Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction
This project supports the Region of Waterloo's strategic focus area(s):
The Region will be reconstructing Snyder's Road between Foundry Street and Gingerich Road starting in the spring of 2021. This project will be divided into stages to minimize disruption to the public and businesses with progress and major milestones being posted on this project page.
Due to the nature of the work, detours will be required to take traffic around the construction zone and will be posted in advance of construction starting. Local traffic will be maintained as much as possible with some driveway access disruptions during underground servicing, concrete placement and other associated works.
This project supports the Region of Waterloo's strategic focus area(s):
The Region will be reconstructing Snyder's Road between Foundry Street and Gingerich Road starting in the spring of 2021. This project will be divided into stages to minimize disruption to the public and businesses with progress and major milestones being posted on this project page.
Due to the nature of the work, detours will be required to take traffic around the construction zone and will be posted in advance of construction starting. Local traffic will be maintained as much as possible with some driveway access disruptions during underground servicing, concrete placement and other associated works.
Update - September 29, 2021
Share Update - September 29, 2021 on Facebook Share Update - September 29, 2021 on Twitter Share Update - September 29, 2021 on Linkedin Email Update - September 29, 2021 link2 Week Forecast:
The contractor is preparing to pour curbs within Stage 1A (Whiting Way to Forler Street), followed by the new separated concrete cycling lanes. The majority of sidewalk within Stage 1B (Sandhills to Gingerich Road) will also be completed during this time. The concrete work is anticipated to commence September 29th and weather permitting will be completed by October 8th. Fine grading and asphalt will immediately follow the concrete placement and is currently scheduled for an October 12th paving date. It is anticipated residents will have full access to their driveways again on or about October 15th weather permitting. As stated in past updates, unlike underground work, concrete placement effects access to and from residences for longer durations to allow proper curing to avoid damage.
Notices, as well as a parking map (click here) have been distributed to each resident and we ask to please park in the areas designated per the plan. The contractor will make efforts to complete half of an entrance at a time to allow access for businesses or multi-residential units, however please note that this is only possible where widths allow and is not the case for most residential driveways. If you know of a specific date/time you require access, please reach out to one of the contacts listed below to discuss possible alternate arrangements.
Commissioning and final connection of the new watermain in the modified Stage 1C (Schneller Drive to Sandhills Road) is to be completed and will only impact a small percentage of those within the direct area. Notices similar to those as posted in past updates will be distributed at least 48 hours in advance. Click here to see an example.
Contact Person
Nature of Question / Concern
Contact Number
Bel-Air Excavating Site Superintendent
Construction related issues (access, loss of service, etc.)
Mike Rybicki (daytime)
Steve Lelacher (after hours)
(519) 221-5089
(519) 623-7101
Region of Waterloo’s On-Site Representative
Construction related issues daytime or after hours
Jeremy Bieniarz
(519) 465-0539
If you witness any suspicious activity, have any known upcoming deliveries, are potentially moving or have any other access related matters please contact one of the onsite personnel listed above. Other key contacts can also be found at the link here.
Ongoing reminder to please follow the Waste Management guidelines here regarding how to sort your waste as well as a new flyer produced by Waste Management regarding waste and recycling during construction.
We would please ask that these guidelines be followed and residents ensure all that all waste materials/bins/containers be marked clearly with your address and that items be placed before 6.a.m. to avoid unnecessary issues with the collection/relocation process.
Finally as noted in previous updates, weather as well as other unforeseen impacts still results in the potential need to work on some Saturdays in an attempt to accelerate the work and just a note that this will cause some disturbance similar to that being experienced through the week.
As always, thank you for your patience during these necessary upgrades.
Stay safe !!
Update - August 29, 2021
Share Update - August 29, 2021 on Facebook Share Update - August 29, 2021 on Twitter Share Update - August 29, 2021 on Linkedin Email Update - August 29, 2021 link2 Week Forecast:
Weather permitting, the contractor will continue with curb installation with Stage 1B (Sandhills Road to Gingerich Road), followed by the new separated concrete cycling lanes. With concrete work, access to and from residences will be affected for longer durations to allow proper curing to avoid damage. The contractor is to notify residents/businesses in advance of this impacts to allow for alternate parking arrangements if needed. The contractor will make efforts to complete half of an entrance at a time to allow access, however please note that this is only possible where widths allow and not the typical standard. If you know of a specific date/time you require access, please reach out to one of the contacts listed below to discuss possible alternate arrangements.
Stage 1A construction zone between Whiting Way and Forler Street will being continuing with storm sewer replacement.
Stage 1C (Forler to Sandhills) has been reduced for this construction season to only include the section between Schneller Drive and Sandhills Road. This decision was made to reduce risks of not completing the work prior to winter shutdown. The remaining section between Schneller Drive and just east of Forler Street will be completed in the Spring of 2022. The setting up of the temporary watermain in the reduced section will be taking place within the next week or so, however will only impact a small percentage of those within the direct area. Notices similar to those as posted in past updates will be distributed at least 48 hours in advance. Click here to see an example.
Contact Person
Nature of Question / Concern
Contact Number
Bel-Air Excavating Site Superintendent
Construction related issues (access, loss of service, etc.)
Mike Rybicki (daytime)
Steve Lelacher (after hours)
(519) 221-5089
(519) 623-7101
Region of Waterloo’s On-Site Representative
Construction related issues daytime or after hours
Jeremy Bieniarz
(519) 465-0539
If you witness any suspicious activity, have any known upcoming deliveries, are potentially moving or have any other access related matters please contact one of the onsite personnel listed above. Other key contacts can also be found at the link here.
Ongoing reminder to please follow the Waste Management guidelines here regarding how to sort your waste as well as a new flyer produced by Waste Management regarding waste and recycling during construction.
We would please ask that these guidelines be followed and residents ensure all that all waste materials/bins/containers be marked clearly with your address and that items be placed before 6.a.m. to avoid unnecessary issues with the collection/relocation process.
Finally as noted in previous updates, weather as well as other unforeseen impacts still results in the potential need to work on some Saturdays in an attempt to accelerate the work and just a note that this will cause some disturbance similar to that being experienced through the week.
As always, thank you for your patience during these necessary upgrades.
Stay safe !!
Update - August 9, 2021
Share Update - August 9, 2021 on Facebook Share Update - August 9, 2021 on Twitter Share Update - August 9, 2021 on Linkedin Email Update - August 9, 2021 linkThis is just a reminder that the contractor has delivered notices for a scheduled water shutdown to those affected residents in order to complete final connections to the newly installed watermain.
Click on the images below to see more information about the notices distributed as well as the map of affected areas.
**Notices will be distributed to remaining residents in advance of future water shutdowns**
Update - July 28, 2021
Share Update - July 28, 2021 on Facebook Share Update - July 28, 2021 on Twitter Share Update - July 28, 2021 on Linkedin Email Update - July 28, 2021 linkFirst, we would like to apologize for the extended period for this latest update.
Secondly, we have received feedback in which residents have expressed concerns over durations of active work in particular locations as well as questions regarding why the road is being affected in the same locations multiple times. Any road reconstruction that involves replacement of deep major utilities must be staged/coordinated especially when the working area is limited. In this case all major utilities including sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer as well as servicing to properties are all occurring. Due to the different locations, elevations and the sequence of the work there is a need to expose areas that have already been excavated to undertake the various stages until all underground work is complete and servicing has been installed to property line. Although it may appear unorthodox at times, this process is standard within the industry.
2 week forecast:
Weather permitting, the contractor will be finishing both the sanitary and water servicing to affected homes/businesses within the Stage 1A construction zone between Whiting Way and Forler Street. Following completion of the services, the storm sewer replacement within Stage 1A will begin starting near Forler Street.
There may be the need for a shutdown for isolated residents on Snyder’s Road within Stage 1A to complete final connections of the watermain and once a date is known notices will be distributed at least 48 hours in advance to those affected residents.
Also at the same time, the storm sewer is at the east limit of the project within Stage 1B is scheduled to be completed followed by road excavation.
We would again like to stress the importance to everyone to please NOT disturb and/or tamper with any part of the temporary water system in any way as it's imperative water is always flowing.
Residents are also reminded once again that this road section is closed to through traffic and that only local traffic should be attempting to access the area. For those within the work area a reminder that the contractor will make efforts to notify in advance of ability to enter/exit your access. Also there have been several reports of "off roaders, 4x4s" coming through after hours and tearing the road up and causing a lot of noise and disturbance have been received.
We encourage residents to call the police if an there is an immediate risk of property damage, safety or nuisances that requires police presence. Please follow up with the project team including pictures and license plate numbers as well so we can assist.
If you witness any suspicious activity, have any known upcoming deliveries, are potentially moving or have any other access related matters please contact:
Contact Person
Nature of Question / Concern
Contact Number
Bel-Air Excavating Site Superintendent
Construction related issues (access, loss of service, etc.)
Mike Rybicki (daytime)
Steve Lelacher (after hours)
(519) 221-5089
(519) 623-7101
Region of Waterloo’s On-Site Representative
Construction related issues daytime or after hours
Jeremy Bieniarz
(519) 465-0539
**Other contacts can be found at the link here.
Please follow the Waste Management guidelines here regarding how to sort your waste as well as a new flyer produced by Waste Management regarding waste and recycling during construction.
We would please ask that these guidelines be followed and residents ensure all that all waste materials/bins/containers be marked clearly with your address and that items be placed before 6.a.m. to avoid unnecessary issues with the collection/relocation process.
As noted in the previous update, weather as well as other unforeseen impacts the Contractor unfortunately continues to be behind in the anticipated schedule. The need to work on some Saturdays in an attempt to accelerate the work unfortunately to date the weather has not cooperated. The Contractor has proposed to work August 7th which will cause some disturbance such is being experienced through the week.
As always, thank you for your patience during these necessary upgrades.
Stay safe !!
Update - June 22, 2021
Share Update - June 22, 2021 on Facebook Share Update - June 22, 2021 on Twitter Share Update - June 22, 2021 on Linkedin Email Update - June 22, 2021 linkWeather permitting, the contractor will likely be finishing the sanitary sewer replacement within the Stage 1A construction zone between Whiting Way and Forler Street by weeks end. Once complete the contractor will look to commence the watermain replacement starting at the west limits of Stage 1A. There may be the need for a shutdown for isolated residents on Snyder’s Road within Stage 1A to do some necessary work on the temporary watermain and once a date is known notices will be distributed at least 48 hours in advance to those affected residents.
We would like to stress the importance to everyone to please NOT disturb and/or tamper with any part of the temporary water system in any way as it's imperative water is always flowing.
Residents are also reminded once again that this road section is closed to through traffic and that only local traffic should be attempting to access the area. For those within the work area a reminder that the contractor will make efforts to notify in advance of ability to enter/exit your access. Also, if you have any known upcoming deliveries, are potentially moving or have any other access related matters please contact a team member via the contact list found here.
As was mentioned in the last update, the contractor is expecting a second crew to arrive to commence work within Stage 1B from Sandhills Road to Gingerich Road. Traffic control has been set-up within this area and the intent is to start removals on June 24th barring inclement weather or other unforeseen factors.
With work commencing in Stage 1B, residents within this section are being asked to follow the Waste Management guidelines here regarding how to sort your waste as well as a new flyer produced by Waste Management regarding waste and recycling during construction which residents within Stage 1A have successfully done. We would please ask that these guidelines be followed and residents ensure all that all waste materials/bins/containers be marked clearly with your address and that items be placed before 6.a.m. to avoid unnecessary issues with the collection/relocation process.
As noted in the previous update, weather as well as other unforeseen impacts the Contractor unfortunately continues to be behind in the anticipated schedule. The need to work on some Saturdays in an attempt to accelerate the work is expected to occur and barring inclement weather, the contractor has proposed to work June 26th which will cause some disturbance such is being experienced through the week.
As always, thank you for your patience during these necessary upgrades.
Stay safe !!
Update - June 9, 2021
Share Update - June 9, 2021 on Facebook Share Update - June 9, 2021 on Twitter Share Update - June 9, 2021 on Linkedin Email Update - June 9, 2021 linkThe next couple of weeks will continue to see replacement of the sanitary sewer within the Stage 1A construction zone between Whiting Way and Forler Street. Residents are reminded that this road section is closed to through traffic and that only local traffic should be attempting to access the area. For those within the work area a reminder that the contractor will make efforts to notify in advance of ability to enter/exit your access. Also, if you have any known upcoming deliveries, are potentially moving or have any other access related matters please contact a team member via the contact list found here.
As noted in the last project update, waste and recycling for residents within the active construction zone has now needed to be relocated to a location suitable for pickup. It appears that this has been working well, however if there are issues you are experiencing please reach out to the project team.
Also a reminder to please see details here regarding how to sort your waste as well as a new flyer produced by Waste Management regarding waste and recycling during construction.
Due to weather as well as other unforeseen impacts the Contractor is unfortunately behind in the anticipated schedule. This may result in the need to work on some Saturdays in an attempt to accelerate the work. A second crew is also currently scheduled to commence within Stage 1B (Sandhills Road to Gingerich Road) the week of June 21st so residents should expect to see the active work zone/disruptions extended to this area.
As always, thank you for your patience during these necessary upgrades.
Update - May 31, 2021
Share Update - May 31, 2021 on Facebook Share Update - May 31, 2021 on Twitter Share Update - May 31, 2021 on Linkedin Email Update - May 31, 2021 linkThe temporary watermain has been installed and commissioned and connections made within Stage 1. Also topsoil has been stripped as well as asphalt and curb in Stage 1A has now been removed.
The next couple of weeks will see replacement of the sanitary sewer which will unfortunately create access issues for residents while the work is undertaken. The contractor will endeavor to notify in advance of ability to enter/exit your access, however if there are concerns with respect to this, or other issues please contact a team member via the contact list found here
With commencement of this work, waste and recycling will be affected started with the June 2 collection which will require our contractor to relocate all residents waste within the active construction zone to a location suitable for pickup.
A friendly reminder to residents:
Garbage and Recycling (for properties within the active construction limits only)
During construction, for those properties that receive curb-side collection, we urge that you place your garbage in disposable bags (please avoid use of containers) at the curb along with your blue box, green bin and yard waste prior to 6:00 A.M. on your normal collection day. The garbage and recycling materials will be taken by our contractor to adjacent side streets for pickup by Waste Management. Blue boxes and green bins will be returned by day’s end. Please clearly mark your address number on your blue box and green bin to ensure proper return.
Please refer to the Region of Waterloo’s website regarding recent changes to collection of garbage and recycling:
Also please see details here regarding how to sort your waste.
As always, thank you for your patience during these necessary upgrades.
Update May 11, 2021
Share Update May 11, 2021 on Facebook Share Update May 11, 2021 on Twitter Share Update May 11, 2021 on Linkedin Email Update May 11, 2021 linkThe contractor, Bel-Air is occupying Stage 1A between Whiting Way to approximately 160m east of Forler Street.
Proposed work for this week:
Layout and installation of temporary watermain which will result in intermitted driveway disruptions (while the pipe is buried through driveways) as well as commencing removals of asphalt, curb, and topsoil
Cut and cap for the temporary watermain feed (tentatively scheduled for Thursday May 13, 2021).
Notices for the water shutdown will be distributed 48 hours in advance of the shutdown
Please find the distributed notice here for the upcoming water shutdown.
Start Delay
Share Start Delay on Facebook Share Start Delay on Twitter Share Start Delay on Linkedin Email Start Delay linkDue to weather, the starting date has been adjusted to May 10, 2021
Construction Update - April 2021
Share Construction Update - April 2021 on Facebook Share Construction Update - April 2021 on Twitter Share Construction Update - April 2021 on Linkedin Email Construction Update - April 2021 linkRead this letter for an update on: working hours; access and traffic; parking; garbage and recycling; and Canada Post. You will also find direct contact information for key staff members responsible for this project.
Please use the subscribe button on this page to be notified of future project updates
Documents for Viewing
2023 Construction
2022 Construction
Snyder's Road Reconstruction - Contact List (214 KB) (pdf)
Updated Construction Staging Timing (235 KB) (pdf)
Contract 2022-107 - Noise Bylaw Letter (272 KB) (pdf)
How to Sort Your Waste (4.03 MB) (pdf)
Water Shutdown Map & Notice - 2022.04.05.pdf (301 KB) (pdf)
Snyder's Road Reconstruction - Letter to Adjacent Property Owners Regarding Upcoming Construction April 2022 (999 KB) (pdf)
Waste Collection During Construction 2022 (1.08 MB) (pdf)
2021 Construction
2021 Winter Shutdown Letter.pdf (769 KB) (pdf)
Notice & Parking Map - Sept 28, 2021.pdf (2.23 MB) (pdf)
Water Shut Off Notice Snyder's Rd. August 11 2021 9-5.pdf (203 KB) (pdf)
Snyder's Road Reconstruction - Letter to Adjacent Property Owners Regarding Upcoming Construction (1.3 MB) (pdf)
Snyder's Road Reconstruction - DST Letter to Adjacent Property Owners Regarding Preconstruction Condition Survey (91.7 KB) (pdf)
Past Reports
Public Consultation Centre #1
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stage -
Public Consultation Centre #2
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stage -
Parking Workshop - 2017
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stage -
Public Consultation Centre #3
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stage -
Council Project Design Approval
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stage -
Contract Tender & Award
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stageContract 2021-107 Tendered March 5, 2021 - April 21, 2021 Council
2021 - Stage 1 Construction
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stageReconstruction of Snyder's Road from 200 m west of Forler Street to Gingerich Road to commence in May 2021 with expected completion November 2021.
Construction Shutdown for Winter November 2021
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stage -
Stage 1C - 2021 Carry Over Work
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stageForler Street - Schneller Drive April 2022 - July 2022
2022 - Stage 2 Construction
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction is currently at this stageReconstruction of Snyder's Road from 200 m west of Forler Street to Foundry Street Road to commence in April 2022 with expected completion November 2022.
2023 Construction
this is an upcoming stage for Village of Baden - Snyder's Road ReconstructionReconstruction of Snyder's Road from Brubacher Street to Whiting Way & Remaining Works Under Contract 2021-107 scheduled to commence in spring of 2023 with completion in fall of this year.
2023 Contract and 2023/2024 Works
this is an upcoming stage for Village of Baden - Snyder's Road ReconstructionNew Contract to be tendered in 2023 for Snyder's Road Reconstruction from Foundry Street to Christian Street as well as sanitary and watermain installation on Foundry Street from Snyder's Road to Charles Street. Work is planned to commence in late 2023 through 2024.
- Why is the Region of Waterloo undertaking this project?
- What improvements will be made to Snyder's Road
- Who was responsible for planning these Improvements?
- How will the improvements enhance the cycling and pedestrian environment on Snyder's Road
- How will on-road parking be affected by this project?
- Are any heritage resources impacted by the improvements?
- How will private property, trees, driveways and lawns be affected?
- How will traffic and access to properties be accommodated during construction?
- How do the improvements relate to the objectives of the Regional Official Plan, the Regional Transportation Master Plan and the Regional Transportation Corridor Design Guidelines?
Follow Project
Who's listening
Phone 519-575-4400 Email -
Phone 519-575-4400 Email
Notice of Collection
All comments and information received from individuals, stakeholder groups and agencies regarding this project are being collected to assist the Region of Waterloo in making a decisions.
Under the “Municipal Act”, all personal information such as name, address, telephone number, and property location that may be included in a submission becomes part of the public record.
If you have questions regarding this collection please contact Ken Brisbois, Region of Waterloo - Project Manager (Design and Construction) at 519-575-4400.