Plan with us! Kitchener's Strategic Plan 2023-2026

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This project is complete. Kitchener Council has approved a citizen-informed plan to guide the City’s priorities over the next four years. The 2023-2026 strategic plan was developed after extensive engagement. Thank you to everyone who took our surveys, talked to us on the street or joined our resident panel! For more information, visit

Plan the future of Kitchener with us!

Kitchener’s strategic plan is our community’s shared vision for the future of our City. We’re working on our 2023-2026 strategic plan and want you to be part of the planning process.

What should we focus on 4 years and even 20 years from now? Have your say and share your vision with us. Your input will help us build a strategic plan that best reflects the unique needs of our community – and develop a 20-year vision for the future of our City.

The vision will guide future City priorities and decisions that will move us toward a shared long-term future. The strategic plan will identify key goals and actions the City will take over the next four years to move us closer to achieving that vision.

Engaging you in this important work ensures that we are aligning our efforts with the needs of the community. And equally important, it builds trust with residents, knowing they can count on their local government to deliver the valued programs and services that they need.

Hearing what is most important to you has never been more important than it is today. Plan with us, Kitchener needs your voice, join the conversation!

Please subscribe for email updates using the ‘Subscribe’ button.

Plan the future of Kitchener with us!

Kitchener’s strategic plan is our community’s shared vision for the future of our City. We’re working on our 2023-2026 strategic plan and want you to be part of the planning process.

What should we focus on 4 years and even 20 years from now? Have your say and share your vision with us. Your input will help us build a strategic plan that best reflects the unique needs of our community – and develop a 20-year vision for the future of our City.

The vision will guide future City priorities and decisions that will move us toward a shared long-term future. The strategic plan will identify key goals and actions the City will take over the next four years to move us closer to achieving that vision.

Engaging you in this important work ensures that we are aligning our efforts with the needs of the community. And equally important, it builds trust with residents, knowing they can count on their local government to deliver the valued programs and services that they need.

Hearing what is most important to you has never been more important than it is today. Plan with us, Kitchener needs your voice, join the conversation!

Please subscribe for email updates using the ‘Subscribe’ button.

Share Your Vision

CLOSED: Thank you for all your contributions! This vision board has now concluded. 

Help us define a new vision for Kitchener’s future!  

We are creating a 20-year vision for the City of Kitchener that will chart a path for Kitchener’s future. This vision will guide City priorities and decisions that move us toward that shared future.  Your contributions will help us define that vision and may be featured in future communications about the strategic plan.   

Tell us your hopes and dreams for the future of our city. What should we aspire to as a City? What should we work to achieve over the next 20 years?  

Write, draw, paint, take a photo, perform, or otherwise create and share your hopes for the Kitchener of 20 years from now! Creativity is encouraged.   

How do I share my vision? 

Start by giving your post a title and then add your materials. If you are posting visuals of any kind, please also include a short description of your hopes and aspirations for the Kitchener of 2043.  

Here are some questions to inspire you: 

  • With a focus on the Kitchener we would like to have in 2043, what is the Kitchener we want to create for future generations? 

  • Imagine it’s 2043 and you have a new neighbour who just moved here from another city. What is the city like now? What would you tell them about how the city has changed? What have we accomplished over the last 20 years? 

Want to submit a photo? Read this first: 

Let’s protect each other’s privacyPlease do not post photos where the person or people being photographed could be easily identified. That means a photo of people’s backs or of crowds is fine. But a picture of one or a few people directly facing the camera is not. Regretfully, we need to remove photos that do not meet our privacy policy.  

What if I don’t have a way to upload my art or photo? 

We want everyone to be able to share their vision. Bring your materials to your nearest community centre and a staff member will help you out. You can also bring your materials to any one of our pop-ups or events 


All posts and content must meet our Moderation Policy 

By posting your future vision of the city, you are consenting to the City of Kitchener using the content of your post in City publications related to this project. This might include social media, future policy documentsor staff reports. 

We may contact you about your post in case we have questions or would like to use your post in some other way.  

If you have any questions about the collection or use of your materials, please contact Angie Fritz-Walters at or 519-741-2200 ext. 7059 

Thank you for sharing your vision with us! 

CLOSED: This vision board has concluded.

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