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We wanted to let you know that the work at Shoemaker Greenway Park continues to progress. The playground areas have been prepared to receive the new play equipment.
We also have a new way for you to contact us. If you have questions or concerns, please email:
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The construction contract has been awarded and you may see temporary site fencing at Shoemaker Park as early as the week of May 15.
Please subscribe for updates to this page by using the 'Stay Informed' button.
If you have any questions, contact Rebecca Roy, Landscape Architect, at
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We would like to thank all those who shared their thoughts with us during the engagement on the Renaturalizing Shoemaker Greenway Park project.
Your feedback showed us a clear preference for creative and natural play elements. A combination of individual seating and natural seating options with opportunities to observe wildlife habitat and spend time near the creek is also important to many respondents.
We have prepared a full engagement report with more details. Read the report
Final concept and construction
Your input was used to shape the final design for Shoemaker Greenway Park. View the final concept
We are working towards construction on Shoemaker Greenway Park in 2023.
Stay informed
Please subscribe for updates to this project by using the 'Stay Informed' Subscribe button on this page.
If you have any questions, contact Rebecca Roy, Landscape Architect,, 519-741-2600 x 4151
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During the summer of 2021, the design team engaged with the community to gather input on how Shoemaker Greenway Park is currently used as well as how the park can continue to support the community. A summary of that engagement is now available. Based on this initial input, three preliminary conceptual designs have been developed for Shoemaker Greenway Park and are shown below.
These three preliminary concepts are intended to be a starting point for discussion; the final design may be a combination of elements from the concepts or may be a new concept altogether. With the restoration work for the creek, there is an opportunity to reimagine this park as a place to celebrate the watercourse and acknowledge the importance of the creek for the neighbourhood and greater landscape.
We are now reviewing the feedback you shared through the ideas board, survey and November 30 live forum. We will share the final design on this page once it is ready. More information can also be found through the links on this page, including timelines for next steps, additional documents, and a summary of engagement input.
Shoemaker Greenway Concept 1: Leisure (click image to enlarge)
Shoemaker Greenway Concept 2: Social (click image to enlarge)
Please share your input using the short survey on this page. The design team will also be monitoring the “Ideas” tool, so please share your thoughts, ask questions and make comments to help shape the future of Shoemaker Greenway Park.
Have a question or want more information? On November 30, we will be hosting an online presentation and forum. Please register on Zoom.
Please note that you must register to reserve your spot. This event will be presented in English with live interpretation available in select languages. Please let us know your preferred language in your registration. We will make every effort to accommodate, however not all languages may be available.
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We have updated the home page for the project. If you are looking for information that was up here previously, you can find it below:
Shoemaker Park is an existing space located along a portion of Shoemaker Creek. There is a small play area currently located in the park but it will be removed during planned restoration improvements to the creek. The creek restoration will include the removal of the existing concrete channel to create a more natural pathway for the stream, and renaturalization with native plant species. These creek improvements are currently underway.
Outside of the creek area, a trail is proposed and there are opportunities for park elements including educational elements, interpretive features, a small play area, seating, and shade. These elements will complement the naturalization work in the creek.
With the restoration work with the creek, there may be an opportunity to reimagine this park as a space to celebrate the natural watercourse and acknowledge the importance of the creek for the neighbourhood and greater landscape. At this time, the project team is seeking your input about how the park space is currently used as well as how the park could support the community differently into the future.
Below and in the links to the right, please find an existing conditions plan of the park along with some recent site photographs for your reference. We also encourage you to fill out the “Ideas” board below with your thoughts or ideas for the park space.
Have a question? We know people are tired of virtual meetings but are perhaps not yet comfortable with in person events, so we're doing this consultation a different way. From August 3 to 6 we will host an online forum right here on this page. The project team will be closely monitoring this forum during business hours that week, answering your questions in real time. Visit this page anytime that week to ask questions, make comments and learn more about the Shoemaker Park project.
Stormwater management
We’re also improving resilience against climate change by incorporating stormwater management at the park.
Stormwater management will allow the area to better collect stormwater runoff caused by events such as heavy rainfall and snow melt. This will help to reduce the risk of flooding and ensure safety of the community.
This initiative is made possible by the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) in partnership with the Government of Canada. For more information, visit

The City of Kitchener has partnered with Reep Green Solutions to help you make changes to your landscape that will beautify your yard and reduce runoff to Shoemaker Creek. When we work together to slow rain down and soak it up in our parks and in our yards, we can improve the health of our local waterways and reduce community flood risk. To learn more and to see if you qualify for a free, on-site consultation with a landscape designer, visit Reep's Rain Smart Neighbourhoods.