What is a "Master Plan"?

    Master Plans guide how we as a community can get to where we want to be. By outlining a long-term vision for how the city will grow and develop, Master Plans help to ensure we're meeting the needs of the community. 

    See current City of Waterloo plans.

    What spaces are included in the Master Plan?

    The spaces included in the Indoor Community Space Master Plan are: 

    • Albert McCormick Community Centre (AMCC)
    • City of Waterloo Museum
    • Erbsville Community Centre
    • Community space in Fire Station 2
    • Community space in  Fire Station
    • Manulife Soccer and Sport Centre at Bechtel Park 
    • Moses Springer Community Centre (MSCC)
    • Manulife Sportsplex and Healthy Living Centre (RIM Park)
    • Rink in the Park at KW Granite Club 
    • Visitor and Heritage Information Centre
    • Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex, including the new Community Pavilion
    • Community space in Westmount EMS Station
    • 404 Wing Rotary Centre

    Why is an Indoor Community Space Master Plan being developed?

    The city is developing an Indoor Community Space Master Plan because of:

    • The number of aging buildings that require strategic thinking.
    • The community growing and changing, creating changes in the need for recreation facilities. 
    • The minimal land available for new development and the need to maximize the use of existing buildings.

    How can I get involved in the development of this plan?

    One of the ways you can get involved with this plan is by completing the Recreation Facilities Survey

    As recommendations are acted on, there will be additional opportunities to provide feedback. Subscribe to this project page to stay informed and follow us on social media (@CityWaterloo). 

    What types of recommendations will be included in this plan?

    The Indoor Community Space Master Plan will present recommendations to improve the use and access to facilities in the areas of:

    • Policy improvement, such as recommendations to create, review and update facility rules to improve customer use. 
    • Improvements to existing spaces, such as recommendations to renovate and improve facilities.
    • Future developments, such as recommendations to develop new facilities.  

    What will the final recommendations be based on?

    Final recommendations will be based on:

    • your feedback
    • research
    • population trends
    • data on how spaces are used
    • input from city staff
    • existing use agreements 
    • available budget

    How can I receive updates on the project?

    To receive updates on the Indoor Community Space Master Plan, please subscribe to the project page.