Sanitary Master Plan

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The City of Waterloo's sanitary sewer system is the network of pipes and pumping stations that carry wastewater away from our homes and businesses. As our community grows and changes, we need to make sure that this important (but almost invisible) network will meet the needs of our community.

We're working on an Addendum to the existing 2015 Waterloo Sanitary Master Plan. The purpose of this Addendum is to examine our sanitary infrastructure needs considering new planning policies, growth projections, and the current needs and issues that exist in our community. The Integrated Sanitary Master Plan will review improvements to existing sanitary infrastructure, the installation of new sanitary infrastructure, and consideration of private services to municipal servicing, through to the year 2051.

This Environmental Assessment (EA) Study is being undertaken as an Addendum to a Master Plan in accordance with the planning and design process as outlined in the Ontario Municipal Class EA document (2000, as amended) which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. This Master Plan is intended to satisfy the documentation and consultation requirements for Phase 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EA process.

The City of Waterloo's sanitary sewer system is the network of pipes and pumping stations that carry wastewater away from our homes and businesses. As our community grows and changes, we need to make sure that this important (but almost invisible) network will meet the needs of our community.

We're working on an Addendum to the existing 2015 Waterloo Sanitary Master Plan. The purpose of this Addendum is to examine our sanitary infrastructure needs considering new planning policies, growth projections, and the current needs and issues that exist in our community. The Integrated Sanitary Master Plan will review improvements to existing sanitary infrastructure, the installation of new sanitary infrastructure, and consideration of private services to municipal servicing, through to the year 2051.

This Environmental Assessment (EA) Study is being undertaken as an Addendum to a Master Plan in accordance with the planning and design process as outlined in the Ontario Municipal Class EA document (2000, as amended) which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. This Master Plan is intended to satisfy the documentation and consultation requirements for Phase 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EA process.

  • Sanitary Master Plan Complete

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    About the plan

    The Waterloo Sanitary Master Plan outlines a comprehensive strategy for updating and improving the City of Waterloo’s sanitary sewer system to support population and employment growth through 2051. The plan identifies current issues, evaluates future needs, and proposes solutions to improve system efficiency. Key goals include reducing leaks and infiltration, repairing aging infrastructure, and planning upgrades in stages to manage costs effectively. The plan also addresses environmental protection and climate change resilience. By following this plan, Waterloo can ensure its sewer system remains reliable and sustainable for the future.

    How we incorporated your feedback

    The public's contributions were carefully reviewed and integrated into the Sanitary Master Plan. Through the Online Public Consultation Centres (PCCs), residents were invited to review study materials and provide feedback. During the second PCC, one specific comment was received, which influenced the evaluation criteria and ensured public concerns were addressed.

    For example, input from residents regarding the need for system reliability during extreme weather events informed the prioritization of mitigation strategies for inflow and infiltration. This feedback was reflected in the plan’s focus on reducing basement flooding risks and enhancing the system’s resilience against climate change impacts. Additionally, the open consultation process underscored the importance of maintaining a transparent planning approach to align with community expectations.

    View the final report

    View the appendices

  • Notice of Completion - Environmental Assessment Study

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    The City of Waterloo (City) undertook an Update to the existing 2015 Waterloo Sanitary Master Plan. The purpose of this Update was to examine the City’s infrastructure needs considering new planning policies, growth projections, and the current needs and issues that exist in our community. The Sanitary Master Plan Update reviewed improvements to existing sanitary infrastructure, the installation of new sanitary infrastructure, and consideration of private services to municipal servicing, through to the year 2051. The Study was undertaken within the City limits, as shown on the map.

    The Process
    This EA Study was undertaken as a Master Plan in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) (2000, as amended in 2007, 2011, 2015, 2023) which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. As such, the Sanitary Master Plan Update has addressed Phases 1 and 2 of the MCEA process.

    Notice of Review Period

    A Sanitary Master Plan report has been prepared that documents the findings of the study. This notice announces the start of the comment review period for the Sanitary Master Plan Update in accordance with the requirements of the EA process.

    The Sanitary Master Plan be available for review from December 18, 2024 to January 31, 2025, online.

    Please provide written comments by January 31, 2025, to the study team members noted below.

    Veronica Kroess, P.Eng.
    Project Manager
    City of Waterloo
    100 Regina Street South
    P.O. Box 337, Station Waterloo
    Waterloo, ON N2J 4A8
    Phone: 519-886-2310 x 78563

    Jeff Paul, P.Eng.
    Project Manager
    Stantec Consulting Ltd.
    600-171 Queens Avenue
    London ON N6A 5J7
    Phone: 519-319-5806

    If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in this study, please contact the City of Waterloo Project Manager. Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.

  • Notice of Public Consultation Centre #2

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    The City of Waterloo is undertaking an Addendum to the existing 2015 Waterloo Sanitary Master Plan. The purpose of this Addendum is to examine the City’s infrastructure needs considering new planning policies, growth projections and the current needs and issues that exist in our community. The Integrated Sanitary Master Plan will review improvements to existing sanitary infrastructure, the installation of new sanitary infrastructure, and consideration of private services to municipal servicing, through to the year 2051. The Study is being undertaken within the City limits, as shown on the map.

    How can I participate in this study?

    An Online Public Consultation Centre (PCC) is being held through the City’s Engage Waterloo website to present the evaluation process, preferred strategy and next steps. The PCC materials are available here: Online Public Consultation #2

    Please provide comments through the Engage, or directly to a member of the project team by October 16, 2023 using the contact information below.

    Veronica Kroess, P. Eng.
    Project Manager
    City of Waterloo
    100 Regina Street South
    P.O. Box 337, Station Waterloo
    Waterloo, ON N2J 4A8
    Phone: 519-886-1550 x 78563
    Email: link)

    Jeff Paul, P.Eng.
    Project Manager
    Stantec Consulting Ltd.
    600-171 Queens Avenue
    London ON N6A 5J7
    Phone: 519-319-5806
    Email: link)

    If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in this study, please contact the City of Waterloo Project Manager. Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.

  • Notice of Online Public Consultation Centre #1

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    The City of Waterloo is undertaking an Addendum to the existing 2015 Waterloo Sanitary Master Plan. The purpose of this Addendum is to examine the City’s infrastructure needs considering new planning policies, growth projections, and the current needs and issues that exist in our community. The Integrated Sanitary Master Plan will review improvements to existing sanitary infrastructure, the installation of new sanitary infrastructure, and consideration of private services to municipal servicing, through to the year 2051. The Study is being undertaken within the city limits, as shown on the map.


    An Online Public Consultation Centre (PCC) is being held virtually, sharing information, like this video, through this project page.

    Please provide comments or ask our project team any questions you have by October 12, 2022. If you prefer, you can also contact the project team directly:

    Veronica Kroess, P. Eng.
    Project Manager
    City of Waterloo
    100 Regina Street South
    P.O. Box 337, Station Waterloo
    Waterloo, ON N2J 4A8
    Phone: 519-886-1550 x 78563

    Jeff Paul, P.Eng.
    Project Manager
    Stantec Consulting Ltd.
    600-171 Queens Avenue
    London ON N6A 5J7
    Phone: 519-319-5806

    If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in this study, please contact the City of Waterloo Project Manager. Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.

  • Notice of Study Commencement

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    The City of Waterloo is undertaking an Addendum to the existing 2015 Waterloo Sanitary Master Plan. The purpose of this Addendum is to examine the city’s infrastructure needs considering new planning policies, growth projections, and the current needs and issues that exist in our community. The Integrated Sanitary Master Plan will review improvements to existing sanitary infrastructure, the installation of new sanitary infrastructure, and consideration of private services to municipal servicing, through to the year 2051.The Study is being undertaken within the city limits, as shown on the map:


    This EA Study is being undertaken as an Addendum to a Master Plan in accordance with the planning and design process as outlined in the Municipal Class EA document (2000, as amended) which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. This Master Plan is intended to satisfy the documentation and consultation requirements for Phase 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EA process.


    Public Participation will form an integral part of the Class EA Study so that the ongoing concerns of the public and affected groups in the study area are identified, documented, and assessed. This site will be used to share information about the project and for the public to provide feedback.

    A virtual public consultation centre (PCC) will be held in the fall of 2022. Notice for the PCC will be provided in advance, to enable the public to interact with the project team and to provide feedback on the project. To be notified of the PCC and additional project updates, subscribe to follow this page, or contact the project team directly:

    Veronica Kroess, P. Eng.
    Project Manager
    City of Waterloo
    100 Regina Street South
    P.O. Box 337, Station Waterloo
    Waterloo, ON N2J 4A8
    Phone: 519-886-1550 x 78563

    Jeff Paul, P.Eng.
    Project Manager
    Stantec Consulting Ltd.
    600-171 Queens Avenue
    London ON N6A 5J7
    Phone: 519-319-5806

    If you have any (virtual) accessibility requirements in order to participate in this study, please contact the City of Waterloo Project Manager. Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.

Page last updated: 20 Jan 2025, 12:09 PM