Phase

    The first phase saw the initial land development, sportsfields, playground, splashpad and everything needed to service the park. In the second we’re adding to the recreational area with hardcourts and trails, completing the heritage house washroom renovation, and adding a critical facility for parks front line staff.

    What’s next at Schlegel Park?


    We are continuing to plan the pool at Schlegel Park, emphasized by the Provincial and Federal governments contribution announdined in May 2021. This will be a long planning, design and construction process and one the City is eager to conitue with. The pool at Schlegel Park is the city’s top indoor recreation priority. City staff will be taking early concepts and business plans to Council in April 2022, leading into detail design for 2022 and 2023 with a target to build and open in late 2025.

    Much more on the pool development will follow!

    Arenas and Turf

    The indoor facility is more than the pool. Along with the aquatic facility are indoor turf and arenas that were planned as part of the park master plan back in 2013. These facilities are being initially designed and planned along with the pool. Both have other influences on their schedule and delivery however, so we cannot say at this time what they’ll look like long term at Schlegel Park. The work in 2021 will sort this out.

    We’ll be posting information on these facilities along with the pool.

    Trails and Landscaping

    Following the second phase, we have planned the infill of the trail system to create meaningful loops and connections to new facilities, including Fischer Hallman multi-use trails when built. Along with those trails will be further tree planting and landscape improvements to create long-term shade opportunities and contribute to the city’s overall tree canopy targets.