Update - May 24, 2023
Our Contractor is continuing to work on Snyder's Road between Foundry Street and Gingerich Road.
Since mobilizing, the Stage 2A (Foundry Street to just west of Coachman's Lane) bike lanes are complete and underground servicing between Coachman's Lane to Whiting Way is on-going.
Due to the depth of pipe, unexpected groundwater levels and poor soil conditions a redesign of approximately 100m of sanitary sewer just east of Coachman's Lane which will require additional time and effort to complete the work. During this time, 24 hour groundwater pumping is required to maintain levels until the redesign is complete and installation can continue.
In an effort to try and limit impacts to the schedule the Contractor is instead installing the sanitary sewer upstream of the redesign area where conditions are more favourable to tie into the 2021/22 works. In order to complete this work, 24 hour sanitary bypass pumping is also needed to carry waste water from the work zone to downstream of the redesign area to discharge into the new 2022 constructed sanitary system west of Coachman's Lane.
We apologize for the inconvenience the 24 hour pumping operations cause, however it is necessary to facilitate the work.
It is imperative that no resident at anytime try to disrupt the operation of the generators running the pumping operations.
Also, due to the work, access to Sir Adam Beck Park has needed to change from time to time and will continue to do so depending on the operations. Currently access into the park is to be from the west.
We ask that local residents take note of these changes and modify their routes in the event passage is prohibited, Most importantly slow down to ensure everyone's safety.
Click HERE for an update on: working hours; access and traffic; parking; garbage and recycling; and Canada Post. You will also find direct contact information for key staff members responsible for this project.
Week Forecast:
Complete sidewalks, driveway aprons, offline parking between Foundry Street and Coachman's Lane.
Continuing mainline sanitary sewer and watermain installation from approximately 100m east of Coachman's Lane to Whiting Way.
Commence installation of the100m of sanitary sewer requiring redesign.
A reminder to please follow the Waste Management Guidelines regarding waste and recycling during construction.
We would please ask that these guidelines be followed and residents ensure all that all waste materials/bins/containers be marked clearly with your address and that items be placed before 6.a.m. to avoid unnecessary issues with the collection/relocation process.
To report a problem with collection please use:
As was stated last construction season, if you witness any suspicious activity, have any known upcoming deliveries, are potentially moving or have any other access related matters please reach out to the Region's onsite inspector Jeremy Bieniarz (WalterFedy) at 519-465-0539 or jbieniarz@walterfedy.com as soon as possible.
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Thanks for your patience while we continue the upgrades along Snyder's Road.