Alexandra Avenue reconstruction
Alexandra Avenue (Westmount Road South to Lourdes Street) is scheduled for reconstruction starting May 31, 2021. As part of this reconstruction, the street will be dug up, underground infrastructure replaced and the street rebuilt. The new design for the street will take into consideration the next 50 years of use, and follow the applicable regulations (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), Ministry of the Environment, etc.), city policies, the Transportation Master Plan and other guiding documents.
Residents are currently able to review the proposed design, which takes into account the various City Master Plans and policies. The final design drawings are available in the Project Library section, and so is a Public Information Package with information about how the construction work may impact you. Please continue to let us know as soon as possible if you have any special access or health concerns we need to be made aware of during construction.
Alexandra Avenue (Westmount Road South to Lourdes Street) is scheduled for reconstruction starting May 31, 2021. As part of this reconstruction, the street will be dug up, underground infrastructure replaced and the street rebuilt. The new design for the street will take into consideration the next 50 years of use, and follow the applicable regulations (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), Ministry of the Environment, etc.), city policies, the Transportation Master Plan and other guiding documents.
Residents are currently able to review the proposed design, which takes into account the various City Master Plans and policies. The final design drawings are available in the Project Library section, and so is a Public Information Package with information about how the construction work may impact you. Please continue to let us know as soon as possible if you have any special access or health concerns we need to be made aware of during construction.
Questions and answers that have been sent directly to the project team are available in the FAQ section, under the Project Timeline. You can also ask a question right here on the project page, and we will post a response as soon as we are able!
Share We are at 205 Alexandra Ave. The apron of our driveway is currently very steep and therefore cars scrape as they drive in and out. When this is replaced, could this be taken into consideration and the grading be fixed to prevent this from happening? Thanks! on Facebook Share We are at 205 Alexandra Ave. The apron of our driveway is currently very steep and therefore cars scrape as they drive in and out. When this is replaced, could this be taken into consideration and the grading be fixed to prevent this from happening? Thanks! on Twitter Share We are at 205 Alexandra Ave. The apron of our driveway is currently very steep and therefore cars scrape as they drive in and out. When this is replaced, could this be taken into consideration and the grading be fixed to prevent this from happening? Thanks! on Linkedin Email We are at 205 Alexandra Ave. The apron of our driveway is currently very steep and therefore cars scrape as they drive in and out. When this is replaced, could this be taken into consideration and the grading be fixed to prevent this from happening? Thanks! link
We are at 205 Alexandra Ave. The apron of our driveway is currently very steep and therefore cars scrape as they drive in and out. When this is replaced, could this be taken into consideration and the grading be fixed to prevent this from happening? Thanks!
Andrew and Susan asked over 3 years agoThank you for your question. The driveway in question, along with all other driveways along the project limits, have been designed to match existing conditions or be improved. This driveway will see an improvement in the slope of the driveway apron.
In the image below, you can see a dashed line – this line indicates the existing ground. The solid lines indicate the proposed ground. You can see the proposed slopes are flatter than the existing ones, indicating improved driveway slopes.
Share wide are the boulevards? 210 Alexandra ... .and then....what determines tree removal?...can you have a tree right beside the sidewalk? on Facebook Share wide are the boulevards? 210 Alexandra ... .and then....what determines tree removal?...can you have a tree right beside the sidewalk? on Twitter Share wide are the boulevards? 210 Alexandra ... .and then....what determines tree removal?...can you have a tree right beside the sidewalk? on Linkedin Email wide are the boulevards? 210 Alexandra ... .and then....what determines tree removal?...can you have a tree right beside the sidewalk? link wide are the boulevards? 210 Alexandra ... .and then....what determines tree removal?...can you have a tree right beside the sidewalk?
Raymond Lamarche asked almost 4 years agoUpdated drawings will be provided once the contract has been awarded which will provide details of the boulevard widths, service locations etc. Tree removals are determined based off anticipated and actual impacts to the tree’s root systems. In some cases, trees are not able to be saved due to their location, however the City and its consultant engineering team have made every effort to reroute services and to install works using trenchless methods to limit impacts to trees. Trees can exist beside sidewalks, though typically the growth of the tree will heave the sidewalk panels, creating tripping hazards, so this is carefully managed to balance minimal impacts to trees with the longevity of City infrastructure.
Share When is the project starting. The last update for this seems to be from November. on Facebook Share When is the project starting. The last update for this seems to be from November. on Twitter Share When is the project starting. The last update for this seems to be from November. on Linkedin Email When is the project starting. The last update for this seems to be from November. link
When is the project starting. The last update for this seems to be from November.
Nike Fitzsimmons asked almost 4 years agoConstruction is tentatively expected to begin on May 31st, but this is subject to change. We are currently working to award the contract to one of the bidders we received on the open tender which closed April 28th. Once this contract is awarded, more information will be posted to this page to provide contact information, updated drawings, schedule information, and other important details relating to the upcoming construction.
Share What is the motivation for 2m sidewalks? Potential downsides of wider sidewalks for residents include more snow shovelling, more salt, and more impervious surface area around the trees. The sidewalks between Melbourne and Westmount get busy at school times, but those between Lourdes and Melbourne are never busy, so the upsides aren't obvious to me there. I’ve walked in the area daily for years, including many times with a stroller. I haven't found the current width to be a limitation personally, except right around the Empire Public School entrance at the beginning and end of the school day. on Facebook Share What is the motivation for 2m sidewalks? Potential downsides of wider sidewalks for residents include more snow shovelling, more salt, and more impervious surface area around the trees. The sidewalks between Melbourne and Westmount get busy at school times, but those between Lourdes and Melbourne are never busy, so the upsides aren't obvious to me there. I’ve walked in the area daily for years, including many times with a stroller. I haven't found the current width to be a limitation personally, except right around the Empire Public School entrance at the beginning and end of the school day. on Twitter Share What is the motivation for 2m sidewalks? Potential downsides of wider sidewalks for residents include more snow shovelling, more salt, and more impervious surface area around the trees. The sidewalks between Melbourne and Westmount get busy at school times, but those between Lourdes and Melbourne are never busy, so the upsides aren't obvious to me there. I’ve walked in the area daily for years, including many times with a stroller. I haven't found the current width to be a limitation personally, except right around the Empire Public School entrance at the beginning and end of the school day. on Linkedin Email What is the motivation for 2m sidewalks? Potential downsides of wider sidewalks for residents include more snow shovelling, more salt, and more impervious surface area around the trees. The sidewalks between Melbourne and Westmount get busy at school times, but those between Lourdes and Melbourne are never busy, so the upsides aren't obvious to me there. I’ve walked in the area daily for years, including many times with a stroller. I haven't found the current width to be a limitation personally, except right around the Empire Public School entrance at the beginning and end of the school day. link
What is the motivation for 2m sidewalks? Potential downsides of wider sidewalks for residents include more snow shovelling, more salt, and more impervious surface area around the trees. The sidewalks between Melbourne and Westmount get busy at school times, but those between Lourdes and Melbourne are never busy, so the upsides aren't obvious to me there. I’ve walked in the area daily for years, including many times with a stroller. I haven't found the current width to be a limitation personally, except right around the Empire Public School entrance at the beginning and end of the school day.
Bryan Tripp asked about 4 years agoThank you for taking the time to provide your comments. The widening is being made to improve pedestrian usability and safety of the road. The City is reviewing the benefits against the cost of the enhanced sidewalk widths west of Melbourne and will ensure the correct decision is being made in this regard.
Share I have a couple of questions, first is the widening of the sidewalks. Will this be expanded towards the curb, taking the extra space from the boulevard? Second would be more of a comment but the parking on the south side of the street doesn't make a lot of sense. All cars entering the neighborhood (especially dropping kids off) enter from Westmount, meaning they are on the north side of the street. in order to park on the South side they would have to either do 3 point turns or use our driveways to turn around in order to park on the South side. This could be a safety concern with a lot of young children walking to school and cars turning around in order to park. Seems parking would be beneficial on the side of the incoming traffic. A couple years back they made parking on the North side only during winter months as the road go to narrow for the school buses with parking on both sides. Thanks on Facebook Share I have a couple of questions, first is the widening of the sidewalks. Will this be expanded towards the curb, taking the extra space from the boulevard? Second would be more of a comment but the parking on the south side of the street doesn't make a lot of sense. All cars entering the neighborhood (especially dropping kids off) enter from Westmount, meaning they are on the north side of the street. in order to park on the South side they would have to either do 3 point turns or use our driveways to turn around in order to park on the South side. This could be a safety concern with a lot of young children walking to school and cars turning around in order to park. Seems parking would be beneficial on the side of the incoming traffic. A couple years back they made parking on the North side only during winter months as the road go to narrow for the school buses with parking on both sides. Thanks on Twitter Share I have a couple of questions, first is the widening of the sidewalks. Will this be expanded towards the curb, taking the extra space from the boulevard? Second would be more of a comment but the parking on the south side of the street doesn't make a lot of sense. All cars entering the neighborhood (especially dropping kids off) enter from Westmount, meaning they are on the north side of the street. in order to park on the South side they would have to either do 3 point turns or use our driveways to turn around in order to park on the South side. This could be a safety concern with a lot of young children walking to school and cars turning around in order to park. Seems parking would be beneficial on the side of the incoming traffic. A couple years back they made parking on the North side only during winter months as the road go to narrow for the school buses with parking on both sides. Thanks on Linkedin Email I have a couple of questions, first is the widening of the sidewalks. Will this be expanded towards the curb, taking the extra space from the boulevard? Second would be more of a comment but the parking on the south side of the street doesn't make a lot of sense. All cars entering the neighborhood (especially dropping kids off) enter from Westmount, meaning they are on the north side of the street. in order to park on the South side they would have to either do 3 point turns or use our driveways to turn around in order to park on the South side. This could be a safety concern with a lot of young children walking to school and cars turning around in order to park. Seems parking would be beneficial on the side of the incoming traffic. A couple years back they made parking on the North side only during winter months as the road go to narrow for the school buses with parking on both sides. Thanks link
I have a couple of questions, first is the widening of the sidewalks. Will this be expanded towards the curb, taking the extra space from the boulevard? Second would be more of a comment but the parking on the south side of the street doesn't make a lot of sense. All cars entering the neighborhood (especially dropping kids off) enter from Westmount, meaning they are on the north side of the street. in order to park on the South side they would have to either do 3 point turns or use our driveways to turn around in order to park on the South side. This could be a safety concern with a lot of young children walking to school and cars turning around in order to park. Seems parking would be beneficial on the side of the incoming traffic. A couple years back they made parking on the North side only during winter months as the road go to narrow for the school buses with parking on both sides. Thanks
Nike Fitzsimmons asked about 4 years agoThank you for taking the time to provide your comments. Referring to the sidewalk widening, the new sidewalk will generally follow the existing sidewalk alignment, and the widening will occur according to best fit. What this means is in some locations the widening will be on the house side, and other locations the widening will be on the road side, and yet others it might be a little bit of both ways. We will be making the decision on a case by case basis in order to impact the least amount of street features (utility poles, bell and tv pedestals, landscaping, trees etc). In general will aim to take the widening to the street side to impact driveway parking the least amount possible.
Referring to the parking location, specifically adjacent to the school, we understand that getting into the parking spaces may now take a little more driving and maneuvering. We expect these same movements were occurring in the current configuration so people could leave the neighbourhood. We are trading the maneuvers from after pick-up/drop-off for them happening before in order to have the children and the vehicles they are getting into/out of to be on the same side of the road. This reduces/eliminates road crossings for the children and parents. We understand Westmount is the major connector where vehicles come from, and also understand by the same logic Westmount is the same road most cars are driving towards.
Share Will entrances to our driveways be made wider than they currently are, and will they be tapered? the adjacent streets that have been updated have a tapered entrance to the driveway. Currently they are very narrow and straight causing vehicles to have to approach very wide to avoid running over the curb when entering. Thanks on Facebook Share Will entrances to our driveways be made wider than they currently are, and will they be tapered? the adjacent streets that have been updated have a tapered entrance to the driveway. Currently they are very narrow and straight causing vehicles to have to approach very wide to avoid running over the curb when entering. Thanks on Twitter Share Will entrances to our driveways be made wider than they currently are, and will they be tapered? the adjacent streets that have been updated have a tapered entrance to the driveway. Currently they are very narrow and straight causing vehicles to have to approach very wide to avoid running over the curb when entering. Thanks on Linkedin Email Will entrances to our driveways be made wider than they currently are, and will they be tapered? the adjacent streets that have been updated have a tapered entrance to the driveway. Currently they are very narrow and straight causing vehicles to have to approach very wide to avoid running over the curb when entering. Thanks link
Will entrances to our driveways be made wider than they currently are, and will they be tapered? the adjacent streets that have been updated have a tapered entrance to the driveway. Currently they are very narrow and straight causing vehicles to have to approach very wide to avoid running over the curb when entering. Thanks
Nike Fitzsimmons asked about 4 years agoThank you for taking the time to provide your comment. In general, the driveway ramps will be replaced to match the width of the driveway on the private-side of the sidewalk, with a flare as required to aid in turning into the driveway.
Share Does this include, or will there be plans, to add a sidewalk to Melbourne as well? Several students walk to school along this street, which is shared with leaves (in the fall), snowbanks (in the winter), speeding parents (who forget that they're in a school zone after dropping off kids), and a speeding school bus that comes through at 9:10. Frankly, it's terrifying walking my son along this street, but there are no alternatives. on Facebook Share Does this include, or will there be plans, to add a sidewalk to Melbourne as well? Several students walk to school along this street, which is shared with leaves (in the fall), snowbanks (in the winter), speeding parents (who forget that they're in a school zone after dropping off kids), and a speeding school bus that comes through at 9:10. Frankly, it's terrifying walking my son along this street, but there are no alternatives. on Twitter Share Does this include, or will there be plans, to add a sidewalk to Melbourne as well? Several students walk to school along this street, which is shared with leaves (in the fall), snowbanks (in the winter), speeding parents (who forget that they're in a school zone after dropping off kids), and a speeding school bus that comes through at 9:10. Frankly, it's terrifying walking my son along this street, but there are no alternatives. on Linkedin Email Does this include, or will there be plans, to add a sidewalk to Melbourne as well? Several students walk to school along this street, which is shared with leaves (in the fall), snowbanks (in the winter), speeding parents (who forget that they're in a school zone after dropping off kids), and a speeding school bus that comes through at 9:10. Frankly, it's terrifying walking my son along this street, but there are no alternatives. link
Does this include, or will there be plans, to add a sidewalk to Melbourne as well? Several students walk to school along this street, which is shared with leaves (in the fall), snowbanks (in the winter), speeding parents (who forget that they're in a school zone after dropping off kids), and a speeding school bus that comes through at 9:10. Frankly, it's terrifying walking my son along this street, but there are no alternatives.
pmitchell asked about 4 years agoThe scope of this project and work only includes Alexandra Street. Neighbouring streets may be addressed with future work, and will be open for feedback as part of that process.
Share The tree between 254 Alexandra and 256 Alexandra needs to be is right against the driveway and the sidewalk and is impeding the growth of 2 other healthy trees.....can that happen during this upheaval? on Facebook Share The tree between 254 Alexandra and 256 Alexandra needs to be is right against the driveway and the sidewalk and is impeding the growth of 2 other healthy trees.....can that happen during this upheaval? on Twitter Share The tree between 254 Alexandra and 256 Alexandra needs to be is right against the driveway and the sidewalk and is impeding the growth of 2 other healthy trees.....can that happen during this upheaval? on Linkedin Email The tree between 254 Alexandra and 256 Alexandra needs to be is right against the driveway and the sidewalk and is impeding the growth of 2 other healthy trees.....can that happen during this upheaval? link
The tree between 254 Alexandra and 256 Alexandra needs to be is right against the driveway and the sidewalk and is impeding the growth of 2 other healthy trees.....can that happen during this upheaval?
jt asked about 4 years agoThis tree was identified to us earlier in the project. City Forestry staff have inspected the tree and find it in need of pruning only. This work will be completed as routine maintenance work at the earliest opportunity
Share can we bury the hydro lines @ during this project? safer, more reliable and better astetics. on Facebook Share can we bury the hydro lines @ during this project? safer, more reliable and better astetics. on Twitter Share can we bury the hydro lines @ during this project? safer, more reliable and better astetics. on Linkedin Email can we bury the hydro lines @ during this project? safer, more reliable and better astetics. link
can we bury the hydro lines @ during this project? safer, more reliable and better astetics.
Bill Trick asked about 4 years agoThe power lines are not City owned infrastructure and therefore will not be replaced, buried or otherwise modified as part of this project.
Share Our residence on Alexandra still has the original old black pipe laterals for sewer connections to the city mains. What provisions (if any) should individual householders make for replacement of the old black pipe with modern pipe laterals before, during, or after the installation of new sewer lines along Alexandra. Who pays for what under these arrangements. on Facebook Share Our residence on Alexandra still has the original old black pipe laterals for sewer connections to the city mains. What provisions (if any) should individual householders make for replacement of the old black pipe with modern pipe laterals before, during, or after the installation of new sewer lines along Alexandra. Who pays for what under these arrangements. on Twitter Share Our residence on Alexandra still has the original old black pipe laterals for sewer connections to the city mains. What provisions (if any) should individual householders make for replacement of the old black pipe with modern pipe laterals before, during, or after the installation of new sewer lines along Alexandra. Who pays for what under these arrangements. on Linkedin Email Our residence on Alexandra still has the original old black pipe laterals for sewer connections to the city mains. What provisions (if any) should individual householders make for replacement of the old black pipe with modern pipe laterals before, during, or after the installation of new sewer lines along Alexandra. Who pays for what under these arrangements. link
Our residence on Alexandra still has the original old black pipe laterals for sewer connections to the city mains. What provisions (if any) should individual householders make for replacement of the old black pipe with modern pipe laterals before, during, or after the installation of new sewer lines along Alexandra. Who pays for what under these arrangements.
Steve M asked over 4 years agoAs per City of Waterloo By-Law 2013-114, Section 8, Paragraph 8.6, “Where bituminous fibre pipe has been installed by the City and pipe failures occur, the City shall be liable for the costs of replacing as much of the bituminous fibre pipe where appropriate, considering the circumstances. Reinstatement of existing lawns, driveways, and walks will be undertaken by the City to the condition before the replacement. Trees or shrubs lost during the reconstruction will be replaced to a standard deemed appropriate by the City.”
In general terms, bituminous fibre pipe (aka black pipe) services will be replaced up to the face of the building. This may require access into the homes during construction to understand the connection to the internal plumbing and how best to replace or repair the existing black pipe service.
The City has flagged a number of such services along the length of the project area. If you are aware that your sanitary service is black pipe, please respond to the coming PIC information with this information to ensure we account for this replacement during design.
Project Library
Alexandra reconstruction Empire school parking map.pdf (487 KB) (pdf)
Waste Collection During Construction (1020 KB) (pdf)
Alexandra Ave Construction Information (2.01 MB) (pdf)
Alexandra Ave Reconstruction Drawings (28 MB) (pdf)
Alexandra Avenue PIC #1 presentation slides (10.1 MB) (pdf)
Alexandra Avenue PIC #1 information package (226 KB) (pdf)
Alexandra Avenue proposed design cross-section at intersections (421 KB) (jpg)
Alexandra Avenue proposed design cross-section showing parking (431 KB) (jpg)
Project timeline
September 2020
Alexandra Avenue reconstruction has finished this stageNotice of project sent to residents; field crews gathering additional information.
October 2020
Alexandra Avenue reconstruction has finished this stageReconstruction design created.
November 2020
Alexandra Avenue reconstruction has finished this stageFirst Public Information Centre: design options presented for comment and selection
February 2021
Alexandra Avenue reconstruction has finished this stageFinal detailed design selection.
Winter 2021
Alexandra Avenue reconstruction has finished this stageCouncil approval of tender award for construction.
April/May 2021
Alexandra Avenue reconstruction has finished this stageSecond Public Information Centre: notice of what to expect during construction, construction staging drawings, and general schedule of works shared with residents.
Spring, summer and fall 2021
Alexandra Avenue reconstruction is currently at this stageRoad reconstruction according to general schedule.
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