ERO Posting for ROPA No. 6 - Comments Due January 4, 2023

On August 18, 2022, the Regional Municipality of Waterloo adopted Regional Official Plan (ROP) Amendment 6 by By-law 09-025. The official plan amendment is now before the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for a decision in accordance with Sections 17 and 26 of the Planning Act. As such, ROP Amendment No. 6 is now posted on the Province’s Environmental Registry (ERO) website, and comments from the public will be accepted until January 4, 2023.
As stated in the ERO posting, ROP Amendment No. 6 “proposes to establish the planning framework in the Regional Official Plan to accommodate forecasted population and employment growth to the year 2051 and to implement the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement, A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (A Place to Grow), and the Greenbelt Plan, across the Region.”
With unanimous support from all City and Township mayors, and hundreds of community members, the amendment also seeks to continue to:
- build an equitable, thriving and sustainable community that includes plans for the addition of 306,000 new residents, 168,000 new jobs and 121,000 housing units that support a range-and-mix of housing;
- develop 15-minute neighbourhoods in all cities and townships;
- protect of the Region’s natural and agricultural resources; and,
- ensure supply and distribution of employment lands for job growth and economic development.
To view the ERO posting and to submit comments to the Province by January 4, 2023, please visit