Update - June 10, 2022
Despite less then ideal weather conditions this spring, our contractor has been making progress and is nearing completion of Stage 1C including new watermain, sanitary and storm.
The next 2-1/3 weeks will be for surface works including curb installation, bike lane and sidewalk installation, base asphalt paving as well as landscaping occur within Stage 1C.
In order to retain the current schedule, the contractor has commenced with Stage 2A between Brubacher Street and Foundry Street and access for the residents within this workzone will be east on Snyder’s Road towards Sandhills. Asphalt has been removed as well as installation of temporary watermain is on-going and will be followed by sanitary sewer installation.
Please see the updated construction timing schedule for the active/future work areas - Click HERE
As noted, Stage 1C construction between Schneller Drive and Forler Street is still ongoing until the end of June so motorists will need to be patient to pass through this area, or ideally find alternate routes.
Residents and businesses within the immediate road closures will be communicated with as required to coordinate access as construction progresses.
We understand the changes in access during a road reconstruction can be frustrating, however in order to keep the current schedule and we continue to thank you for your patience.
We ask that local residents take note of these changes and modify their routes in the event passage is prohibited, Most importantly slow down to ensure everyone's safety.
A reminder to please follow the Waste Management Guidelines regarding waste and recycling during construction.
We would please ask that these guidelines be followed and residents ensure all that all waste materials/bins/containers be marked clearly with your address and that items be placed before 6.a.m. to avoid unnecessary issues with the collection/relocation process.
To report a problem with collection please use:
An on-going issue continues to occur after hours where vehicles are accessing the workzone and causing a disturbance to both the residents as well as worsening the already less then ideal site conditions. If you witness any suspicious activity, have any known upcoming deliveries, are potentially moving or have any other access related matters please reach out to the Region's onsite inspector Jeremy Bieniarz (WalterFedy) at 519-465-0539 or jbieniarz@walterfedy.com as soon as possible.
Thanks for your patience while we continue the upgrades along Snyder's Road.