Why is the Region of Waterloo undertaking this project?

    Improvements to Weber Street from Blythwood Road to Northfield Drive in the City of Waterloo are necessary to address the deteriorated roadway and underground infrastructure on this section of Weber Street. The Region will be rebuilding the road and replacing the watermain, storm and sanitary sewers under the road.

    The reconstruction project also presents an opportunity to build in some enhanced facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.

    What Improvements will be made to Weber Street?

    · Complete replacement of the pavement including new concrete curbs on both sides of Weber Street; 

    · Replacement of the storm sewers and the City’s watermain and sanitary sewers;  

    · Construction of new multi-use trails/on-road bike lanes and new 1.8 meter sidewalks on Weber Street; 

    · Replacement of transit stop areas and installation of concrete pads for future Grand River Transit shelters.

    How do the improvements relate to the objectives of the Regional Official Plan, the Regional Transportation Master Plan and the Regional Transportation Corridor Design Guidelines?

    The Project Team planned these improvements to address both the deteriorated roadway and underground infrastructure on Weber Street as well as to take the opportunity include enhancements to the road.

    The Region's Official Plan gives direction that any new or reconstructed roads include all modes of transportation such as walking, cycling, cars and transit.

    By including improvements to cycling, pedestrian and transit facilities on Weber Street, the planning of this project supports the Regional Transportation Master Plan (RTMP) goals of optimizing our transportation system, promoting transportation choice and supporting sustainable development.  

    How will the improvements enhance the pedestrian environment on Weber Street?

    All existing sidewalks within the project will require removal due to the reconstruction of the road, sewers and watermain. Where the existing sidewalk is less than 1.8m in width, it will be replaced with either multi-use trail or sidewalk that is a minimum of 1.8m in width to provide increased space for all pedestrians including wheelchair users. Raised tactile domes will also be installed at all intersection sidewalk ramps to assist visually impaired pedestrians.

    How will private property, trees, driveways and lawns be affected?

    Construction will be confined to the Region’s road allowance. Disturbed driveways, lawns and boulevard areas will be fully restored to preconstruction conditions or better.  Driveways will be regraded as necessary to blend smoothly with the reconstructed roadway. 

    As part of the improvements, drainage improvements, such as new boulevard catch basins, will be provided as appropriate in order to improve drainage of boulevard areas.

    How will traffic and access to properties be accommodated during construction?

    Traffic on Weber Street will be maintained at least one-way throughout the construction. At times it may be necessary to restrict traffic to one lane, with flagging operations for short periods. Please obey staff and travel at safe speeds through the construction area. Access to properties will be maintained at all times. When changes to property access are anticipated, property owners and/or tenants will be given advance notice to respond accordingly. Where vehicular access to private properties will be impacted outside of the regular working hours, Contractor will be required to communicate the access restrictions in advance with property owners and advise them of alternate parking arrangements, when necessary. 

    Emergency Services, Grand River Transit service, pedestrian access and local driveway access will be maintained during construction, although short-term disruptions to driveways will be required occasionally as work occurs immediately adjacent to the driveway.