Notice - July 29, 2022
Hopefully residents are enjoying summer with friends and family!
This update is provide details of progress and look ahead over the next 2 weeks and forecasting into the seasonal shutdown.
Concrete works in Stage 1C are now finally complete despite ongoing concrete supply shortages across the province affecting all construction projects.
Driveways within Stage 1C are being prepared for asphalt and topsoil placement along frontages and within boulevards is expected to be placed prior to surface asphalt in preparation for sod placement when weather is favorable.
As was noted on the last update the Contractor is also using isolated lane closures to address some deficiencies from Forler Street to Gingerich Road in preparation of surface asphalt placement August 13 & 14.
A letter was delivered to residents adjacent construction back in June providing details for the paving operation and details with a link to the letter can be found on the June 20th update or by clicking HERE.
Please note that those residents within Stage 1A & 1B should be maintaining the sod along frontages as well as within the boulevard as the contractor has satisfied requirements of spring fertilization, aeration and first mowing. There are some isolated areas that were identified for replacement as they did not establish well and the landscaping contractor will be scheduling to complete these areas in the coming weeks when the temperatures are more favorable. Areas approaching Gingerich Road that received seeding versus sod will also be addressed in the near future as they also did not meet requirements and therefore will tilled and re-seeded again once temperatures are favorable to do so.
A detour will be posted and residents are asked to avoid the area as access to Snyder's Road will not be available during the paving operation and until the newly placed asphalt mat reaches a temperature safe to drive on.
Sanitary sewer installation is still on-going east of Brewery Street and as was communicated in the last update progress continues to be slower then normal due to poor soil conditions. Dewatering challenges with the sanitary installation is limiting production rates and prolonging the construction progress.
Our Contractor has reached Foell Street intersection and is progressing towards Brubacher Street with hopes that conditions improve.
Please be mindful that excavations will be left open at night to aid the Contractor’s production and progress, along with maintain the dewatering operations.
Due to the delays encountered again this construction season a portion of work between Brubacher Street and Whiting Way will need to be deferred until next construction season. Deferring this work will allow our Contractor time to compete the current active work zone and properly prepare again for winter shutdown by November 15.
A letter will be distributed closer to the winter shutdown period with more details
As usual motorists and pedestrians can reach out to the Region's onsite inspector Jeremy Bieniarz (WalterFedy) at 519-465-0539 or if their are questions regarding routes to navigate through site as the construction operations are ongoing or any other site related questions.
Thank you for your continued patience.