Tree management plan

During the design phase of this project, we assessed the existing city trees based on:

  • health
  • risk
  • potential long-term contribution to the urban forest

We identified which trees to preserve and which to remove. Tree planting opportunities were also identified.

These projects provide an opportunity to make decisions based on a long-term view to develop a sustainable urban forest.

Measures used to protect trees during construction include:

  • protective fencing
  • special construction practices (example: tunneling under trees)
  • minimizing the area of disturbance around trees

A map and list of tree removals and new plantings are now available. The contractor will remove the trees marked for removal shortly after the project begins. They may also perform routine and special tree maintenance work. This work includes removing branches lower than 14’ (4.3 m) over the road and 8’ (2.4 m) over the sidewalk. They may also need to prune low branches on private trees that overhang the sidewalk and roadway.

The City will provide each new tree with a watering bag. This will be regularly filled by City staff during the growing season (May to October) for the first two years. This is the most important step in establishing healthy trees. We encourage adjacent residents to give supplemental water during drought periods. Also, to water the area around mulch piles. This promotes root growth into the boulevard during the tree’s establishment stage.

If you have any questions, please contact Scott Van Raay at or 519-741-2345 (TTY:1-866-696-9994).

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