Shape your park network: Kinzie Oaten and Idlewood

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We are taking a new approach to upgrading or improving neighbourhood parks and playgrounds. This approach looks at clusters of neighbourhood parks that are close to one another and considers them as part of a ‘parks network’. Instead of upgrading one park at a time, we will make changes across the whole network. This way, we can better serve the community by building a variety of features across the greater neighbourhood.

We are upgrading the park network across Centreville Chicopee and Stanley Park neighbourhoods. Kinzie Park, Oaten Park and Idlewood Park are part of this park network. We will also connect the park network upgrades with those happening at Centreville Chicopee Community Centre.

Subscribe for updates by adding your email to the Stay Informed box and clicking the 'Subscribe' button.

We are taking a new approach to upgrading or improving neighbourhood parks and playgrounds. This approach looks at clusters of neighbourhood parks that are close to one another and considers them as part of a ‘parks network’. Instead of upgrading one park at a time, we will make changes across the whole network. This way, we can better serve the community by building a variety of features across the greater neighbourhood.

We are upgrading the park network across Centreville Chicopee and Stanley Park neighbourhoods. Kinzie Park, Oaten Park and Idlewood Park are part of this park network. We will also connect the park network upgrades with those happening at Centreville Chicopee Community Centre.

Subscribe for updates by adding your email to the Stay Informed box and clicking the 'Subscribe' button.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We would like to hear your thoughts about the final designs. This survey will take 3-5 minutes to fill out. It closes Jan. 13, 2023.  

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Based on your feedback, we've created some suggested designs for the parks and are interested in your thoughts. What would you like to see in these parks and across the park network? This survey will take 5-15 minutes to fill out. It closes Sept. 30, 2022.  

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  • CLOSED: We are no longer accepting contributions to this survey.

    Help us create new designs for this park network! This survey will take 10 minutes to answer. 

    Tell us how you are using the parks now, how you might like to use them in future, and what features are most important to you. At this point, we are not making specific decisions on what will go into the parks exactly. We are looking for what general direction to head in, so our draft designs are relevant to you. You will get a chance to consider those drafts and share your feedback when they are ready. Survey closes March 14, 2022.

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Page last updated: 05 Jul 2024, 03:38 PM