ARAWG - Jan 13th 2021 update
ARAWG Meeting 2021-1
On Tuesday, January 5th, 2021, the Anti Racism Advisory Working Group (ARAWG) convened for its first meeting of the year.
The Terms of Reference drafted by the ARAWG selection committee represent the guiding principles of the ARAWG. The meeting focused on the terms of reference , in order to ensure alignment with the stated mandate and responsibilities. Given the potentially broad scope of the engagement and directed opportunity for actual ARAWG Member feedback, the Working Group will finalize the Terms of Reference in the coming weeks, ensuring it is principled in an anti-oppressive and inclusive framework.
Concurrent to the review of the Terms of Reference is the review of the status of equity work in the Region and its respective agencies, the Municipalities and Townships.
As part of the pandemic response and recovery efforts, the Region of Waterloo has formed a COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force, which will draw on expertise of staff from several agencies. The Task Force will ensure that an efficient, equitable plan is in place for delivery of the immunization program. The Region has invited two members of ARAWG to join the community engagement working group to the Task Force. Maedith Radlein and Tammy Webster will represent the ARAWG. ARAWG involvement earmarks the importance of inclusion in Regional program delivery.
The ARAWG will conduct meetings every three weeks – virtual meetings, at this time.
Geraldine Stafford - Co-Convener
About the Anti Racism Advisory Working Group
The ARAWG will provide recommendations, advice and information to the Region of Waterloo Council related to the development and implementation of an Anti-Racism Plan to eliminate systemic racism within the workplace and the services delivered by the Region.
The selection committee chose applicants for a two-year term based on their history of community engagement; personal lived experience and interest; and experience using an anti-racism and anti-oppressive lens in activities/projects. ARAWG Members include Kathy Hogarth, Victoria Oywak, Tammy Webster, Amy Smoke, Ciann Wilson, Fauzia Mazhar, Donna Dubie, Geraldine Stafford, Cheyanne Thorpe, Krishna Karur Badrinarayan, and Maedith Radlein.
Consultation has concluded