Slide 1 – Title Slide

Hello and thank you for joining us for the City of Waterloo, Integrated Sanitary Master Plan Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Addendum, Public Consultation Centre (or PCC) number 1.

Slide 2 – Welcome!

The goals of this Online Public Consultation Centre #1 are to:

  • Provide an overview of the process that this study will follow for the project
  • Introduce the project and why it is being undertaken
  • Provide background information on existing City of Waterloo sanitary infrastructure
  • Answer any questions you may have and provide an opportunity to get involved in the project

We encourage you to get involved in this study. Comments received will help identify a recommended approach for current and future improvements within the City of Waterloo.

Slide 3 – Project Summary

The City of Waterloo is undertaking an Addendum to the existing 2015 Waterloo Sanitary Master Plan. The Addendum will examine the City’s sanitary sewer system needs by looking at:

  • New planning policies 
  • Growth projections
  • Current needs and issues that exist in the community

The Integrated Sanitary Master Plan will review improvements to existing sanitary infrastructure, the installation of new sanitary infrastructure, and consideration of private services to municipal servicing, through to the year 2051.

Slide 4 – Municipal Class EA Process

The Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) is a process that allows for the planning and implementation of municipal infrastructure (sewers, watermains, roads, etc.) and is legislated by the Ontario EA Act. The process can be used for planning individual projects or to address groups of projects, through a Master Plan. Master Plans are long range plans which look at existing and future needs. 

The City is undertaking an Addendum to the Master Plan, which will meet the documentation and consultation requirements for Phase 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EA process. For most projects, this is sufficient study work to allow the project to proceed to design and construction. For more complex projects with greater impacts, further study is required.

Phase 1 and 2 of the MCEA process includes:

  • Reviewing background planning and policy documents
  • Identifying the problem or opportunity;
  • Developing and evaluating alternative solutions; and,
  • Identifying and presenting the preferred solution, potential environmental impacts and proposed mitigation measures.

Slide 5 – Problem & Opportunity

The City of Waterloo has significant sanitary sewer infrastructure which needs to be managed for the community. The existing 2015 Sanitary Master Plan identified growth projections to 2031, and requires updating to reflect the new growth projections to 2051, new planning policies, and the resulting future needs of the community.

The City is undertaking an Addendum to the 2015 Sanitary Master Plan to examine the City’s infrastructure needs. The Addendum will review improvements to the existing sanitary infrastructure to consider the installation of new sanitary infrastructure and conversion of private services to municipal servicing. The review will consider improvements through to the year 2051.

The City is committed to providing a reliable and sustainable sanitary servicing system.

Slide 6 – Planning & Policy Context

Background studies were reviewed to help provide context on the existing and future conditions of the study area.

Waterloo Sanitary Master Plan (2015)

The previous Master Plan accounted for increases in population to the year 2031. The Master Plan provided an outline of priority and strategic projects which would allow the system to continue to operate efficiently and effectively. This included best management practices for Inflow/Infiltration (I/I) reduction and rehabilitation measures, and optimized staging of the sanitary capital program.

Regional Official Plan (ROP) Review

The Region of Waterloo is leading the preparation of the ROP Review to allocate population forecasts to the municipalities within the Region. Estimated future populations for the City of Waterloo in 2051 anticipate growth of 57,700 people, bringing the population to 179,136 people in the City of Waterloo.

Official Plan

The City of Waterloo Official Plan (2020) provides a long-range, comprehensive framework for decision-making in the City through to the year 2031 based on population and employment forecasts. These forecasts, along with the ROP forecasts are being used to guide the existing and future sanitary needs for this study.

Slide 7 – Existing Sanitary System

Existing information on the City’s assets (sanitary sewers and pumping stations) provide an overview of the sanitary sewer system in the City. The data provided information such as length, size, slope, material and construction date. This information forms the basis of this study.

Slide 8 – Existing Conditions – Cultural Heritage

Archaeological Resources

It is anticipated that properties within the study area will have archaeological potential. The Ontario Public Register of Archaeological Reports will be referenced as part of the development of alternative solutions to consider proximity to archaeological resources.

Cultural Heritage

The City’s diverse cultural heritage has been identified on the City’s Municipal Register. The following figure displays existing cultural heritage resources within the City of Waterloo, which will be referenced as part of the development of alternative solutions.

Slide 9 – Existing Conditions – Natural Heritage System

Waterloo is located within the Grand River watershed and provides a diverse natural heritage system within the City. Key natural features will be considered as part of the development of alternative solutions.

There are several natural features across the City including: Environmentally Sensitive Landscapes; Provincially Significant Wetlands; locally significant wetlands; Regionally and City designated woodlands, and; natural hazards.


Slide 10 – Existing Conditions – Source Water Protection

Waterloo’s drinking-water resources are drawn from the Grand River and groundwater features, also referred to as Source Water Protection Areas. It is critical to protect these areas from contamination and from land uses that could hinder surface and groundwater recharge. 

The Grand River Source Protection Plan contains policies for the protection and conservation of the City’s drinking water resources.

Slide 11 – Evaluation Criteria

Alternative solutions will be assessed using the factors and criteria below. Depending on comments received from agencies, Indigenous communities, stakeholders and members of the public, criteria may be added or refined.


  • Potential to impact existing residences, businesses and community features
  • Potential effect on approved/planned land uses
  • Potential effects on known or potential significant archaeological resources, built heritage resources and cultural landscape features
  • Potential to accommodate planned significant population and job growth in strategic growth areas

Natural Environment

  • Potential to impact fish and aquatic habitat
  • Potential to impact water resources including surface water (i.e., rivers, creeks, etc.), groundwater recharge areas and wellhead protection areas
  • Potential to impact significant natural heritage features 
  • Potential to impact significant wildlife habitat and species at risk 

Slide 12 – Evaluation Criteria (Continued)

Technical Considerations

  • Potential land requirements including land purchase and temporary/permanent easements
  • Constructability
  • Effect on existing utilities and infrastructure (number and type of potential conflicts)
  • Ability to coordinate with existing and planned infrastructure improvements
  • System resiliency and system suitability


  • Lifecycle operations and maintenance costs
  • Estimated capital cost

Slide 13 – Next Steps 

Following this public meeting, the project team will complete the next steps identified below:

  • Review and respond to comments received
  • Continue to engage Indigenous communities, and consult with the public and agencies
  • Develop and evaluate Alternative Solutions
  • Present Recommended Alternative Solution(s)
  • Confirm solution and complete reporting for 30-day review

The results of these next steps will be used to help identify, develop and evaluate the alternative solutions for the Sanitary Master Plan. The evaluation of alternative solutions will identify the Recommended Sanitary Servicing Solution, the process of which will be presented at Public Consultation Centre #2, which is tentatively scheduled for winter 2023.

Slide 14– Thank you!

Thank you for participating in the Public Consultation Centre for the City of Waterloo Integrated Sanitary Master Plan Addendum Municipal Class Environmental Assessment. Your feedback is valuable and appreciated.

Please provide comments through the Engage Waterloo website or by contacting a member of the project team.

Thank you again for taking the time to view this presentation, and for your interest in the study.