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Alexandra Avenue (Westmount Road South to Lourdes Street) is scheduled for reconstruction starting May 31, 2021. As part of this reconstruction, the street will be dug up, underground infrastructure replaced and the street rebuilt. The new design for the street will take into consideration the next 50 years of use, and follow the applicable regulations (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), Ministry of the Environment, etc.), city policies, the Transportation Master Plan and other guiding documents.
Residents are currently able to review the proposed design, which takes into account the various City Master Plans and policies. The final design drawings are available in the Project Library section, and so is a Public Information Package with information about how the construction work may impact you. Please continue to let us know as soon as possible if you have any special access or health concerns we need to be made aware of during construction.
Alexandra Avenue (Westmount Road South to Lourdes Street) is scheduled for reconstruction starting May 31, 2021. As part of this reconstruction, the street will be dug up, underground infrastructure replaced and the street rebuilt. The new design for the street will take into consideration the next 50 years of use, and follow the applicable regulations (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), Ministry of the Environment, etc.), city policies, the Transportation Master Plan and other guiding documents.
Residents are currently able to review the proposed design, which takes into account the various City Master Plans and policies. The final design drawings are available in the Project Library section, and so is a Public Information Package with information about how the construction work may impact you. Please continue to let us know as soon as possible if you have any special access or health concerns we need to be made aware of during construction.
Please share any comments you have regarding the project or proposed design with us here. If your comments are of a more personal nature with regard to your own property, you may also share them directly with the Project Team (contact information available in the Who's Listening section).
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I live at 204 Alexandra and would like to have the catch basin moved out of the driveway and also to have the entrance 1 metre wider for a easy access, thank you
Frank Miller
over 3 years ago
I live at the bottom of Alexandra Ave and have concerns about the proposed narrowing of the road. This street is short and only services the subdivision which is small, and the school. There is no through traffic, I have never experienced any problems with speeders. Everybody seems to drive like they live here or their children go to school here. Because they do! I worry that eliminating street parking will only cause illegal parking, which will hinder traffic flow and block large and emergency vehicles. The steep hill past the school also already serves as a traffic calming device since limited visibility naturally causes people to slow down. I would like the city to show evidence that the proposed "upgrades" are necessary. I also worry that the 3.0m wide lanes are too narrow. MTO standards are typically 3.5 or 3.75m to allow for larger vehicles such as school buses and fire trucks. Wider lanes also make it easier for cars to share the road with cyclists. Given the recent Westmount bike lane experiment, I would expect city council to value roadways that are easier to share. We moved here because we like the wide street and wide leafy boulevards. Please do not destroy the character of our neighbourhood and call it an investment.
H & C Williams
almost 4 years ago
I walk my children along Alexandra Ave to and from school every day, with a stroller. My children also bike here. I am very concerned that 1) stroller accessible pedestrian access be maintained during construction (since Melbourne does not have a sidewalk, we have no other safe route to the school) 2) that making the road more narrow is not necessary. Being a dead end, the only traffic is local and for the school. I have always found that everyone drives cautiously, especially around drop off and pickup time. Cars past Melbourne are few and are also driving at a reasonable speed. For the same reasons, raised intersections aren't necessary. I worry they will cause water to collect and freeze. 3) While I think switching parking near the school to the south side would limit the number of children crossing, it would also mean that cars would be pulling in and out right next to where children are playing. It could also impede the visibility of children who are crossing so that drivers might not see them coming toward the road. My son once ran into the road while at school and I worry that with parked cars there, he may not have been seen if there had been a car going past.
H & C Williams
almost 4 years ago
I tried to post this as a question earlier, but maybe it's more of a comment. I can see a rationale for 2m-wide sidewalks around Empire Public School, but not so much west of Melbourne. Potential downsides of wider sidewalks for residents include more snow shovelling, more salt, and more impervious surface area around the trees. The sidewalks between Lourdes and Melbourne are never busy, so the upsides aren't obvious to me there. I’ve walked in the area daily for years, including many times with a stroller. I haven't found the current width to be a limitation personally, except around the school entrance at the beginning and end of the school day.
Bryan Tripp
almost 4 years ago
We are the Sheridans at 212 Alexandra. Thank you for this informative presentation. Many of our questions have been answered. Two things. We want to save the tree in our front yard. An arborist assessed it last year and found it healthy. We would like to discuss with you how we can do so. Secondly, we are concerned about traffic calming and speed reduction. In addition to the measures proposed such as the narrowing and raised intersections we suggest posting school zone and 40kph signs. We look forward to continuing consultations as the project proceeds. Thanks.
almost 4 years ago
Interesting, parking on South side seems to make sense, not sure why you would eliminate parking on north side from Melbourne to Lourdes since no issues have been occurring with current set up.
Hate the raised intersections........if the goal is to lower the speed limit then lower the speed limit. Again, no issues are occurring at these intersections and so why the change.
I prefer the parking lane without the curbs, easier for snow removal and looks better without the concrete divider.
It does not indicate how far back the new sidewalks will go compared to the old ones.....will they encroach farther from the street into front yards. I hope someone instead of doing that is making the grass area to the street smaller. with an 8.5 metre wide down from a 9.0 current width you should be able to do all this without moving the sidewalks closer to peoples homes.
almost 4 years ago
Page last updated: 13 May 2022, 05:00 PM
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Alexandra Avenue Public Information Centre
Description of the proposed design for the Alexandra Avenue reconstruction project.
Alexandra Avenue reconstruction has finished this stage
Notice of project sent to residents; field crews gathering additional information.
October 2020
Alexandra Avenue reconstruction has finished this stage
Reconstruction design created.
November 2020
Alexandra Avenue reconstruction has finished this stage
First Public Information Centre: design options presented for comment and selection
February 2021
Alexandra Avenue reconstruction has finished this stage
Final detailed design selection.
Winter 2021
Alexandra Avenue reconstruction has finished this stage
Council approval of tender award for construction.
April/May 2021
Alexandra Avenue reconstruction has finished this stage
Second Public Information Centre: notice of what to expect during construction, construction staging drawings, and general schedule of works shared with residents.
Spring, summer and fall 2021
Alexandra Avenue reconstruction is currently at this stage
Road reconstruction according to general schedule.
I live at 204 Alexandra and would like to have the catch basin moved out of the driveway and also to have the entrance 1 metre wider for a easy access, thank you
I live at the bottom of Alexandra Ave and have concerns about the proposed narrowing of the road. This street is short and only services the subdivision which is small, and the school. There is no through traffic, I have never experienced any problems with speeders. Everybody seems to drive like they live here or their children go to school here. Because they do! I worry that eliminating street parking will only cause illegal parking, which will hinder traffic flow and block large and emergency vehicles. The steep hill past the school also already serves as a traffic calming device since limited visibility naturally causes people to slow down. I would like the city to show evidence that the proposed "upgrades" are necessary. I also worry that the 3.0m wide lanes are too narrow. MTO standards are typically 3.5 or 3.75m to allow for larger vehicles such as school buses and fire trucks. Wider lanes also make it easier for cars to share the road with cyclists. Given the recent Westmount bike lane experiment, I would expect city council to value roadways that are easier to share. We moved here because we like the wide street and wide leafy boulevards. Please do not destroy the character of our neighbourhood and call it an investment.
I walk my children along Alexandra Ave to and from school every day, with a stroller. My children also bike here. I am very concerned that 1) stroller accessible pedestrian access be maintained during construction (since Melbourne does not have a sidewalk, we have no other safe route to the school) 2) that making the road more narrow is not necessary. Being a dead end, the only traffic is local and for the school. I have always found that everyone drives cautiously, especially around drop off and pickup time. Cars past Melbourne are few and are also driving at a reasonable speed. For the same reasons, raised intersections aren't necessary. I worry they will cause water to collect and freeze. 3) While I think switching parking near the school to the south side would limit the number of children crossing, it would also mean that cars would be pulling in and out right next to where children are playing. It could also impede the visibility of children who are crossing so that drivers might not see them coming toward the road. My son once ran into the road while at school and I worry that with parked cars there, he may not have been seen if there had been a car going past.
I tried to post this as a question earlier, but maybe it's more of a comment. I can see a rationale for 2m-wide sidewalks around Empire Public School, but not so much west of Melbourne. Potential downsides of wider sidewalks for residents include more snow shovelling, more salt, and more impervious surface area around the trees. The sidewalks between Lourdes and Melbourne are never busy, so the upsides aren't obvious to me there. I’ve walked in the area daily for years, including many times with a stroller. I haven't found the current width to be a limitation personally, except around the school entrance at the beginning and end of the school day.
We are the Sheridans at 212 Alexandra. Thank you for this informative presentation. Many of our questions have been answered. Two things. We want to save the tree in our front yard. An arborist assessed it last year and found it healthy. We would like to discuss with you how we can do so. Secondly, we are concerned about traffic calming and speed reduction. In addition to the measures proposed such as the narrowing and raised intersections we suggest posting school zone and 40kph signs. We look forward to continuing consultations as the project proceeds. Thanks.
Interesting, parking on South side seems to make sense, not sure why you would eliminate parking on north side from Melbourne to Lourdes since no issues have been occurring with current set up.
Hate the raised intersections........if the goal is to lower the speed limit then lower the speed limit. Again, no issues are occurring at these intersections and so why the change.
I prefer the parking lane without the curbs, easier for snow removal and looks better without the concrete divider.
It does not indicate how far back the new sidewalks will go compared to the old ones.....will they encroach farther from the street into front yards. I hope someone instead of doing that is making the grass area to the street smaller. with an 8.5 metre wide down from a 9.0 current width you should be able to do all this without moving the sidewalks closer to peoples homes.