Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction
This project supports the Region of Waterloo's strategic focus area(s):
The Region will be reconstructing Snyder's Road between Foundry Street and Gingerich Road starting in the spring of 2021. This project will be divided into stages to minimize disruption to the public and businesses with progress and major milestones being posted on this project page.
Due to the nature of the work, detours will be required to take traffic around the construction zone and will be posted in advance of construction starting. Local traffic will be maintained as much as possible with some driveway access disruptions during underground servicing, concrete placement and other associated works.
This project supports the Region of Waterloo's strategic focus area(s):
The Region will be reconstructing Snyder's Road between Foundry Street and Gingerich Road starting in the spring of 2021. This project will be divided into stages to minimize disruption to the public and businesses with progress and major milestones being posted on this project page.
Due to the nature of the work, detours will be required to take traffic around the construction zone and will be posted in advance of construction starting. Local traffic will be maintained as much as possible with some driveway access disruptions during underground servicing, concrete placement and other associated works.
Update - May 24, 2023
Share Update - May 24, 2023 on Facebook Share Update - May 24, 2023 on Twitter Share Update - May 24, 2023 on Linkedin Email Update - May 24, 2023 linkOur Contractor is continuing to work on Snyder's Road between Foundry Street and Gingerich Road.
Since mobilizing, the Stage 2A (Foundry Street to just west of Coachman's Lane) bike lanes are complete and underground servicing between Coachman's Lane to Whiting Way is on-going.
Due to the depth of pipe, unexpected groundwater levels and poor soil conditions a redesign of approximately 100m of sanitary sewer just east of Coachman's Lane which will require additional time and effort to complete the work. During this time, 24 hour groundwater pumping is required to maintain levels until the redesign is complete and installation can continue.
In an effort to try and limit impacts to the schedule the Contractor is instead installing the sanitary sewer upstream of the redesign area where conditions are more favourable to tie into the 2021/22 works. In order to complete this work, 24 hour sanitary bypass pumping is also needed to carry waste water from the work zone to downstream of the redesign area to discharge into the new 2022 constructed sanitary system west of Coachman's Lane.
We apologize for the inconvenience the 24 hour pumping operations cause, however it is necessary to facilitate the work.
It is imperative that no resident at anytime try to disrupt the operation of the generators running the pumping operations.
Also, due to the work, access to Sir Adam Beck Park has needed to change from time to time and will continue to do so depending on the operations. Currently access into the park is to be from the west.
We ask that local residents take note of these changes and modify their routes in the event passage is prohibited, Most importantly slow down to ensure everyone's safety.
Click HERE for an update on: working hours; access and traffic; parking; garbage and recycling; and Canada Post. You will also find direct contact information for key staff members responsible for this project.
Week Forecast:
Complete sidewalks, driveway aprons, offline parking between Foundry Street and Coachman's Lane.
Continuing mainline sanitary sewer and watermain installation from approximately 100m east of Coachman's Lane to Whiting Way.
Commence installation of the100m of sanitary sewer requiring redesign.
A reminder to please follow the Waste Management Guidelines regarding waste and recycling during construction.
We would please ask that these guidelines be followed and residents ensure all that all waste materials/bins/containers be marked clearly with your address and that items be placed before 6.a.m. to avoid unnecessary issues with the collection/relocation process.
To report a problem with collection please use:
As was stated last construction season, if you witness any suspicious activity, have any known upcoming deliveries, are potentially moving or have any other access related matters please reach out to the Region's onsite inspector Jeremy Bieniarz (WalterFedy) at 519-465-0539 or as soon as possible.
Please use the subscribe button on this page to be notified of future project updates
Thanks for your patience while we continue the upgrades along Snyder's Road.
Notice - Spring 2023 Start Up
Share Notice - Spring 2023 Start Up on Facebook Share Notice - Spring 2023 Start Up on Twitter Share Notice - Spring 2023 Start Up on Linkedin Email Notice - Spring 2023 Start Up linkThe contractor, Bel-Air will mobilizing Monday April, 3, 2023 to continue work on Snyder's Road between Foundry Street and Gingerich Road.
Click HERE for an update on: working hours; access and traffic; parking; garbage and recycling; and Canada Post. You will also find direct contact information for key staff members responsible for this project.
The start of construction is always confusing with new traffic control & directional signage being installed throughout the neighbourhood.We ask that local residents take note of these changes and modify their routes in the event passage is prohibited, Most importantly slow down to ensure everyone's safety.
2 Week Forecast:
Layout and installation of temporary watermain which will result in intermitted driveway disruptions (while the pipe is buried through driveways) as well as commencing removals of asphalt, curb, and topsoil
A reminder to please follow the Waste Management Guidelines regarding waste and recycling during construction.
We would please ask that these guidelines be followed and residents ensure all that all waste materials/bins/containers be marked clearly with your address and that items be placed before 6.a.m. to avoid unnecessary issues with the collection/relocation process.
To report a problem with collection please use:
As was stated last construction season, if you witness any suspicious activity, have any known upcoming deliveries, are potentially moving or have any other access related matters please reach out to the Region's onsite inspector Jeremy Bieniarz (WalterFedy) at 519-465-0539 or as soon as possible.
Please use the subscribe button on this page to be notified of future project updates
Thanks for your patience while we continue the upgrades along Snyder's Road.
Winter Shutdown 2022
Share Winter Shutdown 2022 on Facebook Share Winter Shutdown 2022 on Twitter Share Winter Shutdown 2022 on Linkedin Email Winter Shutdown 2022 linkHello,
Thank you for your ongoing patience and understanding over the past year as we again continued necessary upgrades to Snyder’s Road; but we’re still not quite done yet.
We faced similar issues encountered in 2021 that have continued to set us back on our timelines including extremely poor ground conditions due to groundwater, material shortages and inclement weather.
For those reasons, we need to complete the remainder of the work this year.
The road will remain open to two-way traffic through the winter until the contractor can begin work this spring.
2022 Work completed
Foundry Street to Coachman’s Lane
The contractor has completed approximately 75 per cent of the work required in this area including full reconstruction and paving, sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer installation.
2022 Work outstanding
Foundry Street to Coachman’s Lane
Outstanding in this area is the construction of separated cycling lanes, sidewalks, driveway aprons and landscaping. We’ve scheduled work to start in mid to late April, and anticipate it will take approximately a month and half to complete (April 2023 – June 2023).
Coachman’s Lane to Whiting Way East
Outstanding in this area is the installation of new sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer, and the construction of separated cycling facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, and new pavement structures consistent with the sections already completed. We’ve scheduled work to start in mid to late April and anticipated it will take three to four months to complete (April 2023 – August 2023).
Foundry Street to Whiting Way East
Any outstanding deficiencies and surface asphalt along this area is anticipated to be done in August 2023.
Notices, have been delivered to those directly adjacent or in the close proximity to the construction, however if you did not receive one please find a copy (click here for letter) .
New work 2023/2024
Snyder’s Road/Foundry Street
A new contract will be tendered in 2023 to undertake work on Snyder’s Road from Foundry Street to Christian Street as well as on Foundry Street between Snyder’s Road and Charles Street. We expect this work to start in late 2023 and carry through the 2024 construction season. We will provide more details once the contract is awarded. Letters will be delivered prior to construction commencing in the spring of 2023 to update timing, contacts as well as provide details of the work.
The spring start-up letter and any other project specific notices may be posted on this site so residents are also encouraged to please check regularly.
Snyder’s Road Foundry Street to Christian Street
Work in this area will include full road reconstruction and paving, installation of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer, cycling lanes, sidewalk and landscaping.
Foundry Street – Snyder’s Road to Charles Street
Work in this area includes installation of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer, and post underground utility installation work.
A friendly reminder that:
Concrete separated cycling lanes
As a reminder, the separated cycling facility installed on both sides of Snyder’s Road are not to be used to park vehicles on at any time. Tickets will be issued to motorists that disregard this bylaw.Sidewalk snow clearing
The Township of Wilmot would also like to remind all property owners that you are required to remove snow and ice from sidewalks adjacent to their property within 24 hours of a winter storm. More information can be found at updates
Visit the online project page at to get the latest project updates.
Contact Information during winter season
General road information
Region of Waterloo Call Centre, 519-575-4400
Township of Wilmot, 519-634-8444Project specific related inquiries
Josh Eldridge – WalterFedy, 226-808-4678
Chris Powell – WalterFedy, 226-748-3035
Ken Brisbois – Region of Waterloo, 519-240-2995 kbrisbois@regionofwaterloo.caThank you for your on-going patience and cooperation.
Notice - Sept 3, 2022
Share Notice - Sept 3, 2022 on Facebook Share Notice - Sept 3, 2022 on Twitter Share Notice - Sept 3, 2022 on Linkedin Email Notice - Sept 3, 2022 linkIt's that time - Kids are back to school!
This update is provide details of progress and look ahead over the next 2 weeks and forecasting into the seasonal shutdown.
Surface asphalt has been placed on 2021 works in Stage 1A & 1B & 1C between Whiting Way and Gingerich Road.
Driveways within Stage 1C are to be paved this week weather permitting.
Topsoil and sod has been placed and residents within Stage 1C as well and notices were delivered which provide tips for the best success at establishing the new turf. Our contractor will be responsible until the spring of 2023 due to the time it has been placed which will include the first mowing as well as core aeration in the next month or so.
As noted in the last update - those residents within Stage 1A & 1B should already be maintaining the sod along frontages as well as within the boulevard
There are some isolated areas that were identified for replacement as they did not establish well and the landscaping contractor will be scheduling to complete these areas in the coming weeks when the temperatures are more favorable. Areas approaching Gingerich Road that received seeding versus sod will also be addressed in the near future as they also did not meet requirements and therefore will tilled and re-seeded again once temperatures are favorable to do so.
Sanitary sewer installation is complete between Brewery Street to west of Brubacher Street and currently the contractor is working on installing watermain with this same section. Dewatering challenges continue to impact installation and limit production rates and prolonging the construction progress. Once the watermain is in, the contractor will begin the sanitary and watermain servicing to each resident.
Our Contractor has also began sanitary installation from Brewery Street westerly towards Foundry Street, however further dewatering measures ahead of the installation are required which is delaying progress.
Currently motorists and pedestrians can access businesses between Brewery Street and Brubacher Street via Brewery Street and into next week access on Snyder's Road from the east should be available. As usual if you have issues or questions regarding access and how to navigate the work area or just general enquiries regarding the construction taking place please do not hesitate to reach out to the Region's onsite inspector Jeremy Bieniarz (WalterFedy) at 519-465-0539 or
Please be mindful that excavations may be left open at night to aid the Contractor’s production and progress, along with maintain the dewatering operations.
As mentioned in the last update, due to the delays encountered again this construction season a portion of work between Brubacher Street and Whiting Way will need to be deferred until next construction season. Deferring this work will allow our Contractor time to compete the current active work zone and properly prepare again for winter shutdown by November 15.
A letter will be distributed closer to the winter shutdown period with more details
Thank you for your continued patience.
Notice - July 29, 2022
Share Notice - July 29, 2022 on Facebook Share Notice - July 29, 2022 on Twitter Share Notice - July 29, 2022 on Linkedin Email Notice - July 29, 2022 linkHopefully residents are enjoying summer with friends and family!
This update is provide details of progress and look ahead over the next 2 weeks and forecasting into the seasonal shutdown.
Concrete works in Stage 1C are now finally complete despite ongoing concrete supply shortages across the province affecting all construction projects.
Driveways within Stage 1C are being prepared for asphalt and topsoil placement along frontages and within boulevards is expected to be placed prior to surface asphalt in preparation for sod placement when weather is favorable.
As was noted on the last update the Contractor is also using isolated lane closures to address some deficiencies from Forler Street to Gingerich Road in preparation of surface asphalt placement August 13 & 14.
A letter was delivered to residents adjacent construction back in June providing details for the paving operation and details with a link to the letter can be found on the June 20th update or by clicking HERE.
Please note that those residents within Stage 1A & 1B should be maintaining the sod along frontages as well as within the boulevard as the contractor has satisfied requirements of spring fertilization, aeration and first mowing. There are some isolated areas that were identified for replacement as they did not establish well and the landscaping contractor will be scheduling to complete these areas in the coming weeks when the temperatures are more favorable. Areas approaching Gingerich Road that received seeding versus sod will also be addressed in the near future as they also did not meet requirements and therefore will tilled and re-seeded again once temperatures are favorable to do so.
A detour will be posted and residents are asked to avoid the area as access to Snyder's Road will not be available during the paving operation and until the newly placed asphalt mat reaches a temperature safe to drive on.
Sanitary sewer installation is still on-going east of Brewery Street and as was communicated in the last update progress continues to be slower then normal due to poor soil conditions. Dewatering challenges with the sanitary installation is limiting production rates and prolonging the construction progress.
Our Contractor has reached Foell Street intersection and is progressing towards Brubacher Street with hopes that conditions improve.
Please be mindful that excavations will be left open at night to aid the Contractor’s production and progress, along with maintain the dewatering operations.
Due to the delays encountered again this construction season a portion of work between Brubacher Street and Whiting Way will need to be deferred until next construction season. Deferring this work will allow our Contractor time to compete the current active work zone and properly prepare again for winter shutdown by November 15.
A letter will be distributed closer to the winter shutdown period with more details
As usual motorists and pedestrians can reach out to the Region's onsite inspector Jeremy Bieniarz (WalterFedy) at 519-465-0539 or if their are questions regarding routes to navigate through site as the construction operations are ongoing or any other site related questions.
Thank you for your continued patience.
Notice - July 11, 2022
Share Notice - July 11, 2022 on Facebook Share Notice - July 11, 2022 on Twitter Share Notice - July 11, 2022 on Linkedin Email Notice - July 11, 2022 linkConcrete works in Stage 1C are unfortunately still ongoing as the industry is currently undergoing concrete supply shortages across the province which is affecting all construction projects at this time.
- Exact timing of the sidewalks at this time is unknown and residents will be notified of driveway disruptions when this work is able to occur.
In addition to the outstanding sidewalks in Stage 1C, the Contractor is also using isolated lane closures to address some deficiencies from Gingerich Road to Whiting Way.
Sanitary sewer installation is on-going at Brewery Street and heading east and due to unfavorable site conditions progress has been slower then we had hoped. Dewatering challenges with the sanitary installation is limiting production rates and prolonging the construction progress. Please be mindful that excavations will be left open at night to aid the Contractor’s production and progress, along with maintain the dewatering operations.
Motorists should speak to the Region's onsite inspector Jeremy Bieniarz (WalterFedy) at 519-465-0539 or regarding the best route to navigate through site as the construction operations are ongoing.
Thank you for your continued patience.
Notice - June 20, 2022
Share Notice - June 20, 2022 on Facebook Share Notice - June 20, 2022 on Twitter Share Notice - June 20, 2022 on Linkedin Email Notice - June 20, 2022 linkThe Towns
hip of Wilmot will be making a request on behalf of the Region and its Contractor reconstructing Snyder's Road at its June 27 Council meeting for a noise bylaw exemption to undertake paving operations during weekend hours.
The dates being proposed by the contractor to place surface asphalt on Snyder’s Road between East Whiting Way and Gingerich Road are Saturday August 13th and 14th, 2022 and alternatively August 20th and 21st, 2022 and to occur between the hours of 7:00am and 9:00pm.
Please see the letter being delivered to those residents in the immediate area for more details by clicking here.
Update - June 10, 2022
Share Update - June 10, 2022 on Facebook Share Update - June 10, 2022 on Twitter Share Update - June 10, 2022 on Linkedin Email Update - June 10, 2022 linkDespite less then ideal weather conditions this spring, our contractor has been making progress and is nearing completion of Stage 1C including new watermain, sanitary and storm.
The next 2-1/3 weeks will be for surface works including curb installation, bike lane and sidewalk installation, base asphalt paving as well as landscaping occur within Stage 1C.
In order to retain the current schedule, the contractor has commenced with Stage 2A between Brubacher Street and Foundry Street and access for the residents within this workzone will be east on Snyder’s Road towards Sandhills. Asphalt has been removed as well as installation of temporary watermain is on-going and will be followed by sanitary sewer installation.
Please see the updated construction timing schedule for the active/future work areas - Click HERE
As noted, Stage 1C construction between Schneller Drive and Forler Street is still ongoing until the end of June so motorists will need to be patient to pass through this area, or ideally find alternate routes.
Residents and businesses within the immediate road closures will be communicated with as required to coordinate access as construction progresses.
We understand the changes in access during a road reconstruction can be frustrating, however in order to keep the current schedule and we continue to thank you for your patience.
We ask that local residents take note of these changes and modify their routes in the event passage is prohibited, Most importantly slow down to ensure everyone's safety.
A reminder to please follow the Waste Management Guidelines regarding waste and recycling during construction.
We would please ask that these guidelines be followed and residents ensure all that all waste materials/bins/containers be marked clearly with your address and that items be placed before 6.a.m. to avoid unnecessary issues with the collection/relocation process.
To report a problem with collection please use:
An on-going issue continues to occur after hours where vehicles are accessing the workzone and causing a disturbance to both the residents as well as worsening the already less then ideal site conditions. If you witness any suspicious activity, have any known upcoming deliveries, are potentially moving or have any other access related matters please reach out to the Region's onsite inspector Jeremy Bieniarz (WalterFedy) at 519-465-0539 or as soon as possible.
Thanks for your patience while we continue the upgrades along Snyder's Road.
Update - April 2, 2022
Share Update - April 2, 2022 on Facebook Share Update - April 2, 2022 on Twitter Share Update - April 2, 2022 on Linkedin Email Update - April 2, 2022 linkThe contractor, Bel-Air is mobilizing to start Stage 1C carry over work between Forler Street and Schneller Drive on Monday April, 4, 2022.
Click HERE for an update on: working hours; access and traffic; parking; garbage and recycling; and Canada Post. You will also find direct contact information for key staff members responsible for this project.
The start of construction is always confusing with new traffic control & directional signage being installed throughout the neighbourhood.We ask that local residents take note of these changes and modify their routes in the event passage is prohibited, Most importantly slow down to ensure everyone's safety.
2 Week Forecast:
Layout and installation of temporary watermain which will result in intermitted driveway disruptions (while the pipe is buried through driveways) as well as commencing removals of asphalt, curb, and topsoil
Click HERE to see the notice that was distributed last week regarding the upcoming water shutdown scheduled for Tuesday April 5, 2022.
A reminder to please follow the Waste Management Guidelines regarding waste and recycling during construction.
We would please ask that these guidelines be followed and residents ensure all that all waste materials/bins/containers be marked clearly with your address and that items be placed before 6.a.m. to avoid unnecessary issues with the collection/relocation process.
To report a problem with collection please use:
As was stated last construction season, if you witness any suspicious activity, have any known upcoming deliveries, are potentially moving or have any other access related matters please reach out to the Region's onsite inspector Jeremy Bieniarz (WalterFedy) at 519-465-0539 or as soon as possible.
Please use the subscribe button on this page to be notified of future project updates
Thanks for your patience while we continue the upgrades along Snyder's Road.
Update - November 17, 2021
Share Update - November 17, 2021 on Facebook Share Update - November 17, 2021 on Twitter Share Update - November 17, 2021 on Linkedin Email Update - November 17, 2021 linkWinter Shutdown:
Snyder's Road reopened to 2 way travel from Gingerich Road to Foundry Street on November 15. The Contractor is still onsite completing various tasks before vacating site for the winter season, however is doing so under single lane closures utilizing flaggers.
Notices, have been delivered to those directly adjacent or in the close proximity to the construction, however if you did not receive one please find a copy (click here for letter) .
The map below shows the contract limits and and timing/status for each stage of construction within the 2021/2022 seasons.
Details of what work was completed or will be completed in each of the stages above can be found in the letter linked above.
A couple of important reminders to residents:
Concrete Separated Cycling Lanes
Residents should note that the newly separated cycling facility installed on both sides of Snyder’s Road is NOT to be used to park vehicles on at any time.
Sidewalk Clearing
A reminder from the Township that all property owners are required to remove snow and ice from sidewalks adjacent to their property within 24 hours of a winter storm.
More information can be found at:
Contact Information during winter season
Region of Waterloo Call Centre
Township of Wilmot
(519) 575-4400
(519) 634-8444
Chris Powell – WalterFedy
Josh Eldridge - WalterFedy
(226) 748-3035
Ken Brisbois – Region of Waterloo
(519) 240-2995
Letters will be delivered prior to construction commencing in the spring of 2022 to update timing, contacts as well as provide details of the work. The spring start-up letter and any other project specific notices may be posted on this site so residents are encouraged to please check regularly.
We would like to say thank you to all residents and businesses in the construction area for being so patient understanding during the 2021 construction season as this project reaches a step towards it's ultimate completion.
Enjoy the holiday season and stay safe.
Documents for Viewing
2023 Construction
2022 Construction
Snyder's Road Reconstruction - Contact List (214 KB) (pdf)
Updated Construction Staging Timing (235 KB) (pdf)
Contract 2022-107 - Noise Bylaw Letter (272 KB) (pdf)
How to Sort Your Waste (4.03 MB) (pdf)
Water Shutdown Map & Notice - 2022.04.05.pdf (301 KB) (pdf)
Snyder's Road Reconstruction - Letter to Adjacent Property Owners Regarding Upcoming Construction April 2022 (999 KB) (pdf)
Waste Collection During Construction 2022 (1.08 MB) (pdf)
2021 Construction
2021 Winter Shutdown Letter.pdf (769 KB) (pdf)
Notice & Parking Map - Sept 28, 2021.pdf (2.23 MB) (pdf)
Water Shut Off Notice Snyder's Rd. August 11 2021 9-5.pdf (203 KB) (pdf)
Snyder's Road Reconstruction - Letter to Adjacent Property Owners Regarding Upcoming Construction (1.3 MB) (pdf)
Snyder's Road Reconstruction - DST Letter to Adjacent Property Owners Regarding Preconstruction Condition Survey (91.7 KB) (pdf)
Past Reports
Public Consultation Centre #1
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stage -
Public Consultation Centre #2
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stage -
Parking Workshop - 2017
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stage -
Public Consultation Centre #3
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stage -
Council Project Design Approval
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stage -
Contract Tender & Award
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stageContract 2021-107 Tendered March 5, 2021 - April 21, 2021 Council
2021 - Stage 1 Construction
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stageReconstruction of Snyder's Road from 200 m west of Forler Street to Gingerich Road to commence in May 2021 with expected completion November 2021.
Construction Shutdown for Winter November 2021
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stage -
Stage 1C - 2021 Carry Over Work
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction has finished this stageForler Street - Schneller Drive April 2022 - July 2022
2022 - Stage 2 Construction
Village of Baden - Snyder's Road Reconstruction is currently at this stageReconstruction of Snyder's Road from 200 m west of Forler Street to Foundry Street Road to commence in April 2022 with expected completion November 2022.
2023 Construction
this is an upcoming stage for Village of Baden - Snyder's Road ReconstructionReconstruction of Snyder's Road from Brubacher Street to Whiting Way & Remaining Works Under Contract 2021-107 scheduled to commence in spring of 2023 with completion in fall of this year.
2023 Contract and 2023/2024 Works
this is an upcoming stage for Village of Baden - Snyder's Road ReconstructionNew Contract to be tendered in 2023 for Snyder's Road Reconstruction from Foundry Street to Christian Street as well as sanitary and watermain installation on Foundry Street from Snyder's Road to Charles Street. Work is planned to commence in late 2023 through 2024.
- Why is the Region of Waterloo undertaking this project?
- What improvements will be made to Snyder's Road
- Who was responsible for planning these Improvements?
- How will the improvements enhance the cycling and pedestrian environment on Snyder's Road
- How will on-road parking be affected by this project?
- Are any heritage resources impacted by the improvements?
- How will private property, trees, driveways and lawns be affected?
- How will traffic and access to properties be accommodated during construction?
- How do the improvements relate to the objectives of the Regional Official Plan, the Regional Transportation Master Plan and the Regional Transportation Corridor Design Guidelines?
Follow Project
Who's listening
Phone 519-575-4400 Email -
Phone 519-575-4400 Email
Notice of Collection
All comments and information received from individuals, stakeholder groups and agencies regarding this project are being collected to assist the Region of Waterloo in making a decisions.
Under the “Municipal Act”, all personal information such as name, address, telephone number, and property location that may be included in a submission becomes part of the public record.
If you have questions regarding this collection please contact Ken Brisbois, Region of Waterloo - Project Manager (Design and Construction) at 519-575-4400.