Let's map our gathering spaces!

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This consultation is now closed. Please check out the Gathering Spaces tool on the new Neighbourhoods website

Neighbourhood asset mapping is a community-focused way of sharing information about local resources. 

Asset mapping projects typically focus on resources such as community spaces, skills and strengths of residents, or organizations in the community. Taking an inventory of community assets and displaying them on a map helps to easily identify available resources and address community needs.

Our neighbourhoods team is developing a gathering space asset map and we need your help! Mapping locations will benefit residents who require access to spaces for neighbourhood meetings and events. This tool will also help enable COVID-19 community recovery by supporting the return to in-person gatherings when it is safe to do so.

Neighbours will be able to browse locations across the community, see details about the spaces (capacity, size, amenities), and access contact information to book spaces for meetings and gatherings. To give residents a better sense of each space, photos will be included where possible.

Categories of spaces will include:

  • Indoor gathering spaces within recreational facilities, religious spaces, businesses, and community buildings
  • Outdoor gathering spaces within parks and green spaces

Developing a gathering space asset map was recommended in the City of Waterloo neighbourhood strategy. The interactive map will be displayed on the city’s new online hub for all things neighbourhoods, currently under development.

The interactive gathering spaces asset map is planned to be available early 2022. For more information, take a look at the workshop session from our Neighbourhood Summit.

Neighbourhood asset mapping is a community-focused way of sharing information about local resources. 

Asset mapping projects typically focus on resources such as community spaces, skills and strengths of residents, or organizations in the community. Taking an inventory of community assets and displaying them on a map helps to easily identify available resources and address community needs.

Our neighbourhoods team is developing a gathering space asset map and we need your help! Mapping locations will benefit residents who require access to spaces for neighbourhood meetings and events. This tool will also help enable COVID-19 community recovery by supporting the return to in-person gatherings when it is safe to do so.

Neighbours will be able to browse locations across the community, see details about the spaces (capacity, size, amenities), and access contact information to book spaces for meetings and gatherings. To give residents a better sense of each space, photos will be included where possible.

Categories of spaces will include:

  • Indoor gathering spaces within recreational facilities, religious spaces, businesses, and community buildings
  • Outdoor gathering spaces within parks and green spaces

Developing a gathering space asset map was recommended in the City of Waterloo neighbourhood strategy. The interactive map will be displayed on the city’s new online hub for all things neighbourhoods, currently under development.

The interactive gathering spaces asset map is planned to be available early 2022. For more information, take a look at the workshop session from our Neighbourhood Summit.

This consultation is now closed. Please check out the Gathering Spaces tool on the new Neighbourhoods website

If you have questions about this project, please post them here and we'll respond!

  • Share Hi... Looking forward to see the maps this Spring/summer! Wondering if the city has/is considering creating any "edible fruit tree maps" or "food asset maps"? (think beehives, community gardens, chicken coupes, fruit trees, etc..) I know in Edmonton they've been doing this for a few years. As part of the cities Food and Urban Agriculture Strategy a volunteer committee has taken charge on such mapping projects. Appreciate the opportunity to engage. Keep up the great work! on Facebook Share Hi... Looking forward to see the maps this Spring/summer! Wondering if the city has/is considering creating any "edible fruit tree maps" or "food asset maps"? (think beehives, community gardens, chicken coupes, fruit trees, etc..) I know in Edmonton they've been doing this for a few years. As part of the cities Food and Urban Agriculture Strategy a volunteer committee has taken charge on such mapping projects. Appreciate the opportunity to engage. Keep up the great work! on Twitter Share Hi... Looking forward to see the maps this Spring/summer! Wondering if the city has/is considering creating any "edible fruit tree maps" or "food asset maps"? (think beehives, community gardens, chicken coupes, fruit trees, etc..) I know in Edmonton they've been doing this for a few years. As part of the cities Food and Urban Agriculture Strategy a volunteer committee has taken charge on such mapping projects. Appreciate the opportunity to engage. Keep up the great work! on Linkedin Email Hi... Looking forward to see the maps this Spring/summer! Wondering if the city has/is considering creating any "edible fruit tree maps" or "food asset maps"? (think beehives, community gardens, chicken coupes, fruit trees, etc..) I know in Edmonton they've been doing this for a few years. As part of the cities Food and Urban Agriculture Strategy a volunteer committee has taken charge on such mapping projects. Appreciate the opportunity to engage. Keep up the great work! link

    Hi... Looking forward to see the maps this Spring/summer! Wondering if the city has/is considering creating any "edible fruit tree maps" or "food asset maps"? (think beehives, community gardens, chicken coupes, fruit trees, etc..) I know in Edmonton they've been doing this for a few years. As part of the cities Food and Urban Agriculture Strategy a volunteer committee has taken charge on such mapping projects. Appreciate the opportunity to engage. Keep up the great work!

    Zach Summerhayes asked over 3 years ago

    Hi Zach. We can't wait to launch the Gathering Spaces Asset Map this summer! Currently we are just focusing on spaces that facilitate gatherings (meetings, events, etc.) These, however, are great ideas to include in future mapping projects.

  • Share LOVE this project! I hope the maps are nice to look at and easy to use. Question - will the map that's launched this Spring be update-able should there be more spots that are wanting to be added? on Facebook Share LOVE this project! I hope the maps are nice to look at and easy to use. Question - will the map that's launched this Spring be update-able should there be more spots that are wanting to be added? on Twitter Share LOVE this project! I hope the maps are nice to look at and easy to use. Question - will the map that's launched this Spring be update-able should there be more spots that are wanting to be added? on Linkedin Email LOVE this project! I hope the maps are nice to look at and easy to use. Question - will the map that's launched this Spring be update-able should there be more spots that are wanting to be added? link

    LOVE this project! I hope the maps are nice to look at and easy to use. Question - will the map that's launched this Spring be update-able should there be more spots that are wanting to be added?

    Zach Summerhayes asked over 3 years ago

    Thanks! We can't wait to launch this project and help our community members find spaces to connect. Our goal is to make the final platform visually appealing and easy to use! The map will be continually updated as we find new and exciting spots to gather across Waterloo.