Why is the Region of Waterloo undertaking this project?

    Improvements to Snyder's Road from Foundry Street to Gingerich Road in the Township of Wilmot are necessary to address the deteriorated roadway and underground infrastructure on this section of Snyder's Road. The Region will be rebuilding the road and replacing the joint shared watermain, storm and township sanitary sewers under the road.

    The reconstruction project also presents an opportunity to build in some enhanced facilities for cyclists as well as pedestrians.

    What improvements will be made to Snyder's Road

    • Complete replacement of the pavement including new concrete curbs on both sides of Snyder's Road; 
    • Replacement of the storm sewers, joint use watermain and township sanitary sewers;
    • Construction of new 1.50 metre wide separated  cycling facilities on each side of Snyder's Road; 
    • Replacement of all sidewalks and widening the sidewalk to at least 1.5 metres; 
    • Construction of parking study off-line parking areas; and
    • Replacement of transit stop areas and installation of concrete pads for Grand River Transit shelters.

    Who was responsible for planning these Improvements?

    The planning for these infrastructure improvements was undertaken by a “Project Team” consisting of a collaboration of staff from the Region of Waterloo, the Township of Wilmot and Township Councillor Barry Fisher. The Region has hired the consulting engineering firm of WalterFedy to assist with the planning, design and contract administration of this project.

    How will the improvements enhance the cycling and pedestrian environment on Snyder's Road

    All existing sidewalks within the project will require removal due to the reconstruction of the road, sewers and watermain.

    A 1.5m separated cycling facility on both sides of Snyder's Road will provide cyclists a safer option to on road cycling as well as help with speed reduction by introducing a 0.7m curb between the driving lane and cycling lane; 

    Where the existing sidewalk is less than 1.5m in width, it will be replaced with sidewalk that is a minimum of 1.5m in width to provide increased space for all pedestrians including people who use wheelchairs or other mobility devices; and

    Raised tactile domes will also be installed at all intersection sidewalk ramps to assist pedestrians with visual impairments.

    How will on-road parking be affected by this project?

    During construction, on-road parking will not be available.

    When construction is done, twenty-six (26) parking spaces will exist within the business area Foundry Street to Brubacher Street within Baden which is three (3) additional to the existing twenty-three (23),  As well two (2) of the parking spots are of a larger more accessible type. 

    Of the fifty-eight (58) existing, non marked on-road parking spots on the south side of Snyder's Road between Brubacher Street and Sandhills Road, twenty-six (26) offline parking spaces will be re-instated based on criteria established by the Project Team.  This is a result of both parking surveys as well as a Parking Workshop held with residents within this road section on Snyder's Road.

    Are any heritage resources impacted by the improvements?

    Heritage structures, including buildings, can be designated or listed under the Ontario Heritage Act.

    The Project Team has identified one designated property, 10 municipally listed properties, 5 unofficially listed properties and 37 pre-1900 residential properties on Snyder's Road within the project limits. This construction project will focus on the roadway and is not expected to adversely impact any properties along Snyder's Road, including any designated or listed heritage properties.

    How will private property, trees, driveways and lawns be affected?

    Construction will be confined to the Region’s road allowance. Disturbed driveways, lawns and boulevard areas will be fully restored to preconstruction conditions or better.  Driveways will be regraded as necessary to blend smoothly with the reconstructed roadway.  Some boulevard trees within the road allowance require removal to accommodate the new road cross section,  separated cycling facilities, underground utilities as well as requested off-line parking.

    How will traffic and access to properties be accommodated during construction?

    Full closure of Snyder’s Road with detours will be required to complete the work. 

    This contract has two main stages with interim milestones and the traffic restrictions are as follows: 

    • Stage 1 – Snyder’s Road from just west of Forler Street to Gingerich Road – complete closure, approximately May 2021 to approximately November 2021;
    • Stage 2 – Snyder’s Road from just west of Forler Street to Foundry Street – complete closure, approximately May 2022 to approximately November 2022;

    Local access to businesses, residences and intersecting local streets along Snyder’s Road will be maintained to the greatest extent possible; however, disruptions will occur when construction activities are being completed directly adjacent to an entrance or local intersecting street.

    The Contractor will provide as much notice as possible to businesses and residences when construction activities are occurring adjacent to a property. If construction activities will make it such that you are unable to park in your driveway for a short duration (including overnight), you will be directed to alternate parking locations, such as an adjacent street.  

    Pedestrian access will be available along Snyder’s Road throughout construction on at least one side of the road.  Signage will be erected to direct pedestrians.   

    Emergency Services, Grand River Transit service, pedestrian access will be maintained during construction.

    Please plan for some delays and travel carefully both in the construction zone as well as designated detour route and obey the construction traffic signage for your safety and for the safety of the workers.

    How do the improvements relate to the objectives of the Regional Official Plan, the Regional Transportation Master Plan and the Regional Transportation Corridor Design Guidelines?

    The Project Team planned these improvements to address both the deteriorated roadway and underground infrastructure on Snyder's Road as well as to take the opportunity include enhancements to the road.

    The Region's Official Plan gives direction that any new or reconstructed roads include all modes of transportation such as walking, cycling, cars and transit.

    By including improvements to cycling, pedestrian and transit facilities on King Street, the planning of this project supports the Regional Transportation Master Plan (RTMP) goals of optimizing our transportation system, promoting transportation choice and supporting sustainable development.