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23. OTTO Motors
1425 Strasburg Rd., Suite 2A, Kitchener, @OTTOMotors,
Access by guided tour only. OTTO Motors, a division of Clearpath Inc., designs, manufactures, and operates self-driving vehicles to automate material movement inside busy factories and warehouses. Using self-driving technology much like the Google Car, the easy-to-use OTTO vehicles move inventory in a safe and flexible manner throughout the indoor supply chain. Customers include Fortune 100 brands like General Electric, John Deere, and Toyota. Stop by our office for a tour and see where our self-driving vehicles are tested, watch live demos, and talk with our team. Our products are transforming how the world’s largest companies work and we won’t stop until human driving becomes obsolete. Come and find out how you can be part of the OTTO Motors team!
• Parking
• Full Wheelchair Access
• Washrooms
• Guided tours