Updating the City of Waterloo Official Plan

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About the project

We are updating our Official Plan throughout 2024. Follow this project page to stay informed of public engagement opportunities and updates. The City of Waterloo’s Official Plan is an important document that guides land use decision-making for the city. It represents council's vision for growth and change within the city, guided by the public interest.

The Official Plan was approved in 2012, but under provincial requirements, the plan must be reviewed every 10 years. A review of the city’s Official Plan will ensure the plan meets updated provincial planning requirements and is an opportunity to address local issues, needs and ensure the plan is consistent with any other policy documents that may have changed since the initial approval of the plan.

Getting involved

Feel free to ask questions using the Questions section. Sign up to get regular updates using the Follow Project feature, or provide comments and share your ideas using the Comments section on this this page.

About the project

We are updating our Official Plan throughout 2024. Follow this project page to stay informed of public engagement opportunities and updates. The City of Waterloo’s Official Plan is an important document that guides land use decision-making for the city. It represents council's vision for growth and change within the city, guided by the public interest.

The Official Plan was approved in 2012, but under provincial requirements, the plan must be reviewed every 10 years. A review of the city’s Official Plan will ensure the plan meets updated provincial planning requirements and is an opportunity to address local issues, needs and ensure the plan is consistent with any other policy documents that may have changed since the initial approval of the plan.

Getting involved

Feel free to ask questions using the Questions section. Sign up to get regular updates using the Follow Project feature, or provide comments and share your ideas using the Comments section on this this page.


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CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

The proposed plan superficially meets requirements but negates impact on those already in areas of development.
We thought we had moved into our "forever home" when we purchased a condo at Bauer Lofts during the concept stage---long before Waterloo ever considered intensifying.
We are now forced to move because the building of a 30-storey building right outside our livingroom window means we will have no sunlight. Losing a view is an acceptable thing for the greater good, however, approval to lose one's sunlight, especially in winter, is inapprehensible.

becauseitmatters about 1 month ago

I hope that the region recognizes the values of the greenspaces that are frequently used in our are such as the hydrocut (there are tens of thousands of people who mountain bike there every year...it is even a destination for people out of town) and private property like Schneider's Woods that is open for cross country skiing only in the winter months and for hiking in the summer. Many residents value living here because of special places like these that allow us to engage with nature. Please try to protect areas like these at all costs. Enough money goes to developers. If the pandemic taught us anything, it is that we need outdoor spaces and natural spaces in the city and close to the city.

TH over 2 years ago

I would be great if development would be built to enhance & preserve Waterloo's unique character - with a strong emphasis on context and aesthetics.

daniel_kryz almost 4 years ago

I hope Waterloo will make planting native trees a priority in their future plans because this is an important component to fight climate change

SG almost 4 years ago

Removed by moderator.

Erika about 4 years ago

By 2050, Waterloo’s population is expected to increase by 75%, where the region will see corresponding increases in development. With respect to City’s 2019 Corporate Climate Change Action Plan , an increase in development calls attention to the issues that come with climate change, such as urban heat island effects and stormwater management. How will the Official Plan incorporate green initiatives to mitigate these impacts? How will the Official Plan address these challenges associated with development and offsetting the impacts of urbanization?

Erika about 4 years ago

In the next few years, the automotive companies are converting to electric based vehicles which are non-polluting. I own an electric vehicle/hybrid now and 1.2 L/ 100 km. In addition, driverless vehicles are expected to come on line. What I see is bike lanes. Not the future of electric vehicles and driverless vehicles. How will the official plan address this. Also, some of us commute out of town to work where a GO train is not available. How do you address this in your official plan.

JoLogicCommonSense about 4 years ago
Page last updated: 20 Jan 2025, 12:14 PM