Franklin Blvd Improvements

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Project background
In 2010, the Region of Waterloo completed an Environmental Assessment (EA) for improvements to Franklin Boulevard between Pinebush Road and Myers Road. In 2013, Regional Council requested that staff reassess the proposed roundabout at Franklin Boulevard and Saginaw Parkway.

Several improvement projects have been completed along Franklin Boulevard between Pinebush Road and Myers Road. The only remaining section to be completed is between Bishop Street and Avenue Road.

Ultimately, it is Regional staff's goal to present a recommendation to Regional Council that considers the needs and concerns of all local interest holders.

Franklin Boulevard between Avenue Road and Bishop Street

As part of the extensive outreach ongoing since 2021, many community groups have participated in the development and evaluation of intersection alternatives for this section of Franklin Boulevard.

The project team, consisting of over 25 participants from the Region, City of Cambridge, Community Associations, St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School, Waterloo Catholic District School Board, and advocacy members, has worked to define a plan that provides a balanced solution providing safety and flow for all modes of transportation, while balancing cost, social and environmental impacts.

The project team has identified a preferred design for Franklin Boulevard between Avenue Road and Bishop Street, focusing on the design of the two intersections at Saginaw Parkway and Can-Amera Parkway.

The project team conducted a value engineering exercise and considered many options to address two concerns in the area:

  • Design of the two intersections – roundabouts/signalization
  • Safety of pedestrians crossing Franklin (students from St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School).

Preferred alternative
The project team has established a preferred option that includes roundabouts at two intersections, and a pedestrian pathway that will run under Franklin Boulevard.

After reviewing and evaluating numerous alternatives, the project team arrived at the preferred alternative of a roundabout at Franklin Blvd./Can-Amear Pkwy. and at Franklin Blvd./Saginaw Pkwy. – Elgin St. The design at Franklin Blvd./Saginaw Pkwy. – Elgin St. would include a grade-separated pedestrian pathway on the north side only, with the remaining three legs being typical at-grade crossings. The proposed plan also includes a planned City of Cambridge roundabout at Saginaw Parkway and Green Vista Drive.

Public meeting — April 25, 2024
Thanks to everyone who joined us at the public meeting. It was great to listen to your comments and provide answers to your questions.

If you weren't able to join us, you can watch and listen to the recorded presentation under Videos on the right-hand side of this page.

Please take a few minutes to watch and share your comments in the survey below. We'll accept comments until May 19, 2024.

Project background
In 2010, the Region of Waterloo completed an Environmental Assessment (EA) for improvements to Franklin Boulevard between Pinebush Road and Myers Road. In 2013, Regional Council requested that staff reassess the proposed roundabout at Franklin Boulevard and Saginaw Parkway.

Several improvement projects have been completed along Franklin Boulevard between Pinebush Road and Myers Road. The only remaining section to be completed is between Bishop Street and Avenue Road.

Ultimately, it is Regional staff's goal to present a recommendation to Regional Council that considers the needs and concerns of all local interest holders.

Franklin Boulevard between Avenue Road and Bishop Street

As part of the extensive outreach ongoing since 2021, many community groups have participated in the development and evaluation of intersection alternatives for this section of Franklin Boulevard.

The project team, consisting of over 25 participants from the Region, City of Cambridge, Community Associations, St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School, Waterloo Catholic District School Board, and advocacy members, has worked to define a plan that provides a balanced solution providing safety and flow for all modes of transportation, while balancing cost, social and environmental impacts.

The project team has identified a preferred design for Franklin Boulevard between Avenue Road and Bishop Street, focusing on the design of the two intersections at Saginaw Parkway and Can-Amera Parkway.

The project team conducted a value engineering exercise and considered many options to address two concerns in the area:

  • Design of the two intersections – roundabouts/signalization
  • Safety of pedestrians crossing Franklin (students from St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School).

Preferred alternative
The project team has established a preferred option that includes roundabouts at two intersections, and a pedestrian pathway that will run under Franklin Boulevard.

After reviewing and evaluating numerous alternatives, the project team arrived at the preferred alternative of a roundabout at Franklin Blvd./Can-Amear Pkwy. and at Franklin Blvd./Saginaw Pkwy. – Elgin St. The design at Franklin Blvd./Saginaw Pkwy. – Elgin St. would include a grade-separated pedestrian pathway on the north side only, with the remaining three legs being typical at-grade crossings. The proposed plan also includes a planned City of Cambridge roundabout at Saginaw Parkway and Green Vista Drive.

Public meeting — April 25, 2024
Thanks to everyone who joined us at the public meeting. It was great to listen to your comments and provide answers to your questions.

If you weren't able to join us, you can watch and listen to the recorded presentation under Videos on the right-hand side of this page.

Please take a few minutes to watch and share your comments in the survey below. We'll accept comments until May 19, 2024.

  • The project team has presented a preferred option to the public, and we're asking for your comments as we refine and continue this project.

    The boards that were presented at the public meeting on April 25, 2024, are available on the right side of this page under Document.
    Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and let us know what you think. Comments will be received until May 19, 2024. 

    All responses are confidential and personal information will be removed from responses. Data that is collected in this survey will be used for the design development of the Recommended Plan and the results will be shared with Council through a report to the Planning and Works Committee this summer. 

    Please contact Boris Latkovic at if you have any questions about this survey.

    Take Survey
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Page last updated: 21 May 2024, 09:58 PM