We're updating the city's transportation master plan and we need your help!

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We're done!! On April 19th, 2021 staff presented the final Transportation Master Plan (TMP) report to Waterloo city council. Following the presentation, council approved staff report IPPW2021-037 City of Waterloo Transportation Master Plan with one additional recommendation #6 which reads as follows:

6. That council direct staff to advance a city wide 30km/h posted speed limit option as part of the speed management report for Class 4 and 5 roads. Further that this 30km/h option be tabled for further public engagement before returning to council.

Based on the above direction, the final TMP report was adjusted accordingly and all volumes are now available (details on what is included in each section of the report is available in the Final TMP Staff Report news item).

Waterloo Transportation Master Plan 2020

Executive Summary

Introduction and Table of Contents

Volume 1: Foundations

Volume 2: Active Transportation Strategy

Volume 3: Roads, Transit and Future Mobility Strategies

Appendix A: Engagement Program

Appendix B: Updated Sidewalk Policy

Working Papers (Technical Memorandums)

Project Background

The City of Waterloo is undertaking a study to review and update the community's transportation master plan. The objectives of the study are to:

  • Develop a guiding transportation policy document
  • Provide more travel options;
  • Describe how to develop a community that is less reliant on cars for travel
  • Describe how the city can leverage recent investments in light rail transit (ION) and active transportation to encourage citizens to walk, cycle and use transit more

The revised plan will provide an up-to-date strategy for moving people and goods around the city now and into the future. With Waterloo changing and growing, the transportation system needs to adapt to who we are today and where we want to be in 25 years.

Please consider sharing your thoughts and comments on the future of transportation in the city through this page or by emailing WaterlooTMP@ptsl.com.

Thank You for Your Feedback in Phase 1!

Last summer, we asked community members where they go in Waterloo, what transportation modes they use, and what challenges they experience when moving around the city. You can read What We Heard in our Phase 1 Engagement Summary.

Phase 2 documents now available!

Our team has developed draft policy directions and network plans for the city’s future transportation system. The updated material includes information related to:

  • Guiding Philosophies and Strategies such as Complete Streets, Vision Zero and Emerging Technologies
  • Network Planning and Design guidance for active transportation and roadways; and
  • Operations and Maintenance strategies for winter maintenance of active transportation facilities and speed limits in the City.

A Technical Summary of the Phase 2 policy and planning work is now available in the Document Library.

Phase 3!

Although this project has experienced a few delays with city staff taking on other priorities during the pandemic, the third and final round of engagement for Waterloo’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is under way. On January 18, 2021 – staff are seeking Council approval to release the draft TMP report to the community for review. Feedback will be received until February 19 with staff targeting the final report for Council approval at the April 19, 2021 meeting. The current target for completion of the TMP is late 2020/early 2021

We're done!! On April 19th, 2021 staff presented the final Transportation Master Plan (TMP) report to Waterloo city council. Following the presentation, council approved staff report IPPW2021-037 City of Waterloo Transportation Master Plan with one additional recommendation #6 which reads as follows:

6. That council direct staff to advance a city wide 30km/h posted speed limit option as part of the speed management report for Class 4 and 5 roads. Further that this 30km/h option be tabled for further public engagement before returning to council.

Based on the above direction, the final TMP report was adjusted accordingly and all volumes are now available (details on what is included in each section of the report is available in the Final TMP Staff Report news item).

Waterloo Transportation Master Plan 2020

Executive Summary

Introduction and Table of Contents

Volume 1: Foundations

Volume 2: Active Transportation Strategy

Volume 3: Roads, Transit and Future Mobility Strategies

Appendix A: Engagement Program

Appendix B: Updated Sidewalk Policy

Working Papers (Technical Memorandums)

Project Background

The City of Waterloo is undertaking a study to review and update the community's transportation master plan. The objectives of the study are to:

  • Develop a guiding transportation policy document
  • Provide more travel options;
  • Describe how to develop a community that is less reliant on cars for travel
  • Describe how the city can leverage recent investments in light rail transit (ION) and active transportation to encourage citizens to walk, cycle and use transit more

The revised plan will provide an up-to-date strategy for moving people and goods around the city now and into the future. With Waterloo changing and growing, the transportation system needs to adapt to who we are today and where we want to be in 25 years.

Please consider sharing your thoughts and comments on the future of transportation in the city through this page or by emailing WaterlooTMP@ptsl.com.

Thank You for Your Feedback in Phase 1!

Last summer, we asked community members where they go in Waterloo, what transportation modes they use, and what challenges they experience when moving around the city. You can read What We Heard in our Phase 1 Engagement Summary.

Phase 2 documents now available!

Our team has developed draft policy directions and network plans for the city’s future transportation system. The updated material includes information related to:

  • Guiding Philosophies and Strategies such as Complete Streets, Vision Zero and Emerging Technologies
  • Network Planning and Design guidance for active transportation and roadways; and
  • Operations and Maintenance strategies for winter maintenance of active transportation facilities and speed limits in the City.

A Technical Summary of the Phase 2 policy and planning work is now available in the Document Library.

Phase 3!

Although this project has experienced a few delays with city staff taking on other priorities during the pandemic, the third and final round of engagement for Waterloo’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is under way. On January 18, 2021 – staff are seeking Council approval to release the draft TMP report to the community for review. Feedback will be received until February 19 with staff targeting the final report for Council approval at the April 19, 2021 meeting. The current target for completion of the TMP is late 2020/early 2021

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The draft of the City of Waterloo Transportation Master Plan 2020 Update (WTMP) is now available, and we want to know what you think! This strategic planning document will define the policies, programs and, infrastructure required to meet the city’s future transportation needs and fulfil Waterloo’s transportation vision. The 2020 WTMP provides new and updated policies and actions to address evolving transportation and land use issues facing the City of Waterloo.

    Three key components of the WTMP are the Winter Maintenance (Section 8.6, Volume 2, page 134), Vision Zero (Section 9.2.1 and 9.2.2, Volume 3, page 164) and Neighbourhood Wide 40 km/h Speed Limit (Section 9.2.3, Volume 3, page 168) policies, and we want to know if these draft policies are headed in the right direction. Please take some time to review the information in the draft WTMP, and share your thoughts with us.  The survey will be open for feedback until 11:59 p.m. Friday, February 19, 2021.

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Page last updated: 10 Jul 2024, 09:51 PM