Madwest Breslau Limited

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Township Council adopted Official Plan Amendment #3 (OPA 3) on December 12th. OPA 3 will be forwarded to the Region of Waterloo for review and final approval. View the Notice of Adoption and a copy of the amendment in the Official Plan Amendment #3 folder on the right side of this page.


Township staff prepared a recommendation report regarding the Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for the Madwest Breslau Limited and Woolwich South Holdings Limited lands. A copy of the report can be viewed in the Recommendation Report folder.

The report was presented to Council on December 12th. The Council Agenda and recording of the meeting can be viewed at


Madwest Breslau Ltd. And Woolwich South Holdings Ltd provided materials in October that updated the materials previously provided in May 2023 that support the Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and the Plan of Subdivision. The resubmitted documents can be viewed in the Documents section on the right side of this page.

Below is a description of the changes that were made to the Plan of Subdivision and the associated Lotting Plan. There were no significant changes to the proposed Official Plan. The changes to the proposed Zoning By-law reflect the changes to the Plan of Subdivision and to address the proposed comprehensive Zoning By-law amendment.

Subdivision (Application 30T-20701) updates

The proposed changes would provide for a subdivision plan totalling between 1,372 and 2,429 units and comprised of the following:

Residential Portion:

Madwest Breslau Ltd. (Breslau Properties lands / 2727995 Ontario Inc.):

  • 293 single detached units;
  • Approximately 55-83 street related townhouse units;
  • Approximately 824-1,741 units as a mix of townhouses, back-to-back townhouses, stacked townhouses and apartments, with the following units that are identified on the Draft Plan of Subdivision:
    • 423 privately accessed townhouse units;
    • 100 back-to-back townhouse units;
    • 72 back-to-back stacked townhouse units;
    • 150 stacked townhouse units; and,
    • 180 apartment units in 2 apartment buildings.

Woolwich South Holdings Ltd. (805232 Ontario Limited) lands:

  • 12 single detached units;
  • 13-20 street related townhouse units;
  • Approximately 175-280 units as a mix of single detached, townhouses, back-to-back stacked townhouses and back-to-back stacked townhouses with live/work units with the following units that are identified on the Draft Plan of Subdivision:
    • 13 single detached dwellings;
    • 20 privately accessed townhouse units;
    • 88 back-to-back stacked units; and,
    • 64 back-to-back stacked units with live/work option.

The above noted individual (freehold) lots are broken down as follows for the entire development:

  • 47 single detached lots with 12.2 metre wide minimum;
  • 110 single detached lots with 10.4 metre wide minimum;
  • 148 single detached lots with 8.2 metre wide minimum; and,
  • 101 townhouse units with 6.1 metre wide minimum.

Othe Components:

  • 3 Stormwater Management Ponds (5.88 hectares – 14.53 acres)
  • 1 Park (1.17 hectares – 2.89 acres)
  • 2 Wetlands (7.62 hectares – 18.82 acres)
  • Open Space (1.01 hectares – 2.49 acres)
  • Pedestrian Walkways
  • Buffer areas
  • Servicing Access Blocks
  • Other Lands associated with Mader’s Lane


Madwest Breslau Limited and Woolwich South Holdings Limited have acquired the lands and resubmitted material in support of the applications for Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment. The resubmission documents can be viewed in the Documents section of this page.

Below is a description of the original submission as submitted in 2020. Supporting documents with the original submission can be viewed in the Ongoing Planning Items / Subdivision / Madwest Breslau Limited (formerly Breslau Properties) folder on the Township website at the following link: Breslau Properties


Applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment and Zone Change were submitted by Polocorp Inc. on behalf of their clients Breslau Properties Limited, 2727995 Ontario Inc. and 805232 Ontario Limited for the properties located at 33 and 37 Mader's Lane, vacant lands at the end of Mader's Lane, 118 Menno Street, 231 Woolwich Street South and vacant lands on the south side of Menno Street, Breslau.

Property Description

Polocorp Inc. on behalf of Breslau Properties, 2727995 Ontario Inc. and 805232 Ontario Limited (“Subject Lands”) has submitted the above-noted applications proposing to develop, for residential and mixed use commercial / residential purposes, the following lands:

  • Breslau Properties – total land holdings of approximately 56.2 ha for the lands identified as; 21 ha vacant land at the end of Mader’s Lane, 20 ha vacant land identified as 118 Menno Street, 14 ha vacant land on the south side of Menno Street and 1.2 ha lands located at 33 Mader’s Lane;
  • 2727995 Ontario Inc. – total land holdings of approximately 1.6 ha for the lands identified 37 Mader’s Lane; and
  • 805232 Ontario Limited – total land holdings of approximately 7 ha for the lands identified as 231 Woolwich Street South.

The subject lands identified as 33 and 37 Mader’s Lane together with a small portion of the vacant lands at the end of Mader’s Lane are located within the Settlement Boundary of Breslau and are designated Low / Medium Density Residential and Environmental Protection in the Township’s Official Plan while the balance of the lands are designated Rural Land Use Area / Restricted Land Use Area in the Township’s Official Plan. All of the lands are zoned Agricultural (A).

Official Plan (Application 1/2020) and Zoning (Application 3/2020)

The applicant is proposing to amend the Township’s Official Plan to incorporate the subject lands into the Breslau Settlement Area. The proposed amendment will bring the Township of Woolwich Official Plan into conformity with the Region of Waterloo Official Plan Amendment No. 2 which identifies the lands as ‘Urban Designated Greenfield Area’ and will permit development of the subject lands for urban uses.

The proposed changes to the Zoning By-law to facilitate the development includes:

Breslau Properties and 2727995 Ontario Inc.

  • To rezone approximately 4.1 hectares (Blocks 3, 4, 21, 29 and 38) which back on to the existing residential lands on Cooper Crescent, Kennedy Road and Menno Street to Residential Mixed Medium Density with Design Guidelines (R-4A) (identified in yellow on Map 2) to provide for single detached housing;
  • To rezone approximately 10.1 hectares (Blocks 1, 2, 5 to 20, 22, 24 to 28 and 30 to 37) to Residential Mixed High Density with Design Guidelines (R-5A) (identified in yellow on Map 2) to provide for single detached housing;
  • To rezone approximately 4.5 hectares (Blocks 39 to 45), to Residential – Multiple with Design Guidelines (R-7A) (identified in orange on Map 2) to provide for street front townhouse housing;
  • To rezone approximately 9.6 hectares (Blocks 23, and 46 to 51) to Residential – Multiple / Design Guidelines / Mixed Use (R-7B) (identified in orange on Map 2) to provide for multiple residential housing;
  • To rezone approximately 1.6 hectares (Blocks 54 and 55) to Open Space (O-1) (identified in dark green on Map 2) for active parkland purposes;
  • To rezone an approximate 0.9 hectare block adjacent to Fountain Street North (Block 56) to Open Space (O-1) (identified in dark green on Map 2) for passive parkland purposes;
  • To rezone approximately 6.3 hectares (Blocks 59 to 65) located in the middle of the development to Open Space (O-2) (identified in light green) to recognize a Provincially Significant Wetland; and
  • To rezone approximately 3.4 hectares (Blocks 52 and 53) located on the north and south ends of the subject lands to Open Space (O-2) (identified in light green on Map 2) to develop storm water management facilities to service the development.

805232 Ontario Limited lands

  • To rezone approximately 0.8 hectares (Block 57) Commercial Mixed Use (C-4B) (identified in pink on Map 2) to provide for mixed use commercial / residential development; and
  • To rezone approximately 3.4 hectares (Block 58) to Residential – Multiple / Design Guidelines / Mixed Use (R-7B) (identified in orange on Map 2) to provide for medium density residential housing.

Approximately 9.9 hectares of land (identified in grey on Map 2) below the potential alignment of Ottawa Street are other lands owned by the applicants and are not being rezoned at this time.

Subdivision (Application 30T-20701)

The proposed changes to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law would provide for a subdivision plan totalling between 982 to 1,257 residential units and comprising of the following (see Map 3):

Breslau Properties lands:

  • 288 - 369 single detached units (Blocks 1 to 22 and 24 to 38);
  • 94 - 128 townhouse units (Blocks 39 to 45); and
  • 452 - 574 multiple residential units (Blocks 23, and 46 to 51).

805232 Ontario Limited lands:

  • 148 – 186 – medium density residential units.

The proposal will also include an approximate 0.8 hectares for a mixed use commercial / residential (Block 57) development.

The subdivision plan proposes connections / extensions to existing neighbouring streets including extending Dolman Street through to Fountain Street, Kennedy Road, Menno Street and a potential alignment to the proposed Ottawa Street extension.

The proposed storm water management facility (Blocks 52 and 53), passive open space/Provincially Significant Wetland (Blocks 56 and 60), active parkland (Blocks 54 and 55 ), walkways (Blocks 59 to 65), future street extensions and reserves will be conveyed to the Township. Lands identified as Blocks 61 to 66 are proposed to be conveyed to adjacent landowners.

The Subject lands will be developed in phases and will contain full municipal services (water, sanitary and storm).


Township Council adopted Official Plan Amendment #3 (OPA 3) on December 12th. OPA 3 will be forwarded to the Region of Waterloo for review and final approval. View the Notice of Adoption and a copy of the amendment in the Official Plan Amendment #3 folder on the right side of this page.


Township staff prepared a recommendation report regarding the Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for the Madwest Breslau Limited and Woolwich South Holdings Limited lands. A copy of the report can be viewed in the Recommendation Report folder.

The report was presented to Council on December 12th. The Council Agenda and recording of the meeting can be viewed at


Madwest Breslau Ltd. And Woolwich South Holdings Ltd provided materials in October that updated the materials previously provided in May 2023 that support the Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and the Plan of Subdivision. The resubmitted documents can be viewed in the Documents section on the right side of this page.

Below is a description of the changes that were made to the Plan of Subdivision and the associated Lotting Plan. There were no significant changes to the proposed Official Plan. The changes to the proposed Zoning By-law reflect the changes to the Plan of Subdivision and to address the proposed comprehensive Zoning By-law amendment.

Subdivision (Application 30T-20701) updates

The proposed changes would provide for a subdivision plan totalling between 1,372 and 2,429 units and comprised of the following:

Residential Portion:

Madwest Breslau Ltd. (Breslau Properties lands / 2727995 Ontario Inc.):

  • 293 single detached units;
  • Approximately 55-83 street related townhouse units;
  • Approximately 824-1,741 units as a mix of townhouses, back-to-back townhouses, stacked townhouses and apartments, with the following units that are identified on the Draft Plan of Subdivision:
    • 423 privately accessed townhouse units;
    • 100 back-to-back townhouse units;
    • 72 back-to-back stacked townhouse units;
    • 150 stacked townhouse units; and,
    • 180 apartment units in 2 apartment buildings.

Woolwich South Holdings Ltd. (805232 Ontario Limited) lands:

  • 12 single detached units;
  • 13-20 street related townhouse units;
  • Approximately 175-280 units as a mix of single detached, townhouses, back-to-back stacked townhouses and back-to-back stacked townhouses with live/work units with the following units that are identified on the Draft Plan of Subdivision:
    • 13 single detached dwellings;
    • 20 privately accessed townhouse units;
    • 88 back-to-back stacked units; and,
    • 64 back-to-back stacked units with live/work option.

The above noted individual (freehold) lots are broken down as follows for the entire development:

  • 47 single detached lots with 12.2 metre wide minimum;
  • 110 single detached lots with 10.4 metre wide minimum;
  • 148 single detached lots with 8.2 metre wide minimum; and,
  • 101 townhouse units with 6.1 metre wide minimum.

Othe Components:

  • 3 Stormwater Management Ponds (5.88 hectares – 14.53 acres)
  • 1 Park (1.17 hectares – 2.89 acres)
  • 2 Wetlands (7.62 hectares – 18.82 acres)
  • Open Space (1.01 hectares – 2.49 acres)
  • Pedestrian Walkways
  • Buffer areas
  • Servicing Access Blocks
  • Other Lands associated with Mader’s Lane


Madwest Breslau Limited and Woolwich South Holdings Limited have acquired the lands and resubmitted material in support of the applications for Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment. The resubmission documents can be viewed in the Documents section of this page.

Below is a description of the original submission as submitted in 2020. Supporting documents with the original submission can be viewed in the Ongoing Planning Items / Subdivision / Madwest Breslau Limited (formerly Breslau Properties) folder on the Township website at the following link: Breslau Properties


Applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment and Zone Change were submitted by Polocorp Inc. on behalf of their clients Breslau Properties Limited, 2727995 Ontario Inc. and 805232 Ontario Limited for the properties located at 33 and 37 Mader's Lane, vacant lands at the end of Mader's Lane, 118 Menno Street, 231 Woolwich Street South and vacant lands on the south side of Menno Street, Breslau.

Property Description

Polocorp Inc. on behalf of Breslau Properties, 2727995 Ontario Inc. and 805232 Ontario Limited (“Subject Lands”) has submitted the above-noted applications proposing to develop, for residential and mixed use commercial / residential purposes, the following lands:

  • Breslau Properties – total land holdings of approximately 56.2 ha for the lands identified as; 21 ha vacant land at the end of Mader’s Lane, 20 ha vacant land identified as 118 Menno Street, 14 ha vacant land on the south side of Menno Street and 1.2 ha lands located at 33 Mader’s Lane;
  • 2727995 Ontario Inc. – total land holdings of approximately 1.6 ha for the lands identified 37 Mader’s Lane; and
  • 805232 Ontario Limited – total land holdings of approximately 7 ha for the lands identified as 231 Woolwich Street South.

The subject lands identified as 33 and 37 Mader’s Lane together with a small portion of the vacant lands at the end of Mader’s Lane are located within the Settlement Boundary of Breslau and are designated Low / Medium Density Residential and Environmental Protection in the Township’s Official Plan while the balance of the lands are designated Rural Land Use Area / Restricted Land Use Area in the Township’s Official Plan. All of the lands are zoned Agricultural (A).

Official Plan (Application 1/2020) and Zoning (Application 3/2020)

The applicant is proposing to amend the Township’s Official Plan to incorporate the subject lands into the Breslau Settlement Area. The proposed amendment will bring the Township of Woolwich Official Plan into conformity with the Region of Waterloo Official Plan Amendment No. 2 which identifies the lands as ‘Urban Designated Greenfield Area’ and will permit development of the subject lands for urban uses.

The proposed changes to the Zoning By-law to facilitate the development includes:

Breslau Properties and 2727995 Ontario Inc.

  • To rezone approximately 4.1 hectares (Blocks 3, 4, 21, 29 and 38) which back on to the existing residential lands on Cooper Crescent, Kennedy Road and Menno Street to Residential Mixed Medium Density with Design Guidelines (R-4A) (identified in yellow on Map 2) to provide for single detached housing;
  • To rezone approximately 10.1 hectares (Blocks 1, 2, 5 to 20, 22, 24 to 28 and 30 to 37) to Residential Mixed High Density with Design Guidelines (R-5A) (identified in yellow on Map 2) to provide for single detached housing;
  • To rezone approximately 4.5 hectares (Blocks 39 to 45), to Residential – Multiple with Design Guidelines (R-7A) (identified in orange on Map 2) to provide for street front townhouse housing;
  • To rezone approximately 9.6 hectares (Blocks 23, and 46 to 51) to Residential – Multiple / Design Guidelines / Mixed Use (R-7B) (identified in orange on Map 2) to provide for multiple residential housing;
  • To rezone approximately 1.6 hectares (Blocks 54 and 55) to Open Space (O-1) (identified in dark green on Map 2) for active parkland purposes;
  • To rezone an approximate 0.9 hectare block adjacent to Fountain Street North (Block 56) to Open Space (O-1) (identified in dark green on Map 2) for passive parkland purposes;
  • To rezone approximately 6.3 hectares (Blocks 59 to 65) located in the middle of the development to Open Space (O-2) (identified in light green) to recognize a Provincially Significant Wetland; and
  • To rezone approximately 3.4 hectares (Blocks 52 and 53) located on the north and south ends of the subject lands to Open Space (O-2) (identified in light green on Map 2) to develop storm water management facilities to service the development.

805232 Ontario Limited lands

  • To rezone approximately 0.8 hectares (Block 57) Commercial Mixed Use (C-4B) (identified in pink on Map 2) to provide for mixed use commercial / residential development; and
  • To rezone approximately 3.4 hectares (Block 58) to Residential – Multiple / Design Guidelines / Mixed Use (R-7B) (identified in orange on Map 2) to provide for medium density residential housing.

Approximately 9.9 hectares of land (identified in grey on Map 2) below the potential alignment of Ottawa Street are other lands owned by the applicants and are not being rezoned at this time.

Subdivision (Application 30T-20701)

The proposed changes to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law would provide for a subdivision plan totalling between 982 to 1,257 residential units and comprising of the following (see Map 3):

Breslau Properties lands:

  • 288 - 369 single detached units (Blocks 1 to 22 and 24 to 38);
  • 94 - 128 townhouse units (Blocks 39 to 45); and
  • 452 - 574 multiple residential units (Blocks 23, and 46 to 51).

805232 Ontario Limited lands:

  • 148 – 186 – medium density residential units.

The proposal will also include an approximate 0.8 hectares for a mixed use commercial / residential (Block 57) development.

The subdivision plan proposes connections / extensions to existing neighbouring streets including extending Dolman Street through to Fountain Street, Kennedy Road, Menno Street and a potential alignment to the proposed Ottawa Street extension.

The proposed storm water management facility (Blocks 52 and 53), passive open space/Provincially Significant Wetland (Blocks 56 and 60), active parkland (Blocks 54 and 55 ), walkways (Blocks 59 to 65), future street extensions and reserves will be conveyed to the Township. Lands identified as Blocks 61 to 66 are proposed to be conveyed to adjacent landowners.

The Subject lands will be developed in phases and will contain full municipal services (water, sanitary and storm).

Page last updated: 13 Aug 2024, 12:23 PM