Beaver Creek Rd and Conservation Dr (Z-17-14)

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Application to amend zoning for Beaver Creek Rd and Conservation Dr

Changes to the Zoning Bylaw for this location are required before a permit can be issued. This means that they submit an application that is reviewed by city planners and other agencies plus city council before anything can be built.

Gabrielle Elizabeth Groff & 1017081 Ontario Limited Holding are proposing the creation of a new residential neighbourhood consisting of single detached, semi-detached and townhouse dwellings and potentially low rise apartments or stacked townhouses, a road network, parks and trails, stormwater management ponds and pumping stations, and protected environmental areas. The full-build out of this subdivision would create between 621 and 975 new residential units.

The applicant proposes to amend Zoning Bylaw no. 2018-050 by rezoning the lands from ‘Zone Change Application’ (ZC) to:

  • Residential One (R1) Zone – permits singles. This will apply to the condominium lands. Request the removal of ‘coach house’ from list of permitted uses.
  • Residential Five (R5) Zone – permits singles and semis. Request to add freehold townhouse building as a permitted use on specific lands. Specific regulations for minimum lot frontages and areas, front yard encroachments and garages widths. R5 lands to be setback minimum 20 metres from a sewage pumping station.
  • Residential Eight (R8) Zone – proposing to limit uses to:
    • freehold townhouse building
    • townhouse building
    • stacked townhouse building
    • triplex building
    • Specific regulations for minimum lot frontages and areas, front yard encroachments and garages widths. R8 lands to be setback minimum 20 metres from a sewage pumping station. Outdoor amenity area setback from centerline of Conservation Drive and Beaver Creek Road.
  • Residential Nine (R9) Zone– permits:
    • apartments
    • townhouses
    • stacked townhouses
    • triplex building
    • long term care facility
    • assisted living facility
    • Request to remove the freeholding townhouse from list of permitted uses. R9 lands to be setback minimum 20 metres from a sewage pumping station. Request to include outdoor amenity area setback from centerline of Conservation Drive. Specific regulation to allow split zoning and boundary between two zones not be considered a lot line lines for purposes of establishing setbacks.
  • Residential Mixed Use (RMU-20) Zone – for lands within the node, permitted uses include mixed-use buildings, apartments and stacked townhouses. Request to include an outdoor amenity area setback from centerline of Conservation Drive and Beaver Creek Road. Specific regulation to allow split zoning and boundary between two zones not be considered a lot line lines for purposes of establishing setbacks.
  • Parks and Recreation (OS1) Zone – for the parks, walkways and the two pumping stations proposed.
  • Conservation (OS3) Zone – for the naturalfeatures within the subdivision, as well as the associated buffers and for the stormwater management facility.
  • Dual R8 and OS3 Zones – on Blocks 7 to 9, Stage 1 Northgate Lands (Temporary Stormwater Management Facility) - dual zoning is proposed to allow either the residential use should the facility be temporary in nature, or the stormwater management use should the facility need to become permanent.

The Zoning Bylaw amendment application is being advanced in conjunction with draft plan of subdivision application 30T-17401 and vacant land condominium application 30CDM-17409.

This application was submitted and deemed complete in accordance with the Planning Act, prior to the passing of Bylaw 2018-050 on September 10, 2018 being the new Zoning Bylaw for the City of Waterloo.

The subject lands are zoned Zone Change application (ZC) on schedule 'A' to Bylaw 2018-050, which carries forward the zoning provisions applied to the lands in Bylaw 1418, being Agriculture (A) Zone.

The agent has provided a comprehensive overview and justification of the requested zoning framework for the subject lands in the Planning Response Report, Section 4, pages 32-27.

Concurrent applications

These applications are being processed concurrently with zoning bylaw amendment application Z-17-15, draft plan of subdivision application 30T-17402 and vacant land condominium 30CDM-17410 for the adjacent lands at 675 Conservation Dr. (Erbsville Kartway Lands). On these adjacent lands, they are proposing to create in the range of 36 to 40 new residential units.

Collectively, upon full build out, the applications are proposing to create in the range of 657 to 1,015 new residential units.

Since the July 2017 submission, the ‘Northgate Lands’ subdivision has been modified to include the Environmental Lands (Core Natural Features) which were previously excluded from the limits of the plan of subdivision. This accounts for the significant change in land area of this subdivision (+18.33 ha). The Environmental Lands (to be zoned OS3) in the respective ‘Northgate Lands’ subdivision and the ‘Kartway Lands’ subdivision are proposed to be privately owned by separate condominium corporations.

Background information

The City of Waterloo received a resubmission of Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z-17-14 (‘Northgate Lands’) and zoning bylaw amendment application Z-17-15 (‘Kartway Lands’) on July 22, 2020. These applications are being processed concurrently.

The original submissions were received by the city in July 2017. Informal resubmissions were received in March 2018. The city compiled comments received from the circulation of these applications and provided these to the applicant in August 2019.

In December 2017, these applications were appealed to the OLT on the basis that a decision was not made with 120 days. As these applications are the subject of active OLT, the review of these resubmissions and all comments issued to the applicant are without prejudice.

  • reducing the distance of the underground parking structure from King St and Weber St

View the documents submitted by the development company under supporting documents on this page for more details and drawings.

You can provide feedback to the planning department, and it will be shared with the council, or ask a question to learn more about this application.

Images are provided by the applicant and may not reflect the final design approved by the planning division.

Application to amend zoning for Beaver Creek Rd and Conservation Dr

Changes to the Zoning Bylaw for this location are required before a permit can be issued. This means that they submit an application that is reviewed by city planners and other agencies plus city council before anything can be built.

Gabrielle Elizabeth Groff & 1017081 Ontario Limited Holding are proposing the creation of a new residential neighbourhood consisting of single detached, semi-detached and townhouse dwellings and potentially low rise apartments or stacked townhouses, a road network, parks and trails, stormwater management ponds and pumping stations, and protected environmental areas. The full-build out of this subdivision would create between 621 and 975 new residential units.

The applicant proposes to amend Zoning Bylaw no. 2018-050 by rezoning the lands from ‘Zone Change Application’ (ZC) to:

  • Residential One (R1) Zone – permits singles. This will apply to the condominium lands. Request the removal of ‘coach house’ from list of permitted uses.
  • Residential Five (R5) Zone – permits singles and semis. Request to add freehold townhouse building as a permitted use on specific lands. Specific regulations for minimum lot frontages and areas, front yard encroachments and garages widths. R5 lands to be setback minimum 20 metres from a sewage pumping station.
  • Residential Eight (R8) Zone – proposing to limit uses to:
    • freehold townhouse building
    • townhouse building
    • stacked townhouse building
    • triplex building
    • Specific regulations for minimum lot frontages and areas, front yard encroachments and garages widths. R8 lands to be setback minimum 20 metres from a sewage pumping station. Outdoor amenity area setback from centerline of Conservation Drive and Beaver Creek Road.
  • Residential Nine (R9) Zone– permits:
    • apartments
    • townhouses
    • stacked townhouses
    • triplex building
    • long term care facility
    • assisted living facility
    • Request to remove the freeholding townhouse from list of permitted uses. R9 lands to be setback minimum 20 metres from a sewage pumping station. Request to include outdoor amenity area setback from centerline of Conservation Drive. Specific regulation to allow split zoning and boundary between two zones not be considered a lot line lines for purposes of establishing setbacks.
  • Residential Mixed Use (RMU-20) Zone – for lands within the node, permitted uses include mixed-use buildings, apartments and stacked townhouses. Request to include an outdoor amenity area setback from centerline of Conservation Drive and Beaver Creek Road. Specific regulation to allow split zoning and boundary between two zones not be considered a lot line lines for purposes of establishing setbacks.
  • Parks and Recreation (OS1) Zone – for the parks, walkways and the two pumping stations proposed.
  • Conservation (OS3) Zone – for the naturalfeatures within the subdivision, as well as the associated buffers and for the stormwater management facility.
  • Dual R8 and OS3 Zones – on Blocks 7 to 9, Stage 1 Northgate Lands (Temporary Stormwater Management Facility) - dual zoning is proposed to allow either the residential use should the facility be temporary in nature, or the stormwater management use should the facility need to become permanent.

The Zoning Bylaw amendment application is being advanced in conjunction with draft plan of subdivision application 30T-17401 and vacant land condominium application 30CDM-17409.

This application was submitted and deemed complete in accordance with the Planning Act, prior to the passing of Bylaw 2018-050 on September 10, 2018 being the new Zoning Bylaw for the City of Waterloo.

The subject lands are zoned Zone Change application (ZC) on schedule 'A' to Bylaw 2018-050, which carries forward the zoning provisions applied to the lands in Bylaw 1418, being Agriculture (A) Zone.

The agent has provided a comprehensive overview and justification of the requested zoning framework for the subject lands in the Planning Response Report, Section 4, pages 32-27.

Concurrent applications

These applications are being processed concurrently with zoning bylaw amendment application Z-17-15, draft plan of subdivision application 30T-17402 and vacant land condominium 30CDM-17410 for the adjacent lands at 675 Conservation Dr. (Erbsville Kartway Lands). On these adjacent lands, they are proposing to create in the range of 36 to 40 new residential units.

Collectively, upon full build out, the applications are proposing to create in the range of 657 to 1,015 new residential units.

Since the July 2017 submission, the ‘Northgate Lands’ subdivision has been modified to include the Environmental Lands (Core Natural Features) which were previously excluded from the limits of the plan of subdivision. This accounts for the significant change in land area of this subdivision (+18.33 ha). The Environmental Lands (to be zoned OS3) in the respective ‘Northgate Lands’ subdivision and the ‘Kartway Lands’ subdivision are proposed to be privately owned by separate condominium corporations.

Background information

The City of Waterloo received a resubmission of Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z-17-14 (‘Northgate Lands’) and zoning bylaw amendment application Z-17-15 (‘Kartway Lands’) on July 22, 2020. These applications are being processed concurrently.

The original submissions were received by the city in July 2017. Informal resubmissions were received in March 2018. The city compiled comments received from the circulation of these applications and provided these to the applicant in August 2019.

In December 2017, these applications were appealed to the OLT on the basis that a decision was not made with 120 days. As these applications are the subject of active OLT, the review of these resubmissions and all comments issued to the applicant are without prejudice.

  • reducing the distance of the underground parking structure from King St and Weber St

View the documents submitted by the development company under supporting documents on this page for more details and drawings.

You can provide feedback to the planning department, and it will be shared with the council, or ask a question to learn more about this application.

Images are provided by the applicant and may not reflect the final design approved by the planning division.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Questions and answers will be published on this site for public viewing. If your username includes your first or last name, or your email address, these will be available for public viewing. Do not include personal or identifying information in your question; if your question is of a personal nature, consider contacting a member of the project team directly. For more information, please refer to our privacy policy.

Questions will be answered by a member of the Planning department within two business days. Some questions may require more time but they will be answered as soon as the information for the response can be collected. 

Page last updated: 20 Jan 2025, 11:17 AM