Patricia Avenue: Henry Strum Greenway to Queen's Boulevard
The construction is now complete, and the project has entered the maintenance phase. This means we will inspect all aspects of the work done to ensure that it meets our standards. We will also address any deficiencies. Once this phase is complete, we will add a final layer of surface asphalt. This is usually about two years from the start of maintenance. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Engineering division at 519-741-2345 or
This reconstruction is being done to replace the older, deteriorated underground services. The following is a brief list of specific improvements being considered:
- Upgrade the existing storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water mains as required.
- Replace existing sanitary and water services from the new mains to the property line.
- Curb and gutter, and sidewalks will be installed.
- Upgrade the asphalt roadway.
More information about the project will be made available for all members of the public including owners and residents that will be directly affected by the proposed improvements.
We anticipate that construction will take place in 2023-2024. It will take place in four stages:
- Stage 1 – Henry Sturm Greenway to Highland Road West
- Stage 2 – Highland Road West at Patricia Avenue
- Stage 3 – Highland Road West to Spadina Avenue
- Stage 4 – Spadina Avenue to Queen’s Boulevard
Please read the Information Package for more details about how this construction may affect you.
All residents are also invited to review the Project Information Boards for more information.
Progress and major milestones will be posted on this project page. Subscribe to get project updates by using the Stay Informed 'Subscribe' button.
This reconstruction is being done to replace the older, deteriorated underground services. The following is a brief list of specific improvements being considered:
- Upgrade the existing storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water mains as required.
- Replace existing sanitary and water services from the new mains to the property line.
- Curb and gutter, and sidewalks will be installed.
- Upgrade the asphalt roadway.
More information about the project will be made available for all members of the public including owners and residents that will be directly affected by the proposed improvements.
We anticipate that construction will take place in 2023-2024. It will take place in four stages:
- Stage 1 – Henry Sturm Greenway to Highland Road West
- Stage 2 – Highland Road West at Patricia Avenue
- Stage 3 – Highland Road West to Spadina Avenue
- Stage 4 – Spadina Avenue to Queen’s Boulevard
Please read the Information Package for more details about how this construction may affect you.
All residents are also invited to review the Project Information Boards for more information.
Progress and major milestones will be posted on this project page. Subscribe to get project updates by using the Stay Informed 'Subscribe' button.
The construction is now complete, and the project has entered the maintenance phase. This means we will inspect all aspects of the work done to ensure that it meets our standards. We will also address any deficiencies. Once this phase is complete, we will add a final layer of surface asphalt. This is usually about two years from the start of maintenance. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Engineering division at 519-741-2345 or
Stage 4 sod placement
Share Stage 4 sod placement on Facebook Share Stage 4 sod placement on Twitter Share Stage 4 sod placement on Linkedin Email Stage 4 sod placement linkWe are placing sod for stage 4 of this project, which affects Spadina Road West to Queen’s Blvd. This work is part of the Council-approved Capital Budget to renew aging city roads, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, watermains, and sidewalk for current and future needs. See the map of the work area below.
Please take note of this letter’s date, as there will be a follow up notice delivered at the time of sod acceptance and handover at the end of the sod placement limited warranty end date.
Map of work area
What to expect during construction
Work hours
Work will take place from 7 7 p.m., Monday to Friday. Work on weekends may also be required from time to time, but is unlikely, and is pre-approved Saturday and Sundays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
The construction work area will be restored with sod, concrete and/or asphalt where required. Interlocking bricks, flagstone on a granular base, or other similar features that are removed from public and private property during construction will be replaced.
Sod 60-day placement limited warranty end date: October 22, 2024
The contractor is responsible for the following items within the first 60-days after placed, which include:
- Installation of topsoil and sod including rolling of the sod
- Watering of the sod immediately after placement, and during the 60-day warranty period.
- First cut of the sod within 14 days after placement
An inspection will be completed by the project team just before the end of the 60-day limited warranty period.
Contractor watering truck
The contractor is responsible to water the newly placed sod during the first 60 days after placement. The contractor will typically water by way of water truck. On-street parked vehicles on the roadway during watering does impede and limit the watering truck’s access and ability to water boulevards. We kindly ask to limit parking on the street after sod is placed.
Resident watering
We encourage residents and property owners to continue watering throughout the sod warranty period and after the sod is accepted (according to the Region of Waterloo water use by-law). Working together on watering will help the sod to establish and give it the best chances.
Lawn mowing and grass cutting
Aside from the Contractor’s first cut taking place within 14 days of sod placed, it is the responsibility of the resident or property/business owner to continue to always cut and maintain the grass. It must be a height of 75mm (or 3 inches) and not any shorter. We encourage you to raise your mower height to the highest possible, as this helps the new sod continue to grow. It also gives it the best chance to survive through hot weather over the course of the next 2 years. Cutting the lawn too short will void any sod warranty immediately.
Fertilizer, aeration and overseeding
A year after the installation of sod, in springtime the contractor is responsible to fertilize, aerate and overseed the newly sodded areas from the previous construction year.
Sod inspection and handover
The city will inspect the condition of the newly sodded area at the end of 60 days. The contractor will be required to replace any deteriorated sod noted at the time of inspection. After this inspection and the replacement of any deteriorated sod, the care and maintenance of the sod will be handed over to become the resident or property/business owner’s responsibility. To find out best practices for sod care and maintenance, please visit the Nursery Sod Growers Association of Ontario.
Site Inspector
If you have construction questions or an issue onsite, we ask that you contact the Site Inspector who represents the City onsite. The Site Inspector is onsite daily and can be identified by the white hardhat they wear with either the city logo or consultant company logo on it.
Need more information?
If you have questions about the upcoming work, please contact us.
City Project Manager
Licinio Costa
226-749-3034 (TTY:1-866-969-9994)
Engineering General inquiries
Thank you for your continued patience. We are working towards building better infrastructure.
Stage 3 sod placement
Share Stage 3 sod placement on Facebook Share Stage 3 sod placement on Twitter Share Stage 3 sod placement on Linkedin Email Stage 3 sod placement linkWe are placing sod for stage 3 of this project, which affects Patricia Avenue from Highland Road West to Spadina Road West. This work is part of the Council-approved Capital Budget to renew aging city roads, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, watermains, and sidewalk for current and future needs. See the map of the work area below.
Please take note of this letter’s date, as there will be a follow up notice delivered at the time of sod acceptance and handover at the end of the sod placement limited warranty end date.
Map of work area
What to expect during construction
Work hours
Work will take place from 7 7 p.m., Monday to Friday. Work on weekends may also be required from time to time, but is unlikely, and is pre-approved Saturday and Sundays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
The construction work area will be restored with sod, concrete and/or asphalt where required. Interlocking bricks, flagstone on a granular base, or other similar features that are removed from public and private property during construction will be replaced.
Sod 60-day placement limited warranty end date: Sept. 15, 2024
The contractor is responsible for the following items within the first 60-days after placed, which include:
- Installation of topsoil and sod including rolling of the sod
- Watering of the sod immediately after placement, and during the 60-day warranty period.
- First cut of the sod within 14 days after placement
An inspection will be completed by the project team just before the end of the 60-day limited warranty period.
Contractor watering truck
The contractor is responsible to water the newly placed sod during the first 60 days after placement. The contractor will typically water by way of water truck. On-street parked vehicles on the roadway during watering does impede and limit the watering truck’s access and ability to water boulevards. We kindly ask to limit parking on the street after sod is placed.
Resident watering
We encourage residents and property owners to continue watering throughout the sod warranty period and after the sod is accepted (according to the Region of Waterloo water use by-law). Working together on watering will help the sod to establish and give it the best chances.
Lawn mowing and grass cutting
Aside from the Contractor’s first cut taking place within 14 days of sod placed, it is the responsibility of the resident or property/business owner to continue to always cut and maintain the grass. It must be a height of 75mm (or 3 inches) and not any shorter. We encourage you to raise your mower height to the highest possible, as this helps the new sod continue to grow. It also gives it the best chance to survive through hot weather over the course of the next 2 years. Cutting the lawn too short will void any sod warranty immediately.
Fertilizer, aeration and overseeding
A year after the installation of sod, in springtime the contractor is responsible to fertilize, aerate and overseed the newly sodded areas from the previous construction year.
Sod inspection and handover
The city will inspect the condition of the newly sodded area at the end of 60 days. The contractor will be required to replace any deteriorated sod noted at the time of inspection. After this inspection and the replacement of any deteriorated sod, the care and maintenance of the sod will be handed over to become the resident or property/business owner’s responsibility. To find out best practices for sod care and maintenance, please visit the Nursery Sod Growers Association of Ontario.
Site Inspector
If you have construction questions or an issue onsite, we ask that you contact the Site Inspector who represents the City onsite. The Site Inspector is onsite daily and can be identified by the white hardhat they wear with either the city logo or consultant company logo on it.
Need more information?
If you have questions about the upcoming work, please contact us.
City Project Manager
Licinio Costa
226-749-3034 (TTY:1-866-969-9994)
Brent Garcia
519-503-1100 (TTY:1-866-969-9994)
Engineering General inquiries
Thank you for your continued patience. We are working towards building better infrastructure.
Information about driveway access during surface works
Share Information about driveway access during surface works on Facebook Share Information about driveway access during surface works on Twitter Share Information about driveway access during surface works on Linkedin Email Information about driveway access during surface works linkPlease be advised that on or about June 10, 2024, crews will begin working on string line setup for upcoming installation of concrete curb and gutter to follow on Stage 3 of Patricia Ave.
Driveway access during concrete work
The contractor estimates that driveway access will be lost for about 3-5 weeks while concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, concrete driveway ramps and asphalt road paving is planned to occur. The duration of lost driveway access is due to several factors including:
- time required for crews to complete their work
- time required for concrete to properly cure to reach its proper strength
- subcontractor’s schedule
- and other unforeseen factors such as weather
Crews will work diligently to complete this work in a timely manner. Wood planks/bridges may be constructed at various points along the site, by the contractor, over the newly poured concrete sidewalks to provide pedestrian access to properties.
On street parking
During reconstruction, temporary parking permits have been issued to displaced residents to allow on-street parking when needed. The permits list streets for parking options as you will be permitted to park longer than 3 hours and overnight. Permits are to be displayed on the dash of your vehicle. Ensure that your vehicle is parked in permitted areas only and that you do not interfere with any construction operations. We communicate with the Bylaw Enforcement team to ensure residents displaced by construction are noted, although illegal parking and/or safety related issues will continue to be enforced. If you require parking enforcement, please contact 519-741-2345. If you have any inquiries or require additional permits, please speak to the site inspector for further direction or contact me, the construction project manager, directly.
Accessibility requirements
If you have not yet reached out to me, please let me know of any accessibility requirements, and we will work together with the contractor to arrange suitable accommodations. This could include (but not limited to) accessibility parking needs, moving in or out of your residence, special deliveries, etc.
Curbside waste collection
For curbside waste collection, please write your address on all your containers and have out to curbside by 6 a.m. on your collection day. The contractor is responsible to ensure pickup of your waste items and return your containers within a reasonable amount of time after collection occurs.
We’re happy to meet with you or discuss by phone, any concerns, questions or feedback that you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact me, the City’s Project Manager by phone at 519-741-2200 ext. 7812 or by email at
If you would like to receive updates for this project as they become available, please subscribe and you will be added to the email list for updates on this project.
Project team contact information
City of Kitchener Project Manager
Jeff Riedl – 519-741-2200 ext. 7812
City of Kitchener Construction Inspector
Jeff Gruber – 519-504-1811
Contractor – Regional Sewer and Watermain
Max Sarnacki – 519-589-8133
Corporate Contact Centre (24 hour)
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this project.
Construction begins April 2
Share Construction begins April 2 on Facebook Share Construction begins April 2 on Twitter Share Construction begins April 2 on Linkedin Email Construction begins April 2 linkThe City of Kitchener will reconstruct the road on Patricia Avenue from Highland Road E to Queen’s Blvd in 2024 by completing this in two separate stages. The city’s hired contractor is Regional Sewer & Watermain Ltd will start Stage 3 work on/about April 2, 2024 with limits on Patricia Ave from Highland Road West to Queen’s Boulevard. Stage 4 will follow later in 2024.
This work is part of the Council-approved 2024 Capital Works Program to renew aging city roads, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, watermains, and sidewalk for current and future needs. Please see a map of the work area below. Impacts on properties are expected, including planned water shut-offs, excavation pits and limited parking. For the duration of the construction, affected properties will receive water via a temporary water supply system.
If you would like to receive updates for this project, please subscribe and you will be added to the email list. Add your email to the Stay Informed box on this page and click 'Subscribe'.
Map of work area
What to expect during construction
Work Hours
Work will take place from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday to Friday; work on weekends may also be required from time to time, but is unlikely, and is pre-approved Saturday and Sundays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m..
Construction noise
You may experience intermittent noise and vibration during construction (from vacuum trucks, excavators, dump trucks, power generators, air compressors, paving equipment, concrete equipment, etc.).
On-Site Communication
There are times when contractors need to communicate with homeowners about what is happening on-site. This could be about driveway access, water shut-offs, pre-construction inspections, and site restoration work (landscaping, installing pavers etc.). Contractor's staff will be identifiable by their high-visibility company branded clothing. If you need to speak with staff on the construction site, please ask for the Site Inspector.
Accessible Accommodation
The City's contractor must ensure safe and accessible walkways and entryways are maintained for everyone during construction. Any temporary access disruptions will be communicated as soon as possible. If you experience a disruption, have a specific access need or related accommodation request, contact the person listed below.
Residents who require accommodation (level entry, longer notice, etc.) must contact the Project Manager to arrange for access during the construction period.
J F Carmichael Public School
For the safety of the public during construction, access to JF Carmichael Public School will be via either North Drive / Marlborough Avenue and/or Spadina Road West walkway. The contractor will be installing safety fencing along the frontage of the school on Patricia Avenue to help direct students, parents/guardians, and faculty/staff to enter/exit the school via the alternate routes. For your safety, we ask that you please always avoid the active construction site on Patricia Ave.
Please see a map of the work area below and alternate routes.
Site Inspector
If you have construction questions or an issue onsite, we ask that you be directed to the site inspector who is onsite daily and wearing a white hardhat with the City logo on it. If the site inspector is unavailable, please contact the Project Manager listed below.
Telephone and Internet Services
This work may affect phone and internet cables for individual properties that aren't buried deep below the sidewalk. The contractor will coordinate with utility companies to minimize disruption. Residents who find their service has been disrupted should notify their phone or internet service provider immediately to start the repair process.
Water service disruptions
The water to your property will need to be shut off to allow for connection and disconnection to the temporary water supply. The contractor will provide at least 48-hour advance notice for all planned shut-offs.
Throughout the work, it is recommended that you temporarily disconnect any water treatment systems (i.e., softeners or filters), water-cooled air conditioners or similar plumbing fixtures.
Automatic lawn sprinkler systems may also be affected; therefore, you may need to water manually. If you did not receive advance notice and your water was turned off, an emergency water shut-off may have been necessary to complete the work.
Important information for owners of sprinkler systems / heated driveways and private landscaping features
Property owners should remove items located within City property limits (boulevard) to avoid damage. This includes items such as landscaping (plants and pavers), decorative objects, sprinkler systems or heated driveways. If you have a sprinkler system or heated driveway, please contact the Project Manager listed below.
Road and Sidewalk Access
In order to complete the work in a safe manner, there will be road and sidewalk restrictions within the work zone. Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times.
Driveway Access
The contractor will notify you of any temporary restrictions to your driveway access. There will be times where driveway access is not possible due to the nature of the work.
During reconstruction, temporary parking permits will be issued to displaced residents to allow on-street parking when needed. The permits will list streets for parking options as you will be permitted to park longer than 3 hours and overnight. Permits are to be displayed on the dash of your vehicle. Ensure that your vehicle is parked in permitted areas only and that you do not interfere with any construction operations. We communicate with the Bylaw Enforcement team to ensure residents displaced by construction are noted, although illegal parking and/or safety related issues will continue to be enforced.
This project will affect on-street parking. Parking in the active work zone is not permitted as space is needed for construction equipment and materials. If your parked vehicle affects construction work, it will be relocated with no charge to the owner.
If you require parking enforcement, please contact 519-741-2345.
Traffic Management
Efforts have been made to manage traffic in the area for the safety of workers, road users and residents. Road users should expect delays and increased traffic on nearby main and side streets.
Moving in/out and Deliveries
Efforts will be made to accommodate properties that have scheduled move-ins / move-outs and deliveries. Please contact the site inspector in advance to advise of any delivery access.
Garbage and Recycling
Please have materials placed at curbside before 7 a.m. on your collection day. If required, the contractor will move bins to an appropriate location and return them in reasonable amount of time. Please ensure that you label your bins with your address.
The construction work area will be restored with sod, concrete and/or asphalt where required. Interlocking bricks, flagstone on a granular base, or other similar features that are removed from public and private property during construction will be replaced. Further information notice regarding sod will follow once the sod is placed.
Need more information?
If you have questions about the upcoming work, please contact us.
City Project Manager
Jeff Riedl
519-497-5917 (TTY:1-866-969-9994)
Engineering General inquiries
Thank you for your continued patience.
Stage 1 Sod Acceptance
Share Stage 1 Sod Acceptance on Facebook Share Stage 1 Sod Acceptance on Twitter Share Stage 1 Sod Acceptance on Linkedin Email Stage 1 Sod Acceptance linkAs a follow-up to the letter dated August 3, 2023, please be advised the City’s hired contractor has met their contractual obligations as it relates to the care and rectification of the newly sodded areas within the project limits noted above. With the contractor now excused from the watering and maintenance of the newly sodded areas, it is now the property owner’s responsibility to continue the watering, maintenance and care of these newly sodded areas, as required.
After construction, depression settlement may occur, meaning the soil over the area that was dug up had settled. Should depression occur, rectification of the depression will happen during the project two-year maintenance period.
Please note new sod can may take up to two years to fully root and establish itself. The weather, sun exposure, cutting the new sod too short and such can impact the establishment and health of young sod. We encourage property owners to continue periodic watering, care and maintenance of the sod going forward.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the city’s Project Manager by phone at 519-741-2200 ext. 7140 or email at
Stage 1 Sod Placement
Share Stage 1 Sod Placement on Facebook Share Stage 1 Sod Placement on Twitter Share Stage 1 Sod Placement on Linkedin Email Stage 1 Sod Placement linkAs part of the completion of the reconstruction of Patricia Avenue, the city’s contractor has replaced the topsoil and sod on or adjacent to your property. The contractor will now be required to provide ongoing maintenance, including watering of the sodded areas until Monday, October 02, 2023. After the 60 days, you will be notified by letter that the sod has been accepted, that it will no longer be subject to a warranty, and that ongoing care and maintenance will become the responsibility of the property owners.
In an effort to ensure the newly placed sod is given the best chance to root and survive the contractor will be subject to several requirements that will include:
- Daily watering for the first 7 days after the sod is placed.
- Ongoing watering during the first 60 days as needed, and
- First cut by the contractor within 14 days after placement
The city will inspect the condition of the newly sodded area at the end of 60 days. The contractor will be required to replace any deteriorated sod noted at the time of inspection. After this inspection and the replacement of any deteriorated sod, the care and maintenance of the sod will become the homeowner’s responsibility.
After construction, depression settlement may occur, meaning the soil over the area that was dug up had settled. Should depression occur, rectification of the depression will occur during the project two-year maintenance period.
Please note, new sod may take up to two years to fully root and establish. The weather, sun exposure, cutting too short, and other factors, can affect the establishment and health of young sod. We encourage property owners to continue periodic watering (adhering to the Region of Waterloo water use by-law) and care and maintenance after the end of the sod warranty.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the city’s Project Manager at phone number 519-741-2200 ext. 7140 or email at
Surface Works & Driveway Access
Share Surface Works & Driveway Access on Facebook Share Surface Works & Driveway Access on Twitter Share Surface Works & Driveway Access on Linkedin Email Surface Works & Driveway Access linkStage 1 (from Henry Sturm Greenway to Highland Road E) begins this week
Please be advised that crews will begin working on stringline setup for upcoming installation of concrete curb and gutter by curb machine on Patricia Avenue. Crews will also be marking out the curb driveway drops for the new curb. Concrete curb and gutter is planned to be installed the week of June 26.
Driveway Access during Surface Work
The contractor estimates that driveway access will be lost for about 2-3 weeks while concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, concrete driveway ramps and asphalt road paving are planned to occur. The duration of lost driveway access is due to several factors including:
- time required for crews to complete their work
- time required for concrete to properly cure to reach its proper strength
- subcontractor’s schedule
- and other unforeseen factors such as weather
Crews will work diligently to complete this work in a timely manner. Wood planks/bridges may be constructed at various points along the site, by the contractor, over the newly poured concrete sidewalks to provide pedestrian access to properties.
Temporary Parking Permits
During this time that driveway access is lost due to surface works, please park your vehicle in permitted areas identified on the temporary parking permit that was provided by the City of Kitchener. The permits must be displayed on your dashboard and you must abide by City on-street bylaw parking regulations. Park your vehicle outside of the construction work zones on the streets noted on the parking permit. If you require additional permits, please contact us by phone or email and we will make arrangements accordingly.
Accessibility Requirements
If you have not yet reached out to me, please let me know of any accessibility requirements, and we will work together with the contractor to arrange suitable accommodations. This could include (but not limited to) accessibility parking needs, moving out of your residence, special deliveries, private work, etc.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
City of Kitchener Project Manager
Brent Garcia – 519-741-2200 ext. 7140 or
City of Kitchener Construction Inspector
Jeff Gruber – 226-749-2957 or
Thank you for your continued patience during the construction project.
Detour Map during Highland Rd W Intersection Closure starting on/about June 6, 2023
Share Detour Map during Highland Rd W Intersection Closure starting on/about June 6, 2023 on Facebook Share Detour Map during Highland Rd W Intersection Closure starting on/about June 6, 2023 on Twitter Share Detour Map during Highland Rd W Intersection Closure starting on/about June 6, 2023 on Linkedin Email Detour Map during Highland Rd W Intersection Closure starting on/about June 6, 2023 linkPlease be advised that crews will be starting to work at or near the intersection of Highland Road W and Patricia Avenue that will have impacts to vehicle and pedestrian access. Please abide by the construction advisory signage throughout the work. During this time, the contractor will maintain pedestrian access throughout the construction limits on one side of the street at all times.
Full Intersection Closure of Highland Road W at Patricia Avenue
- Planned to start on/about Tuesday June 6, 2023
- Duration approximately 2-3 week closure
- Detour signs will be in place for motorists to navigate this closure and other utility work on West Ave.
- Business access during the intersection closure will be maintained. Access will be either from Belmont Ave or Queens Blvd only. There will be no through traffic.
Notice of Intersection Work and Closure of Highland Rd W (Regional Road #6) at Patricia Avenue
Share Notice of Intersection Work and Closure of Highland Rd W (Regional Road #6) at Patricia Avenue on Facebook Share Notice of Intersection Work and Closure of Highland Rd W (Regional Road #6) at Patricia Avenue on Twitter Share Notice of Intersection Work and Closure of Highland Rd W (Regional Road #6) at Patricia Avenue on Linkedin Email Notice of Intersection Work and Closure of Highland Rd W (Regional Road #6) at Patricia Avenue linkPlease be advised that crews will be starting to work at or near the intersection of Highland Road W and Patricia Avenue that will have impacts to vehicle and pedestrian access. Please abide by the construction advisory signage throughout the work. During this time, the contractor will maintain pedestrian access throughout the construction limits on one side of the street at all times. Please continue to follow traffic and pedestrian signs posted onsite.
Full Intersection Closure of Highland Road W at Patricia Avenue
- Planned to start on/about Tuesday June 6, 2023
- Duration approximately 2-week closure
- The City will be setting up Traffic Detour signs for motorists to get around this closure.
Patricia Avenue Lane Closure (Southeast side of Highland Rd W)
- Planned to start on/about Monday May 29, 2023
- Duration for one week in advance of the full intersection closure and will continue during and after the road closure.
- This setup will prevent vehicles from turning onto Patricia Ave from Highland Rd W
Work Continues on Stage One: Patricia Ave (from Henry Sturm to highland Rd W)
- Please note that work will continue on Stage One of Patricia Avenue, as the contractor continues to progress and finish this stage work.
- During this time the trail detour that runs along Henry Sturm will remain in place.
Other Contract Work in the Area
- In addition to work for this contract of Patricia Avenue, please be advised that there is other contract in the area that may also provide delays or impacts to access. This other contract work is outside of this contract work.
Should situations arise during or after this construction project, the following contact information and telephone numbers are provided for your convenience.
City of Kitchener Project Manager
Brent Garcia – 519-741-2200 ext. 7140
City of Kitchener Site Inspector
Jeff Gruber – Phone: 519-741-2200 ext. 7192
Contractor – Regional Sewer and Watermain Ltd
Luiz Rodrigues – 519-650-5151
Corporate Contact Centre (24 hour)
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this project.
Detour Map - Henry Sturm Trail
Share Detour Map - Henry Sturm Trail on Facebook Share Detour Map - Henry Sturm Trail on Twitter Share Detour Map - Henry Sturm Trail on Linkedin Email Detour Map - Henry Sturm Trail linkAs part of the Patricia Avenue reconstruction project please find the detour map of the Henry Strum Trail.
Project Announced
Patricia Avenue: Henry Strum Greenway to Queen's Boulevard has finished this stagePlease review this page for information about this upcoming road reconstruction project
Survey Open
Patricia Avenue: Henry Strum Greenway to Queen's Boulevard has finished this stageAnswer our survey to help us understand how construction may affect you
Under Review
Patricia Avenue: Henry Strum Greenway to Queen's Boulevard has finished this stageWe are reviewing the survey results
Under Construction
Patricia Avenue: Henry Strum Greenway to Queen's Boulevard has finished this stageConstruction is now underway on this street
Project Complete
Patricia Avenue: Henry Strum Greenway to Queen's Boulevard is currently at this stageThis road reconstruction project is finished
Report an issue
Call us 24 hours a day 7 days a week to report an issue with construction on your street
- Phone: 519-741-2345
- TTY: 1-866-969-9994
INFORMATION PACKAGE #1.docx (61.4 KB) (docx)
Project Presentation Boards #1.pdf (21.5 MB) (pdf)
Project Presentation Boards #2 (11.5 MB) (pdf)
Information Package #2 (236 KB) (pdf)
List of Trees - Remove / Plant (24.6 KB) (docx)
Tree Management Map (181 KB) (pdf)
Detour Map - Henry Sturm Trail .jpeg (1.15 MB) (jpeg)
Who's Listening
Phone 519-783-8314 Email -
Phone 226-753-2137 Email
Road reconstructions help Kitchener adapt to climate change
Replacing outdated stormwater pipes and adding green infrastructure during road construction makes Kitchener more resilient to future flooding caused by climate change. This road reconstruction project is funded in part by the Government of Canada. For more information about the City of Kitchener's partnership with the Government of Canada through the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund, visit
Soak up rain and reduce runoff
Kitchener has partnered with Reep Green Solutions to help you make changes to beautify your yard and reduce runoff. To learn more and see if you qualify for a free, on-site consultation with a landscape designer, visit Reep's Rain Smart Neighbourhoods.