The Plan to End Chronic Homelessness

The number of people who are currently experiencing homelessness in Waterloo Region is higher than ever before.
Homelessness is a complex problem with many causes. There is no one answer. Region of Waterloo staff are working with the community to find solutions. Together, our community will co-create a Plan to End Chronic Homelessness (The Plan).
The Plan will be a roadmap for strategies, resources and timelines to end chronic homelessness in Waterloo Region.
The voice of lived expertise will be vital in creating The Plan. The creation of The Plan will be in community, by community and for community.
The Social Development Centre Waterloo Region (SDCWR) is facilitating pilot projects led by lived experts.
How can I get involved or learn more?
- Use our Discussion Guide to host a community conversation (see the Community Toolkit section)
- Submit a question in the Q & A portal below
- Send an email to
- Call: (519) 575-4400, extension 5008 | Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TTY): 519-575-4608
- Interpreters are available in over 150 languages
- Sign up to follow this project and receive regular email updates to your inbox
- Follow on social media:
- The community engagement survey has now closed. Thank you for your input. Survey findings are presented in the Mid-Project Key Findings Report.
The topic of homelessness may surface emotional responses or trauma for some people. As you interact with our engagement activities, please be mindful of your wellbeing and do not proceed if you feel uncomfortable. If you are experiencing emotional or mental distress, please reach out for help.
CMHA Waterloo-Wellington's Here 24/7 Helpline
- Call 1-844-437-3247 (HERE-247), TTY: 1-877-688-5501
- Visit (English and French)
Multilingual Helpline Support
- Call 905-459-7777, TTY: 905-278-4890
- Visit (English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu)